Deerfield Beach, FL
December 2010
About this photo: Late. Thematic. Here. You know the drill.This is the last picture I took before 2010 turned to 2011. Over the last year-and-a-half or so, I've become much more observant of firsts and lasts, increasingly conscious of beginnings and endings. Loss does that to you, I guess. Or maybe I'm just getting old. Whatever.
Another sign of age? The fact that I still wear a watch. I know it's kind of a young-demographic thing to not wear one, as every smartphone and electronic device already has a fairly capable timepiece built-in. But unless you like to go through the deliberate act of yanking your BlackBerry or iPhone from its belt holster every time you want to make sure you're not about to miss Ex-Love-Boat-Guest-Star-Celebrity Jeopardy, it's a lot more convenient to keep it on your wrist. Just turn, glance, and you're done.
That's one excuse. Another is that I just like having something there. I guess I've been wearing a watch for so long that I feel somewhat naked without one on my wrist. An adult binky, if you will. And if I'm not buying a new watch every couple of years just because, my wife knows something's wrong with me. My name is Carmi Levy, and I'm addicted to my watch collection. The shame.
So as the minutes ticked down to the inevitable bouncing around the house in well-timed glee, I took a moment out from watching the kids drink it all in and grabbed some physical proof that time continues to mean something. Even if we don't keep it as close to us as we once did.
Your turn: Do you wear a watch? Why/why not?