A decade on

Thornhill, ON, June 2010

It's been ten years since we welcomed our youngest son, Noah, into the world. It doesn't seem like anything remotely close to a decade, but I suppose the calendar doesn't lie. Babies do indeed grow up, and parents like us are left wondering why time has to move as quickly as it does.

Before tuck-in last night, he came bounding - he doesn't walk as much as he lightly skips from place to place - into our room and proudly told me this was the last time I'd be hugging him as a 9-year-old. He threw his arms around me and squeezed for all he was worth. It wasn't any different than any other night, mind you: He's always been a cuddly, sweet child who never misses an opportunity to say how much he loves us. Still, I held him for just a little longer than usual, wondering how he got so big, and how long it would be before he'd be too old and independent to do the hugging thing with us.

Hopefully not for a while.

After his hug, he found the dog and gave him a hug, too. Frasier doesn't speak English, of course, but something tells me he appreciated the moment just as much as we did. Noah's like that, a connector, someone who finds a way to wind his way into everyone's heart no matter who they are. He's endlessly kind, sharing whatever he has to make sure those around him don't go without. He's a hero to his little cousins, too, the cool Big Noah from London who plays whatever they want from the moment he gets to their house to the moment he leaves. He's a good kid, a gutteh neshumeh - good soul - who reminds me so much of my wife every time I hear him speak.

Call me an inveterate optimist, but I believe good things come to those who are kind, and he is as kind as anyone I've ever met. I hope he carries his sunny nature - we call him Sunshine Boy - well into adulthood, because the world needs more people like him.

Happy 10th birthday, little man. May all your days continue to be happy, and may we always be together to share them with you.

Your turn: Happiness is...?

In the shadows of the night

Lonely light
London, ON, May 2009
About this photo: We're exploring shadows all week long as part of our latest Thematic Photographic theme. It's only a matter of time before your creative soul compels you to submit your own shadowy photo. And when you do, your mouse will find itself going here.
I love shooting at night. Despite the challenges of exposure - either stick it on a tripod and go long, or handhold it and learn how to make yourself very, very limp - this has always been my favorite time of day to shoot.

On this particular night I was in the parking lot of a nearby strip mall. I forget why we were there, but I remember deciding this forlorn stretch of sidewalk in between a couple of stores was worth remembering. Then as now, I wondered what went on in the shadows. To this day, I have no idea. And I'm thinking that may not be such a bad thing, because we all need a little mystery in our lives.

Your turn: Why does the night fascinate us?

Part 2 - Rochester, NY and the gateway to High Falls

In the previous post I featured an occult ritual magic gateway to Rochester, New York's High Falls district. The city has spent lots of money over the last several years attempting to make the district a popular spot. This can and should be considered as an attempt to increase traffic through the gateway and into this particular geographical location. It has failed because the very last restaurant in the district just closed. Maybe with the failure of the most recent in a series of expensive attempts to make the area thrive some will consider that it must be cursed. It is.

In the median as you approach the gateway you pass by an island with a peculiar display. There are three millstones, two of them partly buried. These three symbolic elements were disks or cylindars that had revolved while in use, which provides a triple helix DNA signal that compares to the triple helix columns. When I reviewed the photos I had taken earlier, I became interested in why the millstones were there and what the dedication plaque said about them. As I was waking up this morning I found myself thinking about the verse in Matthew where it refers to a millstone. Before my sister and I drove back into the city to do some more exploring, I looked up the passage that had come to mind.

6) but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6 (NASB)

Youngs Literal Translation renders verse 6b as: "it is better for him that a weighty millstone may be hanged upon his neck, and he may be sunk in the depth of the sea."

Two of the millstones are partly buried in the island, which looks to me like as if they were sunk in the depth of the sea, partly buried in the sediment on the bottom. The  picture of three rotating circular stones being submerged in the sea speaks of DNA, which is very "wet," a crystalline structure consisting mostly of water.

The next verse points us to the Beast, whose mark is modeled in the gateway.

Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!
Matthew 18:7 (NASB)

Did you note how the singular is used to reference "that man" and "the stumbling block"? "That man through whom the stumbling block comes" is an explicit reference to the lawless one, the Beast. Search out the matter of stumbling blocks in the Bible and see how it relates to Messianic and idolatry themes. When you read verses 6 and 7 and consider why the millstones appear at the mark-of-the-beast modeling gateway you may perceive how this is Satan's response. The millstones seem to be there as already tossed in the sea for a statement to defy Yahweh.

Here's what the plaque says.

"Our Past Is Your Future
These millstones were provided courtesy of South Avenue Business Association and the South Wedge Planning Committee in support of our neighbors in High Falls. We encourage you to discover all that our Center City neighborhoods have to offer. August 2004"

"Our Past Is Your Future" speaks to me of the Genesis 6 scenario and Matthew 24's declaration that as it was in the days of Noah so it will be at the coming of the son of man.  "...in support of our neighbors in High Falls" - i.e. the Nephilim. The millstones seem related to the manner of binding the fallen, which remain bound until the day appointed for their release (Search Tom Horn and Steve Quayle interviews) in days soon to come.  Don't let their past be your future!

If you pass the millstones and enter into the gateway, you'll encounter two separate overpasses in succession, with narrow inner loop access ramps separating them. The first bridge is the inner loop highway itself, something of a beltway. The second is an old railway bridge. Under both of these bridges are lamps with wave or wing shaped hoods that light the sidewalks. There are three on each side under each bridge flanking the road, which equates to the triple helix pillars you pass on the way in. As lamps, they testify of the illumination that accompanies the triple helix transformation.

If you add the number of strands composing both triple helix pillars to the sum of wavy cauldron-torch-lamp-columns you find a total of 18. This number can be expressed as 6+6+6, which makes it a common signal number representing the mark of the beast. (Revelation 13:18) Also, applying the popular occult digit summing principle, 18 transforms to 9 by adding 1+8, arriving at the single digit number that represents the triple helix transformation and mark of the beast.

Notice the stepped block levels painted on under the first bridge that ascend towards the front-facing side. This feature supports the gateway aspect of the structure. Notice how it's green, as in Osiris green, a popular feature of similar symbolic elements that has been noted in previous blog posts.

