Behind Door #2...
Toronto, ON, August 2008
I've chosen a relatively simple theme this week because, frankly, I've got a lot on the go and I just can't handle any more complexity than I've already got. As we segue into summer here - or winter on the other side of the planet - we've all got enough to think about, so this week's Thematic Photographic theme gets us back to base principles for a bit.
"Geometric" is all about shapes. Whatever shapes you've got, I'm hoping you'll share 'em over the next week. As you can see from my kickoff photo, I'm feeling somewhat square tonight. Bowling does that to me, I guess. Tomorrow may yet bring something rounder...I'm still mulling that one over. What shapes do you want to explore?
Your turn: Post a geometric-themed pic to your blog. It could be a new pic, or one you've had hanging around for a while. Post a link to it in a comment here, then feel free to visit other participants. Much learning, sharing and happiness will ensue. For more background on how this crazy little weekly photo obsession of mine works, please click here. Can't wait to see what y'all come up with.