The high-efficiency/Horus-Eye is often seen in the context of other imagery that promises the illumination inherent in the Eye of Horus, usually symbols of a sunburst or rising sun. The sun is widely used as a symbol for Horus and Apollo, an alter identity. I've addressed this connection regularly in this blog. In combination, the powerful influence the HE eye and sun symbol wield individually is multiplied. Sunlight has long been known for its bleaching and sterilization effects on fabric, but that observation is no cause for dismissing the esoteric reason for this branding essential.
Here's a collage of HE detergents you might find on the shelves today. Can you spot the one that has both the high efficiency-Horus Eye and a sunburst?
Ok, trick question. Most of them do. Why are these all about the eye of Horus? On one level, the obvious answer is that it sells. Folks buy in. Those brands that don't have an obvious sunburst are signaling Eye of Horus illumination using combinations of back-lighting, rainbow effects (Fab, with rainbow colored flowers (occult signaling of reproductive scheme) and "Spring Magic," and Cheer, with its rainbow splash substituting for their legacy rainbow pinwheel sun), a sun-yellow arc (Clorox 2, where the Horus-Eye tracks across the blue sky along the ecliptic) or sun-yellow swirl (Ajax).
Sun and Earth, Sunlight and SUNburst brand detergents get bonus points for their names. Sunlight, SUN Detergent, Wisk and All are made by Sun Products Corporation, so I'll award them additional bonus points, since I'm in a generous mood. ;)
Tide merits being awarded points for its solar disk target-like eye and for subliminally linking to the other celestial light that is responsible for the tide.
Horus is considered to have the Sun as his right eye and the Moon as his left. The relatively dark left eye presents what I've been pointing out in this series with such repetition. The Horus "who rules with two eyes" signal that, at the first, seems so obscure, is actually ubiquitous, being embedded in branding imagery in a wide variety of subtle ways. (As Horus of two eyes he is known by the name Harmerty.)
When you catch on to just how central Horus and the Eye of Horus is to the Dragon's plot, the imagery of the temples of Freemasonry powerfully witnesses to the role of the exaltation of Horus in their activity.
The letter combination HE used to reference high efficiency washing machines and the detergents they require is also a pronoun, so, just who is meant by HE? The pronoun refers to the one identified by the context - Horus! This compares to the esoteric signaling of the name of a neighborhood eatery in Los Gatos. The following is an excerpt from a blog post from November, 2010 titled, VIVA (May He Live) But who?
"VIVA" translates to life, "long live" or (Italian) "may (he) live." (Collins English Dictionary) Since it's categorized as an Italian/American restaurant, "May he live" is the applicable interpretation. Taking our cues from the imagery, the returning god worshipped by the Romans as Apollo, aka Horus of Egypt is clearly implicated as the "he."
This detergent pictured on the right makes a bold statement. Is "he" "all" "mighty"? Horus is not, but when the day dawns, Satan will "have his day in the sun," in his son Horus. This HE detergent/sun partnership bears witness to the plot.
Tide and Gain are two of Procter & Gamble's brands whose net annual sales top a billion dollars. Cheer and Era are also P&G brands. This industry's history of occult branding imagery goes back a long ways, since P&G were already using the moon and stars as their unofficial logo by the 1850s. That's no typo.
You can see one version of the IHS solar disk in this image I made to compare it to a human eye. You can see the markings on the iris are a match. Eye of Horus, yes?
The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness.
Luke 11:34 (NASB)The Fremasons know their symbolism and they know Horus worship. So does the Pope. The caption for this picture on The Telegraph reads: "Pope Benedict XVI holds the monstrance as he leads a vesper mass to mark the presentation of the Lord feast (sic) in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican" This is the best photo I've seen of the unholy pontiff modeling the Eye of Horus/third eye illumination! This has nothing to do with the detergent but it sure connects the Eye of Horus with the brainwashing being done with sun images!
The IHS sun god worship wasn't stolen from pagan idolatry. It never left. This next image is from the Vatican. Isis, Horus and Set worship remains popular today.
If you're going to use Horus-Eye detergent and you want some extra-special brainwashing you may want to use it in a Horus-Eye machine that has the added goddess marketing. The Whirlpool brand was already an Eye of Horus symbol, with a swirl eye above the W as a whirlpool. The image you see here with the Whirlpool logo in the woman's eye was captured from this video of a Mexican commercial for the Calypso washer. Yeah. We get it.
Expanding on the interpretation of Whirlpool's branding, the registered trademark adds the opposing Eye of Horus that creates the signal Horus "who rules with two eyes."
The W is a richly layered element. First, every W is a two-fold signal of 23, the sex chromosome number used to signal the DNA transformation of the mark of the Beast. The letter W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet. It has 2 points on one end and three on the other - 2 and 3. The W presents upward and downward pointing deltas that are such a fundamental signal of the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men.
The W under the swirl makes the combo resemble the wedjat.
The slightly stylized version of the W emphasizes the doubled V, the daughters-of-men delta. Positioning the swirl eye of Horus atop the daughters of men presents the imagery of the heavenly sons of god sexually covering the daughters of men. Yes, really! The devil is bad - and deadly serious. Let this speak to you about what's coming.
Notice how the W touches the h and that they are the only two letters that connect. Horus. Nudge. Nudge. EYE OF HORUS!
About 11 years ago Whirlpool started their goddess marketing campaign. The Jezebel harlot Mystery Babylon who rides the Horus Beast is a hot combo these days. Folks buy in!
Next time you're strolling down the detergent aisle, see what you're looking at. It's a real eye-opener! In a good way :)