How likely is it that these elements you see in this and in the previous post are random? It seems to me about as likely as America surviving intact through the end of 2012. Because of one Mayan calendar prophecy? No. Because of the testimony of the scriptures, plus the testimony of the signs in the heavens and the signs in the earth - plus the working of the holy spirit that speaks to you and I about the urgency of this present season!

I'll address what is found on the other side of the gateway to High Falls in another post, Lord willing!

Hey church - listen up!

The Rat Race of the Religious System
by Joseph Herrin (Parables Blog)

The Sluggard By Ray Gano (Prophezine)

Thematic Photographic 108 - Shadowy

Eight ball, corner pocket
London, ON, June 2010

It isn't easy shooting artsy pictures in the middle of a busy collection of pool tables. Managers tend to want to know what you're up to. Players get annoyed if you get in their way. Even if you stick to the far-off corners of the room, it's the kind of activity that attracts attention, and not always the good kind.

But the late afternoon light slashing selectively through the room was too compelling to ignore. I knew I had about 15 seconds to get something before someone told me to stop. So I pre-set the camera as best I could, then walked up to the empty table and racked off a few frames before I chickened out and returned to the shadows.

Looks like I got away with it. This time.

Your turn: This photo launches our new Thematic Photographic theme, shadowy. For the next week, feel free to share shadow-themed photos on our own blog, then post a link here. As a bonus, visit other participants for more inspiration and sharing. Click here for more info on how TP works.

Barking up the right tree

Not-so-desolate landscape
London, ON, May 2009
[Click photo to embiggen. Click here to share your own closeup-themed

I was killing time while waiting for our munchkin's playdate to end. I had dropped him off just far enough from home that staying out and running errands seemed to be the more responsible, more eco-friendly alternative.

But you can only run so many errands before you run out of things to do. Before long, you're scraping the bottom of the reality barrel - did you really need to pop into the pet store to price out a replacement leash for the one the dog's threatening to chew through? That's your sign to break away from the madding crowds.

A nearby park offers a welcome refuge from the rush of Sunday afternoon shoppers. And before long, you find yourself standing, silent and alone, in front of a craggy old tree, wondering why you don't do this more often.

After what seems like hours of reflection, but is likely closer to 15 minutes, your watch alarm goes off (bless the Timex Ironman Triathlon) and it's time to fetch the little man and bring him home. As you set off on the closing leg of today's adventure, you think of the delightfully rich trunk of the sadly ignored tree in the middle of a suburban park. And you quietly tell yourself you'll be back again soon. And when you do, maybe you'll bring home another picture of a moment and place that, despite its humble, routine beginnings, you won't soon forget.

Your turn: Why we need to slow things down. Please discuss.

So long, Tony Hayward

Point break
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2009
[Click photo to embiggen. Click here for more Thematic closeup enlightenment]

Today's top headline was the announcement from embattled oil giant BP that its equally embattled CEO, Tony Hayward, was pulling the chord on the most golden of golden parachutes. The guy who presided over the henhouse while his minions played fast and loose with the basic rules of drilling safety is now getting his wish - he'll have his life back, along with a never-ending pipeline of big, fat cheques.

I immediately thought of the countless miles of once-pristine beaches that now sit under a deadly film of oil, of the countless plants and animals killed because a company was rushing to move its exploratory rig to the next drilling site. I know I oversimplify because I'm not an expert in drilling mechanics, but it's difficult to oversimplify the legacy of Mr. Hayward's lameoid leadership style. I'd like to say he won't be missed, but I suspect replacing him with another disconnected fonctionnaire won't do much to change the culture of a misguided leviathan at the core of a misguided industry that still thinks it can do as it pleases.

Your turn: What's your retirement wish for Mr. Hayward?

Rochester, NY and the gateway to High Falls

I haven't posted much to the blog lately
because I'm busy visiting family in Upstate NY, where I grew up. This isn't a typical vacation. I'm on Sabbatical from work, and the reason for the visit at this time was primarily to A) share my personal history and testimony with my daughter, and B) to share what I understand about some of the places, people and events that happened in this region that had lasting and sometimes global impact.

The image on right is a statue of Mercury (aka Hermes) prominently featured in the downtown Rochester skyline high atop the Lawyers Cooperative Extension building (Aqueduct building).

I took some pictures while out and about, logging items of interest that were either specifically sought out or discovered along the way. I'm going to share some of this, which follows a core theme of this blog that is to expose Satan's plan as found woven into our environment. You, wherever you live, may have very similar occult signal beacons or portals that influence your locality.

Until recent years, I had no idea why the Upstate NY region around Rochester seemed rather special. I don't mean "special" in that it's particularly good in some way. It's the opposite, particularly bad; spiritually oppressive, with a darkness and deadness; slumber. There's lots of significant history, spiritually. I've talked about my perceptions and some of this region's history with my cousin Bill on occasion, who grew up in the area too. He feels the same way I do about it. There is a dark spiritual atmosphere here. This had an impact on me as I was growing up and is something I must have been sensitive to, perceiving it on some level even though I couldn't identify what it was.

Such a regional condition as I'm describing can be understood based upon the testimony of the scriptures in Ephesians 6:12 and Daniel 10:13. There is a "prince" over the Rochester area, a demonic authority presiding over an assigned domain. The reality of it is witnessed to by the landmarks - the statues and symbols of the gods who reign over it seem nearly everywhere present. What I logged during my visit is a sampling of those elements.

In this post, I'm going to present one witness I discovered while walking around downtown that "says the most" and "speaks the loudest" to me.

Before the Genesee River empties into Lake Ontario, it runs through Rochester. Downtown, there is a 96 foot waterfall known as High Falls (see above). One of the main access points to the High Falls district is pictured below. On the overpass is a sign reading, "Welcome to High Falls."  Some of you will immediately recognize a symbolic drive-through version of the triple-helix DNA transformation - soul capture portal. This models receiving the mark of the beast every time someone drives through! This is an example of ritual magic that actively recruits in antichrist delusion.

I spotted this gateway walking down State St. after passing a number of other occult buildings and "art" objects. The first thing that came into view was one of the triple helix pillars. From some angles it's hard to tell its a triple helix, so here's a closer-up detail view so you can identify all three strands. As I kept walking closer I saw the sign on the overpass and then the opposing pillar to the first.

