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Patients' medical records go online without consent
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To many people, the Olympic games are all about athletic competition and national pride. Those who take a close enough look at the games and the IOC, their governing body, become aware that the competition is merely a vehicle for the promotion of the worship of Zeus and the return of his son.
Their logo is an occult symbol that is seen nearly everywhere during the increasingly frequent seasons of Olympic games. Some time ago I began to ponder what their logo really meant. I knew the official explanation fails to reveal what's most important. I could tell it had to be a very powerful symbol because it was so exalted and ubiquitous! Well, finally, I get it! It's the pyramid!
The five Olympic rings are the truncated pyramid, flipped upside down so as not to be too obvious.
The capstone is not there, but yet, it's there very subtly by inference. The background is white. A white ring is "unseen" against a same-color background. With an understanding of colors and with some consideration of the symmetry of the rings' color pairings you discover that following the pattern that emerges leads to the matching of the black ring with an opposing white one, completing the pyramid! The condition in which it lacks a capstone gives it an unbalanced dynamic. The image as designed and presented seeks completion, drawing us subtly, subliminally, to complete it.
This pyramid that is so popular in occult iconography was recently addressed at length in this blog as the hidden symbol of the Vancouver cauldron.
With this logo's simple design they are leveraging principles of influence, some of which are known as priming. Ultimately the reasoning facilities of the people so influenced are set aside when the time comes to make the decision to join with the Beast and his body-network. The spiritual dynamic suggests there is a demonic spell cast through this symbol. The symbol is ubiquitous, and while some consider it merely clever branding it is far, far more than that!
I've been aware for a long time that the Lord sometimes directs His people to avoid the Olympics and everything related to them.
Consider this view of the Vancouver 2010 logo.
More coming, Lord willing!