What I'm saying is not that Japanese people are bad in comparison to people of other national affiliations and therefore more worthy of judgment (but some will hear what they want to hear) but that this, too, is a timely sign. What is coming will overturn the present order of things, the church, nations, economies and cultures. What will emerge is a global system ripe for yet even more judgment until all has been proven, and through this, a people, humbled, refined and worthy of the Lord and His reward will be brought forth in glory!
The big story in the wake of the 3/11/11 earthquake continues to be radiation leakage from damaged nuclear power plants. This threatens the local area and even the entire world. Radiation and nuclear power relates to the energy of the sun. The sun produces the radiated energy upon which we depend through nuclear fusion, fusing subatomic particles together. We leverage a contrasting process to generate power by splitting atoms in nuclear fission reactors. The sun is a symbol of the true Bridegroom and son of the most high God. Worship of the sun itself and graphic representations of the sun is idolatry, honoring a counterfeit. I can't help but think the nuclear radiation threat from failed fission reactors in the land of the rising sun due to acts of God is a testimony about this idolatry and the judgment upon it.
If such dots may be connected to interpret our time, this is the picture that is drawn.
It has been proposed that this judgment is due to Japan's adversarial relationship with Israel. John McTernan and Bill Koenig log their observations that suggest there is some wisdom to be found in considering that probability. Yet, I see there is more to the matter than that.
In the midst of so much happening in the world that is of great consequence, the tragic impact the earthquakes have had on Japan, the "aftershocks" of the Wikileaks "earthquake" that is now rocking Libya with such vigor, I'm going to continue with posting such as insights about Lady Gaga, occult logos that cast evil spells and the subtle wickedness that rules men and women with control in our interpersonal relationships. These pierce the heart of the matter, addressing our hearts. Lord willing.