If you haven't been following the blog or are unfamiliar with this kind of signal, what you're looking at here is a rather classic combination of signal elements. If you have been following the blog you see here yet more validation of what the Lord has opened to us from such as NCR.com, etc.

This compares to the Royal Arch of Freemasonry. You'll notice in this popular image the arch of heaven, the two pillars, one with a helical winding, and the crossroads intersection.

The triple helix feature is represented on the keystone of the Royal Arch by the 69 claimed to represent the astrological sign, Cancer. The number 69 equals 23+23+23; meaning three sex chromosomes and three strands of DNA.

A gateway and a vehicle are featured in the opening scene of NCR.com's "marketing" sequence, where the armored car / get-away Zeus-mobile  / soul transport is awaiting receipt of the goods. It's pictured standing between then departing from between the pillars, where the target of the user's click is placed directly on the animated blue and white triple helix. The user's click that signals their acceptance of the terms of the deal offered was timed in the presentation to coincide with the vehicles departure, signaling in ritual magic the subsequent capture of their soul.

The arched gateway is pictured on the "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" book cover, with Harry passing (as facilitated by pharmakeia) through the portal.

The triple helix feature is represented on the book cover with the three diamonds (actually a composite of opposing deltas) each representing a strand of DNA, one each from the male, female and the one of their union with the heavenly.

The watery blue element on the overpass speaks to me of Revelation 13:1, where John wrote of seeing the Beast appear rising out of the sea. The "Welcome to High Falls" sign is welcoming those who pass through the portal to the place of HIGH FALLS. Who fell from a high place? Lucifer? Yes. The Watchers? Again, yes. The word "Nephilim" used in Genesis 6 to describe the hybrid offspring derives from a root that means "to fall" or "to cause to fall."  Welcome to High Falls, indeed! No thanks!

As you approach the gateway notice how there is a crossroads. Like Bob Dylan speaks of going to "the crossroads," where he made the bargain with the chief commander, legendary Robert Johnson had gone before him. If you find yourself in the not very distant future at "the crossroads," presented with the choice of taking the mark of the Beast, don't accept the welcome to "High Falls." There's no way out.

If you think you'll be able to do whatever you want now and some time later just make an easy decision at the last minute, don't bet on it. The devil is sly and more deceptive than you know. Make the decision to serve the Lord Y'shua with your whole life now. Draw near to Him in humble obedience. Pride goes before a fall. Humble yourself now, and be exalted later. You won't regret it.

Have eggs instead

Hard boiled
Laval, QC, May 2010
About this photo: Thematic Photographic explores the closeup world. If you want to explore it, too, head this way.
Whether eggs are nutritious heroes or disease-causing villains is something that'll likely be debated until the sun swallows our planet a few billion years from now. But you don't have to eat (or not eat) something to appreciate what it looks like. So I present to you the humble hard boiled egg. Steve Martin would be proud.

Your turn: If you're looking for photographic inspiration, eggs in any form might be a fun place to start. If you want to get cracking, go for it. And while we're on the subject, what's your favorite kind of egg?

When Apples wore rainbows

Another classic
London, ON, May 2010

I have a thing for old computers. In the cruel light of modern-day technology, they don't deserve a second glance. Their specs can be beaten by the most run-of-the-mill cell phone, and they're so obsolete that getting data off of them can range from difficult to impossible.

To wit, this machine has a 3.5-inch floppoy drive, a full array of serial and parallel ports (all together now, "Oooooh"), and absolutely no way to jack in a USB flash drive. Its screen resolution hurts my eyes and listening to the hard drive crunch away while it loads Word documents reminds me of what it must have been like to crank-start grandpa's Ford Model T.

But sheer performance matters little when history comes into play. I found this machine in the far corner of the youth director's office after dropping my kids off at choir. I used one just like it way too many years ago, and never forgot how much I enjoyed the experience - and how much this humble little machine started me on the road to following and writing about Apple in my eventual career. I wasn't alone, either: In schools across the continent, machines just like this defined how students first transitioned into computer-based learning.

Laughable technology today, I know. But sometimes I feel we don't take the time to appreciate the history of an era where everything seems to disposable and forgettable. Perhaps milestone machines like this Mac LC III deserve to be celebrated a little and not relegated to dusty office corners.

Your turn: Your favorite old computer was a...? Why? What made it special?

Thematic Photographic's closeup week continues here.

Links of interest

While I'm visiting family in N.Y. ... here's some links of interest:

Paramore’s “Brick by Boring Brick”: A Song about Mind Control

Yahoo! A Disinformation Ploy Some Yahoo! makes a pathetic video.

Taranis: The £143million unmanned stealth jet that will hit targets in another continent

Top 10 Bizarre & Controversial Archeological Discoveries

Orange petals

Life, in all its glory
London, ON, July 2010

I have no momentous reason for either shooting or posting this picture. I noticed it as I was walking past, so I stopped for an impromptu photo shoot. That's all.

I guess flowers do that to me on occasion. I guess we all need the occasional excuse to stop and smell the roses. Or whatever else is growing out of the ground that day.

Your turn: What attracts you to flowers? What's their appeal?

The blue flame

Waiting for the pot to boil
London, ON, July 2010

Despite my illogical fear of all things powered by natural gas - our furnace uses it, and it freaks me out every time I head down to the basement - I'm still game to record its existence in some way whenever the opportunity presents itself. So many thanks to our ever-understanding friend who, while we were all chatting in her kitchen recently, turned around to see me hovering over and around her natural gas stove. She didn't ask what I was up to: She just knew.

I like this photo because it reminds me of that neat little warm feeling you get when you hang around good folks. If the stars align, hopefully that glowing light of connectedness will continue to shine for us all.

Your turn: Flame. What's the appeal?

For more Thematic Photographic closeup silliness, please click here.

Eat me

Brunch is served
Toronto, ON, June 2010
About this photo: Thematic Photographic goes closeup this week. If you're in a myopic frame of mind, follow your mouse here.
Buffet tables are funny things. When the covers are pulled off, the hungry masses descend on them, jostling each other for position before the freshest bagels are gone. Lineups snake out the door as plates clink, toes tap and tempers flare. It can easily become an ugly scene. Sadly, often it does.

