One point of this effort is to show that we are being preyed upon by those who are masters of subtle deception. When you learn how to recognize the enemy's weaponry you can nullify its influence in your life and help others to do the same.
My friend, we do absolutely need all the help we can get! The Bible's declaration is that in these last days, only the very elect will not be deceived. All others will. Seek the one who opens the eyes and ears, the Lord Y'shua, son of the most High God, with your whole heart.
This cartoon movie is richly crafted with some very subtle features, and some not quite so subtle. With regard to visual elements, the Yin Yang symbol presented was obvious, undisguised. The serving bowl was very clever! Some of the other visuals are so frequently presented in various forms they can be considered as a class. There's far more to be found than I will address here, and, of course, you may pursue them further as the Lord leads. I'm going to be leading up to a very significant insight, but, Lord willing, it will come after a few more posts.
Hogarth's house decor features an oak leaf and acorn motif,
Thor equates to the Zeus / Satan identity and also to Apollo. The acorn, as the seed of the oak, signals the offspring; Thor, of Odin, and Apollo, of Zeus. The acorn identity is the Beast and those who are likewise transformed by his mark. The iron giant himself compares to Thor, with flashing eyes, a huge appetite, protecting humans - the god of thunder and sky. (See In Worship of Trees - The Oak Tree)
The oak is also known as the garden of the forest because it is host to many other plants like the mistletoe, ivy, stinkhorn and lichen. As the garden of the forest we see a connection to Hogarth, whose name means "hilltop garden." The oak motif decorates his home.
He is pictured sitting at the kitchen table in a chair marked with an oak leaf, as on the throne of Thor. As a rebellious, disobedient and dishonest boy, he is pictured in the movie ruling his domain by manipulation and threats. The lie in presenting Hogarth on the throne of Thor is that those who rebel against authority, rule by manipulation and honor the Beast will be exalted to a throne of authority. The truth is that Satan hates everyone and has little loyalty. He delights in setting people up for destruction.
In Celtic mythology,
The two-story house has a staircase.
Hogarth sometimes accesses his bedroom through an open window. He accesses the upper floor portal by ascending and descending using an oak tree. The portal itself isn't marked with an oak symbol
I had wondered why the house's window panes were arranged in such a peculiar way, with the uppers divided into six panes and the lowers into two. The cross that appears when the window is open explains it, because it's then a dimensional portal. Seeing how the cross symbol is used to mark a portal used for secret access should speak loudly to us about the use of the cross symbol by unsuspecting Christians. If they only knew the secret they would get rid of the cross and every other graven image in a big hurry!
On the cabinet above the bathroom sink
The doorway from the hall to the kitchen is framed by the hall's vine helix wallpaper pattern, signifying that this oak-framed dimensional portal is DNA. On the hall side, it is two strand. The light lies beyond. That's the false promise.
Consider the plate behind Hogarth in this image. The three oak leaves appear as a delta inscribed within a circle. Triple helix DNA signaling - of the oak kind. For those who cast a spell through this symbol portal, magical protection is given by the circumscribed circle. Don't fall prey to the scheme.
If you think this movie is probably
More coming, Lord willing!