The Bible uses the star as a metaphor to represent angelic beings. (See What Was it That is Called the Star of Bethlehem?)
The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lamp stands are the seven churches.
Revelation 1:20b
This metaphor is widely leveraged in occult symbolism because star images are very powerful and most people are unaware of what they signify. Of course, many kinds of star-like structures and images are naturally occurring and quite innocent, like the snowflake and hexagonal forms like the cells of a honeycomb. What signals their being leveraged against you is the context. Many people will recognize an inverted five-pointed star as a evil symbol, especially when inscribed within a circle, but when it's not inverted, or has four, six or eight points, a star generally won't alert suspicion. Yet, it often should.
In the plot of The Iron Giant
I perceive more layers of symbolism in this. The iron giant, who, in the official synopsis, is stated to have "fallen from the stars," has ascended to once again to become a star. A fallen star represents a fallen angel, what Enoch refers to as a Watcher and Genesis 6 refers to as a son of god. The iron giant really represents the antichrist Beast as a counterfeit messiah, which is to say he is a hybrid god-man. He is a cross between god and man, the four pointed star. The vertical represents the heavenly sons of god, the horizontal; the earthly daughters of men, the intersection; their union. What Hogarth is looking at is an end that is a beginning, a emblem that is both a "death star" and a "star of Bethlehem."
Stars are more frequently pictured with six points, the number of man. The six pointed star compares to the hexagram. These both resolve to the essential opposing deltas that signal the sons of god with the daughters of men and their triple helix offspring. If you've ever heard of a hex being put on someone you've heard reference to the use of this six pointed symbol as a demonic portal. When inscribed in a circle it's the primary symbol through which demons are invoked, invited to pass through as a dimensional portal.
The six pointed star is
You should be grasping in this series the reality that the agents and agencies behind this vehicle know the scheme, and that, by the grand scope and scale of the themes and thematic elements, it must be orchestrated by the master of deceit himself; Satan. You should also be growing in awareness that this father of lies and all who serve him are only really serving the greater and sovereign Yahweh's purposes, who is granting discernment to those of us who watch in obedience in this late hour.
The six
Walmart, the corporate giant often hated for the devastating effect their stores typically have on small town life and economies, and also known for their use of in-store subliminals, identifies itself with the six pointed star. Their motto, "Live Better," should tip you off to their complicity in the triple helix DNA "upgrade" scheme that will counterfeit the life that is truly Life.
The medical community is replete with occult symbols promoting the spells of antichrist delusion.
To be continued, Lord willing!