I'm a bit of a lurker. I have no interest in lining up for food. It didn't work for Soviet-era Muscovites and it sure doesn't work for capitalist-me, either. Instead, I wait for the crowds to inevitably thin before approaching the now-depleted piles of food. I rarely eat anything, as the whole touched-by-the-masses thing gives me the heebie jeebies. But that doesn't mean I can't find a decent picture among the uneaten remains.

Your turn: Do you do buffets? Why/why not?

Thematic Photographic 107 - Closeup

One scoop
Toronto, ON, June 2010

You see things differently when you position yourself closer than you otherwise would. While doing so may make you look a little funny - composing this shot in the middle of a busy brunch gave more than a few guests pause - it also lets you turn the ordinary into something a little less ordinary. In the overall scheme of things, the picture always wins.

I really need to spend more time sticking my lens within touching distance of stuff. Maybe this next week with give me ample opportunity to do just that. Maybe it'll give you a similar chance as well.

Your turn: Take a closeup picture - or two, or three, or... - of anything you want. The weirder the better. Post it to your blog or website, then leave a link in a comment here. For further fun and inspiration, visit other participants. Here's some background on how Thematic Photographic, our silly little weekly photo thing, works.

A butterfly pauses

London, ON, June 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]

Technically, this doesn't qualify as a summery photo because I took it just a couple of days before the season officially began. But I'm going to stretch things - again - because these lovely butterflies usually migrate through this area at the beginning of summer. I'm guessing this particular one didn't enter the itinerary into his (her?) BlackBerry and ended up leaving a few days early.

Which makes me glad, because I happened to be Right There when a friend called me over from the kids' school parking lot and told me to bring my camera. Of course, I had it on me, and was soon shooting this enormously gorgeous example of nature's engineering. The context was all wrong - deep shadows and gusty winds - but I shot enough different scenarios that I just had to get at least one keeper. And sure enough, here it is.

Your turn: What name should we give him/her? Feel free to suggest something.

After the rain

Wet and green
London, ON, July 2010

One of the simple joys of a rainstorm in summer revolves around walking outside after the skies have cleared. If you look carefully, you'll see all sorts of signs that the world around you has changed, subtly and temporarily, because of the passing storm.

But you have to go outside. And you have to look.

Your turn: The gentle appeal of summer rain. Please discuss.

Corvette summer

London, ON, July 2010
[Click all photos to enlarge]
About this photo: It's our Thematic Photographic summer-themed week all week long, and I'm hoping you'll click here to share your own. Click here for more info on the Gawd-awful movie from which I stole the title to this entry. Mark Hamill and Annie Potts, what were you thinking?
I'm a bit of a realist when it comes to cars. I believe the state-of-the-automotive-art needs to advance to the point that our vehicles do less harm to the planet. At the same time, I appreciate, deeply, the impact the automobile has had on modern culture. I'm not a car guy and I don't have motor oil coursing through my veins, but I spend a lot of time appreciating vehicles for what they often are: Rolling pieces of engineering-based art that happen to inspire a good number of us in a whole lot of ways.

So when someone parked a blue, early-70s Corvette in a nearby driveway on a brilliant July afternoon, I couldn't resist shooting it surreptitiously from afar. The curves and surfaces almost begged for some attention, even if your humble shooter was too chicken to step off his own lawn to capture them.

There are a whole lot of reasons I should not like this car. It's a two-seat, gas-sucking, emission-spewing hog that could probably be bested by a Hyundai Sonata 2.0T in a closed-course, only-for-professionals, head-to-head race. It's only marginally more reliable than the British Racing Green Plymouth Cricket (a rebadged Hillman Avenger) my mom owned when I was a kid (the one with the huge chunk missing from the dash; the one that spent more time waiting for parts at the local garage than it did in front of our house.) It's the poster boy for all that went wrong in the American automotive industry in the 1970s, now referred to, somewhat derisively, as the Malaise Era*.

Yet, it's a stunning piece of work to simply stare at. I know its fiberglass body is the purest example of form over function. But what form! My camera loves this thing infinitely more than it ever would the Sonata, and I could probably spend the better part of a day walking around it picking out new perspectives.

Alas, I only had a few minutes and limited angles due to my inherent desire to not be noticed. So these will have to do for now.

Your turn: Your favorite car to shoot is a...? Why?

* Malaise Era definition: Reference to the era after the 1973 Oil Crisis, generally agreed to be 1973-1982, when automobiles, especially American ones, experienced a perceived downturn in style, performance, and quality. [Source: Jalopnik.com]

Deep blue not-quite-ocean

Waves of reflection
London, ON, June 2009
About this photo: Thematic Photographic. Summer. Right here.
There's a certain hypnotic quality to watching waves, close-up, in a swimming pool. I first noticed this when I was a lifeguard way too many years ago. When things got quiet, I'd sit on the deck and just watch the shifting surface of the water. As my interest in photography deepened, I found the abstract, always-changing patterns to be great subjects for my lens. (Additional bonus: Water doesn't talk back.)

These days, I realize I haven't changed a whole lot from my younger, curly-sun-bleached-haired self. I still find myself looking down at the waves and I still wonder about the forces that create magically new compositions from one second to the next. If only more of us took the time to drink it in.

Your turn: What is it about waves that attracts and captivates us so?

By the rocket's white glare

Arva, ON
July 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]

Few things evoke summer more powerfully than fireworks. So when our friends invited a bunch of folks over to celebrate Canada Day with some aerial explosives, it was an easy decision to make.

Before the first one was lit, I staked out a spot in the grass not too far from Ground Zero. I lay down in the darkened stretch and pre-set the camera as best I could (I've shot fireworks before - click here for that - and it was just as much of a crapshoot then as it was now.) My technique was simple: brace against the ground, get myself into a very still, Zen-like state, use long shutter speeds and other exposure variations, then hope for a few keepers.

This one struck me as soon as I saw it on the screen. I'm a bit of a spaceflight addict, and the y-shaped image with stuff zipping out and down from the right somewhat (okay, loosely) reminded me of the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger.

Perhaps I'm imagining it. Regardless, it was a great evening with great friends. And a great shoot with some memorable results. I'll post more if you wish.

Your turn: Why do you believe we're so fascinated by fireworks?

