Odds and Ends - New Video: NCR Series plus Lady Gaga's Phallic Footwear
The NCR series I blogged back in November and December of 2009 is something of a primer for the "Occult Mark of the Beast Signaling" theme that has been a mainstay of this Blog. I was disappointed when NCR replaced the marketing sequence and made the one I referenced inaccessible. It was useful documentation, much better seen than just described with some words and little static images. Not only was it helpful to see the actual animation I referenced but it was also confirmation that I wasn't just making it up. Well, fortunately I had saved a screen capture of the animations - and it's now published to YouTube!
In the news yesterday, Lady Gaga, even though I called her on her recent "jumping the shark," revealed that she's a good sport by continuing to provide relevant subject matter for this blog. ;) She was featured on American Idol wearing controversial footwear on this Blog's current penis theme." Lady Gaga wears phallic boots on 'American Idol'; Show producers cover up naughty bits with logo Quoting NY Daily News: "Lady GaGa black leather boots, made by the British label Void of Course, feature a sky high platform and a pair of anatomically correct Lucite heels."
On the subject of LG in the news, almost a week ago this item came up on MTV.com. Lady Gaga HBO Special Gives Fans A Taste Of 'Marry The Night' Another one of the songs like "Judas" that came through the portal with "Born This Way" is "Marry the Night." Previewing the lyrics: "I'm gonna marry the night/ I won't give up on my life/ I'm a warrior queen/ Live passionately tonight." Does anything further really need to be said about that?
I featured a brief series of posts with Stars on Top a while back. A friend brought this one to my attention recently and it was just so special I had to share with you. It's a mall, of course, where it's all about commerce, except where it's about working you over with spells so you lose your soul to the fallen star and stars!
Note the triple-helix DNA signaling wavy lines. Note how the over-sized A in America is leveraged as a pyramid by appearing under the star / capstone. The Star is Apollo aka Horus.
Here's a video I made that has some related insight.