Vote early. Vote often. But vote.

I probably didn't have time to vote today. Had a lot on my plate workwise and lifewise, and really could have used a little less time-stress as I moved from one thing to another - and yet another - on my schedule.

But 154 dead Canadians in Afghanistan are only the latest reminders of why my right to pick up a pencil and scratch an X on a ballot is a privilege that has limitless value. My daughter has every right to pursue the life she wishes while girls just like her a world away are treated like something less than human. We are so awash in opportunity here that we fail to take the time to appreciate what it took to achieve it. We take what we've got for granted, to the point that over 40% of us can't be bothered to head over to the polling station to vote.

We argue that politicians fail to speak for us. That campaigning - and the entire political process - has devolved into unspeakable nastiness that has nothing to do with the issues. We complain about minority governments and gridlock on Parliament Hill. I don't disagree with any of it. But those who choose to stay home perpetuate the things about democracy that bother them. Worse, they fail to respect the legacy of those who fought - and died - for all we have today.

So I made the time. If you're an eligible Canadian voter, I hope you make it, too. Polls close at 9:30 p.m. local time.

Your turn: Why do you vote? If you don't, why don't you?

One more thing: I'll be on-air with /A\ News tonight, live-blogging/tweeting/broadcasting the vote with a team of London's top social media experts. Tara Overholt leads our coverage from the Internet Cafe site, while anchor Dan MacLellan holds the fort back at the main studio. Click here for more background. Other ways to get involved:
  • Like us on Facebook (canadavotes).
  • Follow us (@atvnewslondon) on Twitter.
  • Search for our hashtag: #anewsvote
  • Or just get involved any way you wish. It'll be fun.
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