Temporarily defying gravity

Delray Beach, FL
December 2009
About this photo: We're sharing summer-themed pictures all week long in support of our latest Thematic Photographic theme. If this makes no sense to you and you find yourself strangely intrigued, please click here.
I'll apologize now for stretching things a little. I realize a picture shot in the northern hemisphere in December doesn't necessarily qualify as summer. But anytime we're privileged enough to remove our kids from the icy grip of winter and let them cut loose in 30-plus-Celsius sunny warmth, I'm willing to call it "summer" and leave it at that.

Whatever season we call it, few things make me smile more than watching our kids be themselves. And in this fleeting moment, Noah is doing just that. He's a dive-into-it-with-all-your-heart kind of kid who wears it on his sleeve and on his face. He has an energy in him that can't help but be contagious, and every time I look at this picture, I think about the lessons a nine-year-old munchkin can teach us all about enjoying the moment.

Your turn: What does "in the moment" mean to you?

Up, up and away

Straight up
London, ON, July 2009

About this photo: Our newest Thematic Photographic theme is summer. This is a summery picture. Do you have a summery picture, too? Click here and all will be explained.
London's a city of hot air balloons, and for that I'm strangely thankful. Our geography is compact enough that a hot air balloon that takes off from the middle of town can easily make it to the agricultural hinterlands that surround us before its propane runs out. Which means regular opportunities to stop the bike on the way home and watch them launch from the park in front of the Dairy Queen.

Even if I miss a launch, it's a routine thing to see one of these graceful craft in the sky while I'm out and about. This isn't an earth-shattering civic feature, mind you, and it isn't anything that would make me want to live here above every other place on earth. Still, it's one of those little things that seals the deal on why this place has become so comfortable, the kind of thing that makes me smile a little smile as I realize my day has just been ever-so-slightly brightened.

Which explains why my head turned skyward on a hot day last July when I heard the telltale sound of propane burners. I ran inside for my camera and re-emerged just as the balloon floated directly overhead. Sometimes, you just get lucky.

Your turn: Libro is a financial services institution - think small and personalized - here in southwestern Ontario. Should I submit this to their marketing department? Does balloon advertising work?

Thematic Photographic 106 - Summer

In the bright sun
Delray Beach, FL, December 2009

We're now deep enough into summer that I'm betting most of us have at least a few pictures in the archives of sun and surf. And if we don't, I'm hoping the new Thematic Photographic theme, summer, gives us all a reason to go out and shoot some.

So what's your summer vision?

Your turn: Post a summer-themed picture to your blog and then paste a link to the entry in a comment here. If you have difficulty with the linking thing, just post a comment here - it's all about sharing, not geekery. For added fun, visit other participants and see how they're seeing the season. Here's more background on how TP works.

The iPhone 4 sucks

Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't - and debate on that front will clearly rage for months, if not longer. But there's no doubt that Apple has a PR debacle on its hands, one it hopes to resolve with a rather extraordinary press conference tomorrow.

I touched on Apple's woes during an interview last night with CTV News Channel's Marcia MacMillan. We were talking about another beleaguered smartphone vendor, Research In Motion, and it was only natural that we segued into iPhone territory for a bit, too.

The video's here. CBC coverage of the RIM situation is here. IT World Canada published this.

Your turn: Why so much controversy over a phone? Isn't it all just a little silly?

Saying goodbye

Her Zaidy
London, ON, September 2009

My dad, pictured here hugging our daughter, Dahlia, passed away ten days after this photo was taken. As he and my mom were heading back home after a visit to London, this was the last time any of us saw him.

Almost ten months since our daughter and her brothers first learned what real loss felt like, it's still enormously difficult to look at pictures from this day, much less share them here. Yet as the all-encompassing darkness of grief slowly gives way to a longer-term, permanent form of emptiness, I find myself looking for ways to remember.

And this was a good visit, something I'm glad we had before we lost him. The kids got to spend enormous amounts of time with him, from wake-up to tuck-in, and were able to celebrate birthdays - Dahlia's and Debbie's - as well. We all got to talk, to share and to simply be. In so many ways, it was a poignant way to say goodbye.

But here's the thing: I've never been good at goodbyes. And as my father had been sick for years - he had his first cardiac bypass surgery when Dahlia was just 10 days old, and he met her for the first time in the hospital lobby the night before he went into the OR - I had been, somewhat morbidly, taking pictures of him, alone, with my mom, with the kids, with us, for years.

I always thought, "What if?" Deep down inside, I knew where his increasingly frail health would lead. But I didn't want to lose him without having at least taken the opportunity to capture these snippets of togetherness in some small way.

I'm glad I did. Not because it was easy. It wasn't. But because it left us with that much more to hold on to.

Your turn: How do you remember important members of your family?

Duck, duck, goose!

London, ON, March 2010
About this photo: We're sharing family-themed photos this week as part of our Thematic Photographic extravaganza. If you're feeling extravagant in a familial manner, click here.
Families take on many forms, and from where I sit, it is the height of arrogance for humans to assume they hold exclusive ownership of the concept. (I'll duck now, before the conservative nannies among us take me to task. There, I'm good.)

It was a cold late-winter day when I came across these Canadian Geese (yes, the same species that brought down Captain Sully's plane and then hissed at my kids at the park, though not necessarily in that order) wandering across a decidedly family unfriendly road filled with 18-wheelers and not much else. There was a certain poignancy to the way they never strayed more than a footstep away from each other, seemingly ensuring each other's safety. Even when they took to the skies, they seemed to share the same slice of sky, almost afraid to fly solo.

If they don't represent family, then I suspect we may need to revisit our definition of the term.

Your turn: Unconventional families. Please discuss.

Spain wins World Cup...

Whoever you rooted for, I hope we all appreciate the just-completed uber-cool moment of global sporting connectedness. Sometimes, sports transcends what goes on on the field.

Something to remember as the planet gets back to its usual mean-spirited self tomorrow morning.

Your turn: Got any final thoughts on the World Cup?

World Cup occult symbols - and more links!

When you read this, a large community of sports fans will have their attention turned to the FIFA World Cup 2010 Finals. Many people have been noticing occult symbolism in the imagery of the games and their presentation. I've spent most of the day researching and preparing for future posts or videos, Lord willing. I want to express my appreciation to everyone who has sent email sharing links and insight!

