The popular term "antichrist" used to refer to the beast is more correctly the spirit that defines him. Christ and Messiah or Mashiach, are words that means anointed, so antichrist means anti-anointed. Webster's definition for the word "anti" is: 1 a : of the same kind but situated opposite, exerting energy in the opposite direction, or pursuing an opposite policy. This "of-the-same-kind" feature of the coming beast indicates that the man also referred to as the lawless one will be Christ-like in his attributes and activities. Such Christ-likeness is very evident as you follow in this Beast Watch section what looks like a Public Relations campaign for a particular candidate.
There is a particular day on the calendar appointed for a particular sign, so informed watchers make special note of what happens on this day. The watch date is the 13th day of the first month on the Lord's calendar. It fell on April 11-12 in 2006. What was Bill Clinton doing? Well, this year on this day he wasn't baptized into Priesthood, as he was into the Hindu priesthood in the important forshadowing year 2001, (thus modeling what we should expect in 2008) but he did make the news. If you're familar the recommended background studies (see below) you may recognize what I see as modeling Messiah in this years activity.
In brief, the sign that is the revelation of the lawless one will be after the pattern of the baptism and anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ. At His baptism Jesus received a gift; the anointing by which he became the Messiah or anointed one. Subsequent to that event he ministered fulfilling the public portion of what needed to be done as prophesied. He went about doing good. The baptism or anointing event marked the point in his life that was more than just a symbolic transition from death to life. Prior to the baptism, he lived a kind of "death" life with no public miracle ministry. Just before being dipped, he received the sins of Israel by way of John the Baptist (Day of atonement - The High Priest transfers sins of Israel on the goat chosen by lot for the Lord before it is sacrificed)
So, Bill Clinton gave two speeches in New York on the day of primary interest. The first was at the International Monetary Fund where he received the Fulbright Award. The second was given to InterAction, an alliance of humanitarian organizations. It was reported that just prior to this while in New York on the evening of Monday April 10 Bill referred to himself as "the world's most famous sinner." By itself, of course, this means nothing. However, the wise consider such in the context of related facts. So we observe a sequence of three things: He makes a very interesting statement associating himself with sin, receives a special GIFT and then is seen going about doing good ministering to the poor and needy of the world. That is the baptism and anointing model!
Was this the very sign for the church? No, but merely a shadow of what is yet to come.
"The world's most famous sinner." Is this a tongue-in-cheek self-reference by the man of sin?
II Thessalonians 2:3: (KJV)
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
The wages of sin is death, according to Romans 6:23. The only fix or cure for sin is death - blood has to be shed. Hebrews 9:22
Again, because this is such an important matter, baptism models the resurrection transition - dipped in water pictures death while coming up out of the water pictures what had been dead coming forth in new life! This new life is an anointing with spirit. It is a GIFT from the Heavenly Father. The one baptized receives a gift that empowers him. Then with this new life, one goes about doing good, ministering among the people. This is the model, and this is what happened. Why did Bill follow this baptism model on an anniversary of the day others like Judas Iscariat, Barrabas, Herod, Haman before him modeled it? Baptism reveals, that's what it's for. It is important to be able to be discerning of all truth, including knowning the identity of key people in key roles when it matters. As marked by II Thessalonians 2, deception and delusion will characterize this time. How are you doing? Are you paying attention? Are you discerning?
Related links:
The Sign for the Bride
Baptism - The Prophecy
Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement
News and such:
Clinton says he would have died for Israel
By Khalid Hasan - Daily Times - Site Edition Sunday, August 04, 2002
WASHINGTON: Former US President Bill Clinton who many Arab thoughts was more even-handed on the Palestine question than his predecessors shocked many when he asserted in Toronto last week that had Israel been attacked by Iraq or Iran during his presidency, he would have been ready to “grab a rifle, get in a ditch and fight and die.”
“The Israelis know that if the Iraqi or the Iranian army came across the Jordan River, I would personally grab a rifle, get in a ditch, and fight and die,” Clinton told the crowd at a fund-raising event for a Toronto Jewish charity Monday.
Clinton references Isaiah
"to be a repairer of the breach -- all of us"
Text of President Clinton's statement after his impeachment, as transcribed by the Federal Document Clearing House
* For Clinton, a Chance to Evoke Better Days - April 13, 2006
* Bill Clinton Learns to Laugh at His Past - April 12
Excerpt: "Accepting the prize, Clinton urged the United States to seek PEACE before war."
Relevant Scripture: Daniel 8:25: KJV : "And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by PEACE shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand."
* Former U.S. President William Jefferson Clinton receives Fulbright Prize (pdf)
* Fulbright Association
* Wikipedia entry for Fulbright Fellowship/Program
* InterAction - InterAction is the largest alliance of U.S.-based international development and humanitarian nongovernmental organizations.
* A Video of Bill's speech to InterAction
* A Great Clinton Regret: Race Disparity - April 11, 2006
Bill continues his successful CGI work:
Clinton Wants Billions to Aid World's Poor - March 31, 2006
The following poignant picture and article exhibits a distinct "of the same kind"-ness with the genuine Messiah. This image reminds me of the "Sunday School" song: "Jesus loves the little children."
Bill Clinton Urges World to Aid the Poor
Mar 16 10:34 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
Former President Clinton welcomed Heifer International to his neighborhood Thursday, dedicating the charity's new world headquarters with a plea for everyone to "give them your hand" and fight hunger.
"Ordinary people of modest means have the power to change lives half a world away," Clinton said in a two-hour ceremony that featured music and dance from among the 50 countries that Heifer serves.
Heifer International provides livestock to poor families, plus training on how to help them produce an income. The families who receive the animals _ from cattle to ducks to bees _ are expected to pass the animals' offspring to others.
Heifer International enjoys a higher profile overseas than it does at home and Thursday's dedication aimed to draw more attention to its work through appearances by Clinton and Jeffrey Sachs, director of the United Nations anti-poverty Millennium Project.
Heifer International is part of a philanthropic corridor developing along the Arkansas River. Clinton's library and school of public service are next door to Heifer International and the region is also home to Winrock International, which runs programs worldwide to help rural residents achieve a balance between food and income while managing natural resources.
Roughly 500 people attended the dedication.
Bill Clinton, world savior? Former president hosting private summit aimed at solving problems facing mankind
"I am thrilled that world leaders from both the public and private sectors have agreed to support me and come together to make a difference," said Clinton. "And what we begin during three days in September will not end with the closing session of our event. My foundation will take the ideas we develop and keep working with our Global Initiative participants and others to achieve tangible results."
The goal is to identify immediate and pragmatic solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems, which Clinton has divided into four themes: how to reduce poverty, using religion as a force for reconciliation and conflict resolution, implementing new business strategies and technologies to combat climate change, and strengthening governance.
Clinton backs Blair's Labour Party in British election
AFP image
At Davos Forum, Every Topic Is Fair Game for Bill Clinton
The spiritual side Hillary wants you to see.
Sen. Clinton urges use of faith-based initiatives
Here's a match made in heaven.
Presidents: Bubba and Dubya—Warming Up
Former US President Bill Clinton urged countries to take a co-ordinated approach to relief efforts today as a UN official warned that the Asian quake tragedy could be one of the biggest natural disasters ever.
Relief Effort 'Must Be Co-Ordinated'
Imagine this -
Bill Clinton to run U.N.?