BK is doing something very profound by presenting their golden fries in such a manner because they appear as extended rays of the sun. Their fries are munched down with little consideration of what truth there may be in that we are what we eat. When you eat fries from this container you're symbolically eating rays emanating from Horus. There is no punch line here and this is not a joke. There really is something profound in this.
Here's a quote from what I wrote about John 6 in Who is Cain's Father? Part One.
"The very profound truth hidden here is that food is to the eater like a father is to a son. Something of food is imparted to the eater, which becomes part of them. Something of a father is imparted to the son, which becomes part of them. Get it? Genetic material is transferred from father to son as nutrients are transferred from food to eater.
The BK logo is a target style "male inside female" image symbolic of sexual reproduction. When someone eats BK fries served in such a stylized container they are participating in ritual sex magick. Think about it.
BK is really working the Horus illumination in their promotional imagery, big time! BK is competing against the Golden Arch brand - think about that. They are fighting Horus with Horus, from a competitive marketing angle, but really, both are in partnership, promoting Horus and the mark of the Beast. King Horus will rule, and he will have it his way, but you will not have it your way. Having it your way, as their slogan suggests, is just feeding your carnal flesh with self promotion - witchcraft. It's the appeal of the self referential I or homonym Eye of Horus.
The swirl eye Miller Lite brand was featured in a post last year titled The Dragon invites us for a "Triple Hops Brewed" Spin
The swirl eyes are positioned just far enough out of frame to conceal the fact that Brad has a halo. Yet, he does. A halo signifies divine illumination. Brad is pictured with his seventh or crown chakra activated. This joins the one on his
Well, then, have I spoiled all your fun yet? If you've been reveling in ignorance, I hope I have been able to have a part in effecting such a change. It's truly far, far better to be sober and rejoice in the truth! Instead of having it your way now, have it His way, the true Messiah's way. Those who humble themselves before the true King now will be exalted by Him in due time, to reign with Him with life that is truly life!