The second part of the "
Who is Cain's Father?" study was updated again today. It seems nearly complete. One of the things I added today is
an interactive thematic presentation of Genesis 3:14-19, which should facilitate for some fellow Bible geeks a few hours of rewarding enterprise.

From today's news:
Pope urges lifestyle changes to save environment"Pope Benedict used his traditional New Year address on Friday to call on people to change their lifestyles to save the planet, saying environmental responsibility was essential for global peace."

The Pope is now officially Green. This follows recent public statements "baptizing" belief in "extraterrestrials" and calling for global leadership with a new world order.

Become more environmentally responsible? With these public statements he's strongly supporting multiple facets of the same antichrist scheme.

I've written at length on my Web site showing a Pope's involvment in the coming baptism of the first Beast of Revelation 13, as presented through the London Ceremonies at the close of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. I've written about some impossibly unlikely facts that point out Benedict XVI's potential as The False Prophet, the second beast of Revelation 13 in a writing titled,
Who is Pope Benedict XVI?
In recent posts to this blog I've shown evidence from occult symbolism how the Green movement is really just another facet of the green-skinned Osiris plot, the antichrist conspiracy. I've shown by many exhibits of corporate logos with Masonic imagery and children's fantasy literature what Michael Hoggard has revealed, how a triple helix upgrade is part of that plan. This is nothing less than the genetic transformation of man to beast by way of the technologies of the mark of the beast.

Here's a question that will have a simple answer of the kind where a picture is worth a thousand words. Is the Pope really onboard with the triple helix upgrade?

I found this picture of the staircase in the Vatican Museum. This is the only picture I could find. I couldn't see much of the decorative artwork to be able to analyize what it means, yet, what little I see is plenty enough! Do you see the three dots, as marking out the corners of a downward pointing delta? Do you see this unique helical staircase as a winding of DNA? People are ascending and descending on it! The triple dot punctuation of the cryptic Masonic code word abbreviations is one in meaning with the decorative relief on the Vatican Museum's DNA replica stairway to Heaven. There is no other way to interpret the meaning of the stairway. The Pope is Green!