Here are two links I want to share:

Let’s Play Baal - The Sun Will Be Darkened - Part Three - by Joseph Herrin (07-10-2010)

7/11 World Cup Final - False flag? - a message board thread (started by someone using the triple-helix dna signaling symbol popularized by Nicholas Roerich as their avatar. I point this out as a symbol I've been wanting to feature for some time now. Nicholas Roerich had a significant role in the great seal appearing on the one dollar Federal Reserve Note.)

Here's some other links I wanted to pass along.

Germans shell-shocked by oracle octopus

U.S. Plans Cyber Shield for Utilities, Companies

Darpa’s Genetically Engineered Blood Starts Pumping - O Negative

Pentagon: Zombie Pigs First, Then Hibernating Soldiers Preserving the lives of soldiers and such, it just seems so noble, yet... During WW2, experiments done in camps by Nazis like Joseph Mengele focused efforts on understanding that fine line of life and death. There are soul issues involved. DARPA - not meaning well - not doing good. $9.9 million? Red flag.

Flashback: Donald Berwick “We Must Redistribute Wealth”
President Obama officially made Donald Berwick his recess appointment to be the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

President Obama to Make Recess Appointment of CMS Administrator Republicans Attacking as 'Expert on Rationing' Rationing = Limiting

Brood by a wall

We made them
London, ON, May 2009
About this photo: Thematic Photographic focuses on family all week long. If you've got a photo you'd like to share, please click here.
It isn't often that they end up in the same place at the same time. So when they paused at the edge of the parking garage after an appointment with their favorite dentist, I grabbed the camera and grabbed the moment.

They're rushing so quickly toward the future that I don't know how many more chances I'll get to capture them in the same frame. Well, at least without PhotoShop.

Your turn: Photography as a means of slowing down time. Please discuss.

Part 2 - "9" signaling the Beast agenda

As I compare "9" to The Iron Giant it's apparent that, while they are both feature length animations, the visual texture and tone are vastly different between them. In a similar way, while they are both antichrist vehicles promoting the Beast agenda, the manner of presentation differs significantly. The style difference can be seen in the movie titles themselves. "The Iron Giant" is very descriptive, while "9" is as stark as a title can possibly be.

One benefit in continuing to explore these vehicles (like the Beijing Olympics London Presentation, the Threshold movie, Olympic posters, NCR.com's marketing sequence - see The Open Scroll Blog: Movies that prepare us for transformation ...) is that I usually discover some new insight. Another benefit is that I always find elements I've observed elsewhere, and this redundancy of the symbols and their meanings let's me know I'm on the right path, giving me assurance as I continue to track the clues.

Because there is at the present time such deceit in the world and the overspreading delusion so pervasive, the confidence inspired by the validating redundancy is a necessary provision for our time.

We need to know the Lord who is with us is trustworthy and sure. "My sheep hear my voice," He has declared. (John 10:27) This must be learned through practicing obedience even as the good shepherd leads those who will follow through some difficult terrain.

The discovery of a movie titled "9" that promotes the Beast agenda should be no surprise at all. If you've been following this blog you have seen the number appear regularly in the context of the mark of the Beast transformation. "Nine" is code for "mark of the Beast"! Several posts back I pointed out how The Iron Giant, in addition to having several other "nine" features, was released in 1999. I count three nines. "9" was released in 2009, as was District 9, another of the antichrist vehicle kind.

I've noticed how those who practice the art of occult signaling apply the technique of summing digits to derive meaningful equivalence. I presented examples already, such as with Threshold, which first aired on CBS beginning September 16, 2005 (9-16-2005) then on the Sci Fi Channel on Friday, October 13, 2006. (10-13-2006) Doing the math: 9+1+6+2+0+0+5=23 ("sex" chromosomes) 1+0+1+3+2+0+0+6=13 (beast)

16) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

Six hundred threescore and six is commonly referenced as 666. 6+6+6=18 then 1+8=9 So we can see how 666 resolves to 9. The single digit 9 is then considered a magical form of 666. Nine is the number of months associated with human gestation, and what I'm now convinced is the primary feature of the mark of the beast relates to bringing forth offspring. It has oft been said that math is a language of truth.

Followers of this blog may recall how the clever triple-helix DNA signaling logo of Nine Points Management & Research / Nine Points Capital Advisors, LLC. disassembles or transforms into 666.

Did you watch the "9" movie trailer videos and notice how the movie's launch date is featured at the end? The movie "9" was launched on 9-9-09, as you see in the image on the right. This is more than a promotional gimmick. Applying the summing function to the release date, 9-9-09 is 9+9+9=27 and 2+7=9 so we see that the release date of "9" also resolves to 9.

Now, as you watch one of the trailers, the number 9 appears by itself as the only element in the title screen, then, it transforms into 9-9-09. Ok. So, stand on your head and watch it. Or, just look at this image on the left, which is the 9-9-09 image turned upside down. It's the 666, slightly obfuscated, for the sake of "plausible deniability." The 9 was presented being transformed into 9-9-09. If you watch it upside down, you'll see 6 transformed into a 666. "6", the number of man (Revelation 13:18), transformed into 666, the number of the beast. In ritual magic, man is being transformed into a beast through the mark of the beast!

The graphical effects applied to the 9 and to the other numbers suggest ectoplasm, which is consistent with the main themes and visual themes of the movie. The soul transfer and disembodied life forces are pictured with imagery familiar to anyone who has read about or seen presentations about the paranormal. Ectoplasm is purported to be a tangible substance of life from a realm where the dead live. Presenting the 6 to 666 transformation with ectoplasm seems fitting.

More coming - Lord willing!

Thematic Photographic 105 - Family

A girl and her dog
London, ON, April 2010

I've chosen "family" as this week's Thematic Photographic theme because as time goes on, I realize little else matters beyond this. It's the one constant in most of our lives, the one foundation on which all the other good things - career, health, interests, etc. - are ultimately built. Many of us are lucky to be surrounded by strong families, while others, sadly, wish that could be the case.

Since I tend to wear the family thing on my sleeve, anyway, I thought it might be fun to explore it for the next week. As you both capture and choose which photos to share - and let's be clear, you're free to participate as often as you wish - please give some thought to the definition of family. Specifically, it doesn't always necessarily have to be someone directly related to you.

In this case, it's quite clear to anyone who knows us that the young lady on the right is a member of my immediate family. The furry being* our daughter is holding, on the other hand, has no genetic link to us whatsoever. Yet, Frasier has become an integral part of our family - and I'm sure you've got happy exceptions such as pets and friends who similarly qualify.

