Arva, ON
July 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]
Few things evoke summer more powerfully than fireworks. So when our friends invited a bunch of folks over to celebrate Canada Day with some aerial explosives, it was an easy decision to make.
Before the first one was lit, I staked out a spot in the grass not too far from Ground Zero. I lay down in the darkened stretch and pre-set the camera as best I could (I've shot fireworks before - click here for that - and it was just as much of a crapshoot then as it was now.) My technique was simple: brace against the ground, get myself into a very still, Zen-like state, use long shutter speeds and other exposure variations, then hope for a few keepers.
This one struck me as soon as I saw it on the screen. I'm a bit of a spaceflight addict, and the y-shaped image with stuff zipping out and down from the right somewhat (okay, loosely) reminded me of the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger.
Perhaps I'm imagining it. Regardless, it was a great evening with great friends. And a great shoot with some memorable results. I'll post more if you wish.
Your turn: Why do you believe we're so fascinated by fireworks?