Another brick in the wall

Stoic witness
London, ON, October 2010
[Click here to share your own yellow-themed vision]

I've always been quite the contrarian. When everyone's looking inward, I'm staring outward. When the gang's gathered together, I'm wandering around the periphery. It's not that I'm not interested in what everyone else is interested in; I'm not that antisocial. But I am more intent on finding the story not told, because I just don't see the point in rehashing the same old. Conventionality never was my thing.

And so while we were having a quiet meal at a local restaurant to celebrate the end of our daughter's Bat Mitzvah weekend (see here and here for more), I found myself staring at the surrounding brick walls. So many families both just like and nothing like ours had gathered in this very spot. I wondered if the folks who sat here on those earlier, unseen nights had felt as comfortable in their place in the universe as we did at that moment. I wondered what these walls would say if they could speak. I wondered about the unknown people who long ago built this wall, then moved on. I simply wondered.

It was a good moment, so I thought sharing this picture would extend that moment out to all of you as well.

Your turn: How do you know when all is right with the world? What does it feel or look like?

What I learned from Toy Story

The claw knows all
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2008
[Click here to share your yellow vision]

One of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies of all time is the one where the Sheriff Woody tries to escape from one of those huge, crane-equipped toy games, only to be stymied by a horde of squeeze toy aliens, mindless three-eyed toys who worship The Claw as cult members would follow their bearded, shirtless, criminal-past "leader". It's a screamingly biting swipe at the risks we all face when we choose to drink the Kool-Aid.

Yet like all things in the world of Pixar, it's rendered with such a deft palette of words and pixels that kids think it's simply a funny bit with even funnier toys. Regardless, this scene was the first thing that came to mind as our kids walked past this machine in a Florida restaurant a couple of years back. And since these machines are kid-magnets and our kids are, well, magnetic, we had a heck of a time removing them from the establishment.

As the wretched Halloween "holiday" looms larger in our collective windshield, I believe this photo captures the spirit of it all quite nicely.

Your turn: Why don't I like Halloween?

Announcement and News


Lord willing, I'll be on BlogTalkRadio with Zen Garcia and co-host Alan Swanson again on the Shabbat. FallenAngelsTV "Bob Schlenker from will join us again to discuss his research into reverse speech and discuss with us whether some will be given discernment on The Time of the End"

You can catch it live online at 2pm Pacific and participate in the chatroom, or download it later as a mp3. I hadn't mentioned this yet on the blog, but I was on last week as a guest, too. "The 2nd Book of Esdras, part of the Apocryphal collection often read beside canon, covers many warnings for what would be the fig-tree generation, or those that witness the recreation of Israel as a nation which occurred May 14, 1948."

Misc. News:

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple? - "Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey's stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization"

With the next three links you should be aware how the source lies even beyond where these point.

Obama's Puppet Master George Soros

Obama's college classmate speaks out

Cloward and Piven plan for America & Glenn Beck’s Comment

Coming movies:

The Seed - a television series being made - written and directed by Rob Skiba II.

The Protean Field - a movie being made - written and directed by Rob Skiba II.

FYI - Rob wrote to me on 11/2 that, "The Protean Field is actually now going to be inserted as a multi-part episode in SEED - probably for the premiere episodes of season 2."

FireBreather - animated movie coming to Cartoon Network in November, 2010. Watch the trailer. "Half man - half dragon - all hero." Firebreather - Wikipedia

Compare the main character of MEGAMIND (DreamWorks - November 5 release {Remember, remember, the fifth of November, The Gunpowder Treason and Plot...}) with the being named Lam from Aleister Crowley's Lam & the Little Grey Men.

Skyline: 11.12.10

What WikiLeaks leaks mean to the rest of us

Being a tech journalist makes for interesting days. I often wake up early and lie in bed, BlackBerry in hand, mulling over a constantly shifting landscape of topics. I narrow 'em down to the ones that jazz me most, and more importantly that I think will jazz readers. Then I put the pitch together, fire it off to my editors, and wait.

My wife, bless her, puts up with this tech-driven restlessness.

