Deerfield Beach, FL
December 2008
[Click photo to enlarge]
It may seem redundant to be posting a picture of an American flag so soon after my homage to Canada and its flag, but hear me out, because there is indeed method to my flag-waving madness.
Although I'm not American, I've always admired how our neighbours to the south wear their patriotism so obviously and proudly. They fly the flag, they sing the national anthem, and they let their blood pressure rise whenever anyone challenges their nationhood. They exude a level of passion for their country that often shames laid-back Canadians into questioning why they, too, can't be more effusive.
Sure, things can tend to the almost-ugly side of jingoism on occasion. The uber-bravado can grate on the nerves of those who tend toward the more subtle side of the nationalistic spectrum. But all things considered, it's refreshing to see such love of country so deeply embedded in the national psyche. There's a lesson there for other citizens of other nations, and radical fundamentalists notwithstanding, those who don't get it don't need to join the party. Everyone else is, of course, welcome to bask in the glory of a country that still inspires its people to stretch just a little bit further.
Your turn: If you're American, what does your flag mean to you? Even if you're not, please share a thought or two on why flags are often so central in our lives.