London, ON, June 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]
Technically, this doesn't qualify as a summery photo because I took it just a couple of days before the season officially began. But I'm going to stretch things - again - because these lovely butterflies usually migrate through this area at the beginning of summer. I'm guessing this particular one didn't enter the itinerary into his (her?) BlackBerry and ended up leaving a few days early.
Which makes me glad, because I happened to be Right There when a friend called me over from the kids' school parking lot and told me to bring my camera. Of course, I had it on me, and was soon shooting this enormously gorgeous example of nature's engineering. The context was all wrong - deep shadows and gusty winds - but I shot enough different scenarios that I just had to get at least one keeper. And sure enough, here it is.
Your turn: What name should we give him/her? Feel free to suggest something.