The cats entered Melissa Breva's house through an open front door on Monday, and attacked two women visitors and a boy, authorities said.
"I thought I had seen it all, but I have never seen anything like this," Chief of Police Martin Gutschenritter said. more...
Cat-killing raccoons 8/21/06 - The Olympian - By STEVE POWELL
Raccoons are cute, until they kill one of your cats.
That is what a west Olympia neighborhood is learning this summer.
Raccoons have killed about 10 cats in a three-block area near the Garfield Nature Trail at Harrison Avenue West and Foote Street Southwest.
Problem wildlife coordinator Sean Carrell of the state Department of Fish and Wildlife called the situation "bizarre, weird." more
Bad Bambi 12/23/2005 - LA Times
"GO TO THE INTERNET SEARCH ENGINE of your choice. Type in "aggressive deer," oxymoronic though it sounds. Prepare to be amazed.
Those soft-eyed creatures, who seemingly could do no greater harm than eating tulips, who look so sweet and startled as they graze by the roadside in family groups, are a scary bunch of mammals. This fall, five Californians were gored at their homes by deer. One, an elderly man in a suburb of San Diego, died. Helena, Mont., has roving urban gangs of hundreds of troublemaking deer. Four were shot after they wouldn't let a newspaper carrier walk his route. Wildlife officials say complaints are increasing." more...