London, ON
April 2009
It's been a while since we did Thematic Photographic (a month!) I've been somewhat - okay, very - consumed with my new job and the day-to-day challenges of balancing the activities of three very busy kids with those of two busy parents and a rather busy dog as well. I've been cutting into my sleep to compensate, but I realize that can only last for so long before something's got to give.
As I've been zipping from one place to another, I've been taking little time-outs to shoot pictures of spring. Getting them processed and uploaded to the blog is an entirely different matter, so for this week's launch photo, you'll have to settle for this year-old view from my back yard. These particular leaves no longer exist, of course. But the next generation is already well on its way toward a life of shade provision, oxygen generation and smile induction.
Which is why we so eagerly await the new dawn every year. And why I look forward to seeing your own interpretation of my favorite season.
Your turn: Please share a spring-themed photo on your blog, then simply paste the link to the entry here in a comment. This makes it easy for all of us to share. Oh, and don't forget to have fun with it, as that's the whole point of this exercise. Thanks!
For more background on Thematic Photographic, please click here. To see all TP-themed entries, click here.