Part 3a: NCR - The Great Merchant City Babylon - scene 3 - day 3

Here's a news item that speaks to just how relevant this topic is at the present time. Artificial Triple-Helixed DNA: Will It Trigger Unintended Consequences? It's not very long and it really is a must-read kind of thing. Here's a link to the group referenced by the article. University of Copenhagen - Center for Biomolecular Recognition - Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

In this post we continue to consider the story of the mark of the beast and the great merchant city Babylon, as presented from what must be the builder of Babylon's own perspective on You probably noticed the first two scenes were pretty rich in meaning. I'm ready to revisit scene 3 and fill in some detail.
This one looks pretty simple yet there's more here than meets the eye because of its context, being the third scene in the sequence. I'll explain about that shortly.

In this scene we see heaven above and earth below. The divine light triple helix extends across the scene and ends at the horizon line, establishing a connection between heaven and earth. Along the way, the "customers" are intersected, hooking them in by way of the DNA upgrade represented in the triple helix. This hook is related to the facilitation of commerce that is NCR's core business. It represents the "mark of the beast" interaction with the gods, a stairway or ladder to heaven, and the means of ascension to a godhood of sorts. Deep. Fantastic! But wait, there's more!

The scene is aesthetically rather stark, and, in its simplicity, very archetypal. It speaks to us of paradise, alluding to the garden of Eden where the whole story of man's state, status, nature and destiny was established. There is a solitary object on the right side of the screen. In order to balance the scene visually and emotionally we give to that object, we assign it more of what's lacking to bring balance and harmony. The recipient object is some kind of vegetation, a tree perhaps. The scale appears wrong, somehow, but, yes, it's a tree.

8) The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed.
9) Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 2:8-9

Would this tree in scene 3 be the tree of life, or, perhaps, the tree of knowledge of good and evil? I see the NCR story as something of a rewriting of the events that took place there in the garden, where two of the trees were key elements. This rewriting follows a trend you should, by now, know very well.

History has been rewritten time and again in versions that have obscured from most people's minds the realities of the past. The "brainwashed" version of history I grew up with denied the reality of the presence of the gods who as stars fell to the earth, their nature and their purpose. Instead of seeing history as the story of pedigree I was led to see it as one primarily of behavior choices. Due to this deception, we find ourselves easy prey for the gods in their scheme.

Satan intends to supplant the true God, to bend creation to serve him as God. He intends to take man, who was created in God's image, and refashion him after his own image. All the worship due the Creator would be his. This was the goal in the garden of Eden when he, as the serpent, seduced Eve and Adam was led to sin. What happened in the garden is the basis of the NCR story and the reason why it's presented in this scene. To understand scene three and it's real graphic designer's plan we have to understand about the garden. Nearly every version I've ever heard about what happened there is so pathetically absurd it reveals just how successful the rewriting effort has been. The activity taking place in the garden was procreative. If it wasn't, really, nothing else of the past, present or future makes sense.

This truly is a pedigree thing. Who's your daddy? So, let me say this about that. Apple? Shmapple! The coverings made after the sinful acts were loin cloths, not masks and gloves. Cain, the firstborn of Eve (who said she got him from the lord), was a murderer like his father. Not like Adam, who fathered Abel, the slain. There's an abundance of evidence, and all of it testifies that interaction with the trees in the garden is procreative. It involves reproduction, a genetic mingling. It's about seed.

Another key passage for this scene is from the creation account of the third day.

11) And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so
12) And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:11-12

Consider the scene. See the grass the earth brought forth? See a tree? When you see the tree think "seed in itself." Think "tree yielding fruit after his kind." Right? Third scene, third day of creation. And, doesn't the tree in the scene seem rather herb-like? Sure! Are you getting this?

Have you ever observed how the biblical presentation of the third day has a special construction? It's divided into two parts. Read it and see for yourself. (key: "And God said") Scene 3 graphically represents the third day of creation through its particular expression of division. We see two expanses. On the third day, dry land appeared, then it was covered with vegetation. The serpent is a masterful graphic designer. He knows how to do a storyboard.

When we look at this scene and aesthetically bring it into harmony and balance we make an emotional investment. We interact with the tree because it asks it of us, to give what seems lacking. Do you understand how this works? What I'm telling you is true, and important. Now, look again at the text placed on the screen. Without any consideration of what is being said let's simply identify it as a prompt. The prompt means we're being invited to interact, just like I just described is being done through the graphic design! When you read what the text says, it, too, invites interaction: "Would you like to experience a new world of interaction?"

If you're keeping count, that makes three levels of prompting for interaction. On the most superficial level, we're invited to click through to explore what NCR is offering in response to our interest. Ultimately, you know what's at the end of that path. On another level, responding to the prompt means placing your click on the glowing "YES" affixed to the triple helix of divine light. You know what's at the end of that path! On the most fundamental level we respond to the prompt by interacting with the tree that's over by where the divine light came from, the tree in the garden, the "tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind" This is that same path! This is the interaction being prompted on every level!

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
Genesis 2:4

Bonus material on the number three:

Resurrection on the Third Day
The Threefold Model of Great Sevens
The Pattern of the Third Count

If you really get this material you'll find this relevant, another scenario where people are seated on the green grass. The Feeding of the Five Thousand
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