London, ON, September 2009
About this photo: Thematic Photographic has been in the clouds all week long. Let's stretch our imaginations for a moment as we contemplate the cloudiness of tea as it begins to steep. I know I'm pushing the definition a bit, but I've never been all that conventional, anyway. If you're into the cloudy thing, too, click here.I've got a thing for the rituals of tea. Let's set aside the act of drinking it, if only for a moment, and instead focus on how it is prepared. Unlike most things we drink, tea kind of forces you to take a bit of a time out. The world can wait while you let the bag steep, then hold the mug gently in your hand as you allow the warmth to spread through your fingers. Even if you never drink the result, you've already managed to squeeze some quiet joy from the moment.
I guess I'm destined for perpetual life in the slow lane as I watch my tea slowly convect itself. So be it.
Your turn: Tea or coffee or other? Why?