EXCLUSIVE! September 11th and The Gulf Oil Spill - CONNECTING THE DOTS
Marine activist alleges BP oil spill cover up
iPhone Credit Card Reader Lets You Accept Plastic Anywhere
Intuit to buy health care firm Medfusion
"Intuit added that giving patients quick access to their medical records is one of the requirements for doctors to receive a $44,000 payment funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus bill."
Prepping for the Beast network, the access to which will be with the implanted chip that will become the mark of the Beast.
Chemical Concussions and Secret LSD: Pentagon Details Cold War Mind-Control Tests
IBM setting up cloud for genome research
Western Slope woman blames vampire for car crash The vampire tradition continues the Nephilim lust for blood.
Greece lightning: Ancient Parthenon lit from above as storm breaks over Athens First, Touchdown Jesus, now the Parthenon. So judgement comes, in this order.
Morphing cars and planes closer as Pentagon develops shape-shifting robot