Your turn: Over the next week, pick a photo that relates to the family theme and post it to your blog or related site. Mosey on back here and paste a link into a comment here. Repeat as often as you'd like. Then feel free to visit other participants to share in the familial goodness. For more info on how Thematic Photographic works, please click here.

* There's a bit more method to my madness, as it's Frasier's 4th birthday today. He doesn't know it, of course, but I'm sure he's just as happy to receive even more hugs than usual from us, his human family.

Approaching the Hive Mind Threshold - Unity Consciousness

Yesterday I sent a link in the blog. The excerpt I presented related the "Batman" program. I had considered the "Robin" program but chose not to include an excerpt in the post. I consciously logged it, stowing it on the mental shelf under the label, "hive mind." Today, I received two emails pointing to two other "hive mind" items. I can take a hint. Off the shelf it comes. So what is this about?

Here's the link again and the "Robin" excerpt.

Holy Acronym, Darpa! ‘Batman & Robin’ to Master Biology, Outdo Evolution

"BatMAN’s the main draw, but every good superhero acronym needs a sidekick. So Darpa’s come up with RoBIN, or Robustness of Biologically-Inspired Networks, in an effort to boost the collaboration strategies of key decision-makers using “biological design principles.” In other words, apply inclinations found in nature, like collective behavior and complex, adaptable networks, to improve human interactions."

Here's the full synopsis from fbo.gov, a government site Robustness of Biologically-Inspired Networks (RoBIN) - Solicitation Number: DARPA-SN-10-56 that solicits solutions from the private sector.

"The Defense Sciences Office (DSO) of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is seeking innovative ideas that may support a potential new DARPA program designed to provide novel approaches to generate robust and adaptable networks of humans and machines inspired by biological design principles. Robustness of Biologically-Inspired Networks (RoBIN), seeks to apply the critical control features of biological networks to build unique models for adaptable networks, and create a dynamic biologically-inspired network of scientists and other experts for crisis response and complex decision support."

"Topic areas that may be of interest include, but are not limited to: exploring collective behavior and recruitment, counter deception, modularity in networks and biology, models of robustness, recruitment of expertise, synthetic immune surveillance, model and design of robust biological networks, self-organized complexity across scales, and robust adaptive response systems."

D.A.R.P.A.  == Devil's Army Resourcing and Provisioning Agency. Or, something like that. What could they be after? Since they're never going to just come out and say it, we have to consider what the "just come out and say it" kinds of agents are blabbing about. Before that, though, as I consider what this "hive mind" bit means, I have to be mindful of what the Lord has been bringing to my attention very recently.

As an example, over the past few days I watched a DVD called Mein Kampf (1960). Excepting the narrative, the content of this documentary is vintage German newsreel footage and clips of Nazi Party speeches from the 30s and 40s. I was continually struck with how the people who yielded to the Nazi party as willing subjects were so distinctly individual yet acted as one. A spell was cast over the people and the effect was pretty universal. Mass hypnotism, it's been called. The people acted like bees in a hive. Hitler was the queen bee, of course. It was all (pretext) for the glory of the motherland hive, and the worker bees and SS drones served tirelessly and sacrificed themselves endlessly. Bees do a dance and the Nazis had theirs, the Seig Heil salute.

I've also begun watching an old British TV series, called "The Prisoner," making similar observations about the social behaviors and manipulations.

So, here's the first item that was brought to my attention this morning. FIFA World Cup 2010 New World Order. You'll notice the buzzing noise is featured as the droning of a noisy hive. The vuvuzela is highlighted, which has been in popular news in recent weeks. It is related to the kudu horn and also to the shofar. As related to the shofar, this connection should prompt some musings about counterfeit vs genuine purposes and effects. The video also presents some of the esoteric bee and hive imagery associated with various institutions. The video producer shares some insight. So does this noise relate to "hive mentality"? Is this some form of mass, subliminal indoctrination? Does this involve "them" confirming their superiority and making you do whatever "they" want without you even realizing? The presenter suspects an evil plot. The video presents no evidence but attempts to raise questions. So, is there such a plot and are such devices being leveraged to facilitate control?

This is actually an extension of the very subject I spent much of the past month studying and writing about, updating the Pharmaceuticals -The Sorceries of Babylon study as an adjunct to The Iron Giant blog series. What I learned and shared about music, sound energy, harmonics and resonating structures relates to those very things the "World Cup" video presenter suggested! The plot is the mark of the Beast scheme, facilitated by the enchantments attributed to the great city Babylon.

... for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations (ethnos) were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia).
Revelation 18:23

The FIFA World Cup, like the Olympics, brings the nations and their races of men together. Also like the Olympics, their identifying imagery is occult, presenting Horus/Apollo or Thoth as their god. See the bird head in the soccer ball-as-eye and inside the other circular FIFA icon? Thoth was ibis headed and Horus, falcon headed.

Control over individuals is a fundamental level that must first be established. Control over populations is a further goal. Something like "critical mass" is being sought. That's when the likes of a hive mind is established. There is a threshold that must be attained.

If we take a lesson from one of the antichrist vehicles addressed in this blog, the 2005 series "Threshold," there's an answer for us that explains DARPA's quest for "Robin." Quoting from Part 4 of Threshold - The CBS sci-fi series from 2005, "We're told in a "special features" extra that the intent for the show was to ultimately have three divisions reflecting the stages of alien influence. These were to be 'Threshold,' then 'Foothold,' and finally, 'Stranglehold.'" I don't see these stages clearly as I understand the actual Nephilim plot, but this insight Andre Bormanis shared with us reveals how there are stepped levels of control. DARPA apparently seeks to discover and exploit the mechanisms of linking and binding subjects to achieve the control necessary for population stranglehold.

The next item I received is a page presented by a man that some consider as a "somebody" in his community, Carl Johan Calleman. He's one of the "just come out and say it" kinds of agents I referred to earlier, the kind that blabs Satan's schemes where others like DARPA won't. The truths must be distilled and meanings carefully discerned, but they're there in abundance.

The Conscious Convergence - A Wave of Unity July 17-18, 2010: Creating the intention for the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave of the Mayan calendar!

