Once again, I'm returning to "The Iron Giant" (1999 - Warner Brothers), a vehicle of antichrist promotion
There's a subtle but deadly lie presented in the movie, delivered in such a way that the viewers are emotionally vulnerable during the hearing of the words spoken. Here's the setup for the scene.
The iron giant is carrying Hogarth around in the woods. They're having fun together and enjoying the natural beauty of rural Maine. They come upon a deer. The deer is not afraid of them. Birds are chirping, it's all very serene. The iron giant slowly extends his hand - the deer approaches - and they touch. It's a tender moment. The deer hears noises and moves away out of sight. Loud gunshots shatter the peace. Shades of Bambi! Hunters have killed the deer - oh my! Hogarth and the iron giant approach to see what happened, scaring off the hunters. Cue the violins. Dialogue ensues.
Hogarth: "It's dead."
Iron Giant: "Dead?"
The iron giant is shook up about it. Hogarth explains about the deer being dead because "they" shot it with the gun.
That evening, in a very saturated "blue" scene, the iron giant is not sleepy but clearly disturbed.
Hogarth: I know you feel bad about the deer. But it's not your fault. Things die. It's part of life. It's bad to kill. It's not bad to die.
Iron Giant: You'll die?
Hogarth: Yeah. Some day.
Iron Giant: I die?
Hogarth: I know. You're made of metal, but you have feelings and you think about things, and that means you have a soul - and souls don't die.
Iron Giant: Soul?
Hogarth: Mom says it's something inside all good things and that it goes on for ever and ever.
The iron giant rolls over and looks up into the starry night.
Iron Giant: Souls don't die.
The music resolves with a beautiful flourish, and the iron giant and all who identify with him are content.
So, in Hogarth's Mom's philosophy, which the iron giant now subscribes to, it doesn't matter what you're made of. If you have feelings and you think about things, you qualify for eternal life, you have an eternal soul, and you can take comfort in that understanding of life and death. So then, if that's true, if you're made of metal like the iron giant, or, if you were, say, made of miry clay with iron mixed in (as in, having accepted the mark of the Beast, worshiping the Beast), you can rest assured knowing that you've got things covered in the "life and death" department. Hogarth's Mom's philosophy is pretty common, isn't it? The problem is - it's a LIE! Many have fallen prey to this deadly lie. It's a setup. This movie is sly.
More to come... Lord willing!