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Why May 21
QOTD #9 - On life not being a game
“In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate.”
Isaac Asimov
Your turn:
Does it?
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Blog Archive
Part 24: Jezebel vs Sarah - Discerning Your Friend...
One last flight
QOTD #12 - On coming home
I've got my eyes on you
QOTD #11 - On optimism
Part 23: Jezebel vs Sarah - Enemies, Friendly and ...
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QOTD #9 - On life not being a game
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QOTD #8 - On nuclear
Mad lungs
QOTD #7 - On vision
Part 3: Lady Gaga Shares Hitler's Vision of a New ...
Thematic Photographic 139 - March Madness
QOTD #6 - On perpetual childhood
Is this Wonderland?
QOTD #5 - On Liz Taylor
Gravity claims another victim
QOTD #4 - On preparation
Final approach
QOTD #3 - On parenthood
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QOTD #2 - On destiny
Thematic Photographic 138 - Transition
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Part 18 - See, it's the "i" of Horus! nVIDIA, the ...
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Peace out...
Embedded ZION in Olympic Logo Draws Headline Ink -...
P is for...
The new iPad cometh...
Part 17 - See, it's the "i" of Horus! Spirals, Cha...