"Not an exhaustive historical documentary, THE S FROM HELL is a subjective film whose aim is make the audience feel the same fear and confusion as the children who were first confronted by the vexing, unfolding sights and mournful, dissonant sounds that hid in the cracks between their favorite TV shows."
Making people feel that same fear and confusion is not a commendable goal, in my estimation, yet the work is simply what it is claimed to be. The response generated by the work is mostly foolishness, yet the documentary film is still legit. I personally have a reverse speech video on YouTube that is popular and especially so amongst the foolish mockers and scoffers. Yet, the work around which the controversy continues to grow is legit.
Consider the following excerpt from this riskybusiness.blogs.thr.com page:
"Before the screening, the festival screened Rodney Ascher’s nine-minute nonfiction short “The S From Hell.” There’s really no way to describe the oddball joy that comes from listening to grown men and women describe the terror they experienced from a Screen Gems logo introduced in 1964 — and its accompanying spooky Moog synthesizer jingle — that popped up at the end of episodes of “The Flintstones” and “Bewitched” when they were little kids.
After the screening, Ascher described how he had found this bizarre community, which also occasionally refers to the offending logo as The Personification of All Things Evil. “Yes, it’s real,” Ascher told the audience of the people heard speaking in the film. “Yes, it’s really real.”"
The "acclaimed gospel presentation based on a Jack Chick comic" was acclaimed for its artistic prowess, not because it spurred a religious revival of any sort. The point I want to make is that the film maker has been recognized for his professional abilities in presenting a legitimate documentary, even one faithful to something so incendiary as a Jack Chick gospel comic. Consider the following: from BBtv -- Jack Chick, animated: "Somebody Goofed," by Syd and Rodney
We reached out to the filmmakers for some thoughts on this amazing piece of work, 10 years after its creation -- Rodney Ascher tells us...
Making Somebody Goofed was 50% art experiment and 50% self-designed AfterEffects tutorial. It was the first digitally animated project for both of us (I think...). It took at least 6 months to make the thing, maybe close to a year. I was running a Powermac 7500 (Syd's always had a model 1 or 2 levels faster than mine so he was probably behind the wheel of an 8500) and we got a gasp during a Q and A when we explained that rendering some of the QuickTimes took more than a day or two and transporting the uncompressed files demanded about 12 Jaz cartridges!
It was designed to be something of a Rorschach test: we followed the original comic as rigorously as we could, resisted any temptation to change things around (for pacing, content, whatever) and allowed the audience to interpret however they liked. During its premiere at DFilm, the audience was mostly quiet and thoughtful but at a screening at the SFMoMA it played pretty much as a spoof with a lot of appreciative laughter. On the other hand, when it was shown at a screening for the Television Commercial Industry, the awkward, confused, slightly hostile silence was deafening.
So, take his work at face value, Rodney is presenting what he has for just what it is. It's not a spoof or a parody. It's not intended to be comedic or farcical. Don't let any of the noise it generates from viewers distract you from the fact that the Screen Gems logo and promo has been well documented as having a significant and lasting negative impact.
Now I'd like to pick up where I left off, addressing three more features of occult symbolism present in the visual imagery. The dot in the circle at the center is an eye, the all seeing and unblinking eye. This is the third eye of Luciferian enlightenment. It's related to the CBS logo and features prominently in Masonic and other occult imagery. It's the eye found on the reverse side of the great seal of the U.S.
Another feature of the logo relates to the so-called S that should be identified as the signature three-legged thunderbolt of Zeus, aka the serpent and Lucifer.
The last visual elements of the Screen Gems logo I want to point out are the two deltas in the negative space, one pointing up (sons of god) in the upper right, balanced by the one pointing down (daughters of men) in the lower left.
These add to the other features mentioned in the last post to form a very powerful symbol that is far more than just a superficial representation of the things signified. Demonic entities are invoked through this portal, which is why it has such a fearsome effect on some.
I've noticed that more than one person has described the S from Hell as reminding them of the fallout shelter sign.
To be continued, Lord willing!