London, ON, March 2011
I was scheduled to pick our daughter up from a playdate and had about 15 spare minutes before the agreed-upon pickup time. The snow had just melted and I was itching to get out with the camera, even if it meant a rushed shoot in between the usual weekend kidlet dropoffs and pickups.
So I parked beside a still-soggy and very empty soccer field and hiked over to the little bridge over the barely-moving creek. I hadn't been here in a while, and in the interim it was clear that many trees had lost their battle with gravity and were now lying lengthwise across the water. Sad, yet beautiful in its own way.
I didn't have time to linger, so I grabbed whatever compositions I could before I headed back to the car. Deeper ponderings about the circle of life for trees - and what it might mean for the rest of us - would have to wait.
Your turn: Do scenes like this make you sad over what's been lost? Or hopeful for a rejuvenated future? Why?
One more thing. Thematic. Trees. Here. Enjoyable. Seriously.