She moos, she scores
Game on
London, ON, October 2009
After one of the more divisive election campaigns in recent memory, Canada has woken up to a Conservative majority government. Stephen Harper remains our PM, and the twittersphere, blogosphere and Facebookland have all lit up with comments from folks on all sides of the political spectrum.
While more folks clearly voted Tory blue (which isn't really Tory blue at all, but we'll leave that discussion for another, more politically motivated entry), it seems the ones screaming the loudest voted for the, um, losers. Lots of bummed folks in Pitkinville today.
Allow me a quick level-set before I get on with the day that will be: Canada is not doomed. Your standard of living didn't plummet overnight, nor will it do so over the next few days. Or at all. The world didn't shift on its axis. You don't live in Somalia, a failed nation-state with no law to speak of. Your kids will more than likely grow up into productive adults. Your sewage doesn't pour into a gutter in front of your tin-clad "house". Whoever leads us, we're way better off than virtually any nation on Earth.
There, I feel better. And in case that didn't do the trick for you, allow me to present this happy picture of a happy, sporting cow. Because every day should begin with something bovine.
Your turn: Why are you thankful for where you live?
One more thing: Shameless happy Thematic tie-in here. You know you want to.