When you read, "unity consciousness" think about the hive mind stage of control. When you get down to the "Notes" section near the bottom where he writes, "...would continue the three stage rocket into the birth of the new world that started on 9.9.9 (Sept 9, 2009, please see...) - well, I'll give you a little advance on a near-future post, Lord willing, and tell you that that's the very day the movie "9" was released!

This next item wasn't forwarded to me but it came up in my research. This is something I really recomend you read. It's only five paragraphs long. Read just this section Messiah Seed 66 - Unity Consciousness and individuality. The Messiah Seed, Volume 1 By Story Waters Remember the big lie of "The Iron Giant" - "You are who you choose to be"? (paragraph 3) This is in the midst of the big Hive Mind Sales Job. Messiah Seed. Get it?

"The net" is something heard by many of us in reverse speech content. It's like the Matrix (movie concept). A recent video of Lady Gaga I made shows her (by way of reverse speech) referencing Obama, the President. "You're closing the net" When we're all connected, you are enslaved. Believe me, you are!" Like a hunter throwing a net over his prey, the net is the trap. The closing of the net is the trapping of the people - is the reaching the hive mind / unity consciousness threshold of population control - is that point where the mark of the Beast may be implemented. Another video I made shows Scott Silverman, CEO of PositiveID saying (by reverse speech), "The bore will enslave. Am not I at risk?"

It's scheduled for the near future. It's on the appointment calendar. See it coming? I do, as do many others!

Reflective no more

Disposable society
London, ON, March 2010
About this photo: We've been sharing dot-themed photos all week long, and this picture puts a somewhat dirty and forgotten cap on the week that was. I'll post the new Thematic Photographic theme Thursday evening, but for now you're still free to share your own dotted perspective by clicking here.
It's always a little sad to see garbage in a place where it clearly doesn't belong. That we've become a throwaway society is, by now, well beyond doubt. That we often fail to properly throw these things away makes it all seem just a little bit sadder.

Your turn: Beginning to turn the tide of often misplaced garbage. Please discuss.

"9" the 2009 movie, signaling the Beast agenda

Having just concluded a series of posts on one animated feature that signals the Beast agenda (The Iron Giant), I'm continuing the momentum here with another, titled, "9." That's right, simply, "9." I've written plenty about that number recently as the single-digit number representing the Beast (Revelation 13:1) and the mark of the beast / transformation of man into a serpent hybrid. If it is indeed that, we might expect to find these themes presented in a movie with such a title, and, indeed, we do!

In the series addressing The Iron Giant, I withheld the most important sign concealed and revealed in the movie until the final post. In this series, I'm going to present this movie's version of the same right here in the introductory post! To prepare yourself for what I'm about to share, assuming you're already on-board with the foundation of "The Iron Giant" series, please watch this official movie trailer video (9 - Official Trailer and this one (9 Movie Trailer - by clevver movies), which, in some media displaying this blog post you will find embedded, below.

During the "clevver movies" video (2.06-2.31) the nine consecutively numbered rag dolls were featured in an introduction sequence, one at a time, excepting the "3" and "4," which were presented together. The image on the left represents two consecutive frames I clipped from that sequence. The "three things and then four" is the sign for which I've watched. With their "creator" making the "3" and "4" at the same time, as twins, the sign is conveniently packaged for presentation.

Of all the "numbers," only these two are twins, which marks them as a special set. As twins, the aspect of time is called out to our attention because they were made at the same time. The sequence is important, with a 3 coming before a 4, and it's in this order that they appear in the movie.

The image on the right pictures the "three things and then four" sign. The movie introduces us to the twins as being shy, hiding behind an object. "3" appears first, on the right, then, a moment later, "4" appears on the left. The frame showing the image in the upper half appeared a few moments before the frame with the image shown in the lower half. (I found a clip showing this scene on YouTube - in the first three seconds of the clip.)

If this seems somehow familiar, it should! This follows "The Iron Giant" pattern presented when the signal poster is introduced! As the "camera" panned left giving us a view of Dean's domicile, we first saw the "3" appear, then the "4" with it, to the left of the "3"!

In "The Iron Giant," the scene in which I perceived the signaling cryptic visual imagery had some supporting and validating content as clues in the immediate context. There was 1) the obvious subject: the iron giant, symbolic of the Beast and 2) the dialogue accompanying the cryptic sign: "I, I, I can't hide it here" and 3) the full screen title prefacing the scene and alerting us to watch for a specific time interval. Are there supplemental clues in the context of the cryptic sign's presentation in "9" that support identifying it as such a sign? Take a close look at what "3" and "4" are flanking, the object they had been hiding behind. I know, it's dark, but that's the image from the movie.

What do you see? Does that speak to you about the Beast and the mark of the Beast? I see a display jar on a base containing two well preserved serpents that are coiled in a double helix. Each is marked with a sequence of chromosome shapes. Haven't I written somewhere about something like this? Haven't I written also about Joseph Mengele and his unrestricted experiments with twins as he seeks to discover and exploit the secrets of genetics? Haven't I written about the secret of the "twins" Cain and Abel?

There's another set of clues in the dialog accompanying the scene. "7" explains to "9" about the puzzling and inquisitive twins, "3" and "4."

"Oh, they've been here, the whole time. Twins. They've been hiding here, lost in the past. Looking for answers."

Once again, our attention is drawn to time and the passage of time. What is it of the three and four that have been hidden the whole time? What are the answers? The three and then the fourth Shemittah from 1991 will reveal what has been hidden the whole time. The reality of the Cain and Abel story will be manifest. The Nephilim long hidden in the earth will no longer be lost in the past.

At some point, someone's going to realize I'm not just making this stuff up. I'm not imagining things. I'm not seeing just what I want to see. I'm not bewitching you. Some of us, who have been bewitched, are having our eyes opened. We are being set free, delivered out from under the antichrist spell!

What does this sign mean? Have you read on TheOpenScroll.com about the Bride Theft and the sign for the Bride? Do you understand the celestial sign of 1991? Have you seen the videos or read the study about whether "no one will know" when the Lord will return? If you're not aware of and convinced of what the Lord has already revealed in preparation for this season, how are you going to effectively watch in days to come? How will you interpret the coming events? In the near future, our access to such as this blog, that the Lord provides for our instruction and encouragement, will be cut off. I'm telling you this, which some of you already know, to encourage you to focus. Focus.

Time is short. Make it count, my friend.
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