Some of my favorite topics are the ones that stick in my head for days, weeks or even months on end. WikiLeaks, a web site that publishes anonymously submitted, leaked documents, has been bouncing around the back of my brain for much of the year. I've commented extensively on it, but had kept my pen down until this week, after the site released some 77,000 "Iraq War Diaries" files. It dawned on me in the early morning darkness that this wasn't just about the military. It was about us.

Yahoo! Canada published my resulting article, WikiLeaks leak a wakeup call for business, today. A nice way to end the writing week, no? I hope you enjoy the read.

Your turn: Is WikiLeaks heroic or villainous?

Thematic Photographic 121 - Yellow

Someone's dishes are gonna be dirty
London, ON, August 2010

Welcome to Thematic Photographic's yellow week. I've done this color before, but I enjoyed the week so much that I've decided to revisit it. Come to think of it, I'm somewhat partial to any color-based theme, so watch for more along these lines in the weeks and months to come.

This is an admittedly odd photo to kick off our theme. Then again, I have an admittedly odd way of looking at the world, so it's just as well that I had my camera with me after coming across this scene in a local parking lot. I can't even begin to explain how this yellow glove came to be here, and I'm not sure any of us really wants to know. But it was asking to be recorded all the same. So I obliged.

Photography, after all, isn't always about what we choose to capture. Sometimes, it's about the things that choose us.

Your turn: If you've done Thematic before, I won't stand in your way. Post your pic, leave your comment here, and have fun! If you're new to our weekly photographic share-fest, click here for more background on how it works. We promise it doesn't hurt.

Hatred lives among us...

The blogo-/twitter-/social-media-sphere is in an uproar over an Arkansas senior school board official's Facebook rant. Clint McCance, vice-president of the Midland School District, used his Facebook page to vent his homophobic, intolerant, hatred-filled spleen and, in doing so, ensured his rapid ascension to the throne of Internet pariah-hood. (Coverage here, here, here and here.)

Mr. McCance, apparently upset that everyone wore purple last week on Spirit Day in a show of solidarity toward gays and lesbians, said he'd wear purple only if gays and lesbians would "commit suicide," and that he would disown his kids if they told him they were gay. It got worse from there, in a pathetically error-filled tirade that isn't suitable for any workplace I've ever known.

Never mind that this man is responsible for educating thousands of kids in Arkansas (G-d help them all) and never mind that the school board didn't fire him outright. Okay, they couldn't fire him outright, as he's an elected official. But we've seen politicians get tossed out of office for far less.

This happened in an age where cyberbullying runs rampant, where too many kids of any background, let alone LGBT, feel so marginalized that they see suicide as the only answer. That a man responsible for guiding the educational future of so many children would go public with this kind of misinformed, misplaced rage is, from where I sit, a call to greater action.

CNN's Anderson Cooper took the high road in an eloquent and passionate response (see video). The rest of the Internet lit up in a similar fashion, as rational folks everywhere realized what true hatred looks like, and how much damage it can cause when it goes unchecked.

Well, Arkansas schools, here's your chance to check it before it gets worse, to set a precedent in the accelerating war against cyberbullying. In the growing fight to reintroduce tolerance and understanding back into the modern dialog. Don't let the Clint McCances of the world win. Don't let them take any more children away from us.

Your turn: Thoughts?

This just in: The idiot resigned in a live interview with Mr. Cooper. If you read into the words he used, though, it's clear he isn't truly sorry. He's only sorry he got caught. Some people never learn.

Loafing around

London, ON, August 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]
About this photo: We're wrapping up our "savour" week and getting ready for the new Thematic Photographic theme. It bows tomorrow (Thursday) at 7 p.m. Eastern. If you haven't done the savour thing yet - or even if you have and are still addicted to the insanity - click here to get in under the wire.
Bread may be the carb-laden enemy of new-millenium good health zealots everywhere, but there's nothing like hanging around the house as the bread machine works its magic. I grew up in a part of the world where bakeries were integral anchors of virtually every neighborhood, and to close your eyes and smell fresh-baked bread throughout the house is about as close to olfactory heaven as you'll get in this Age of Wonderbread.

So when my wife loaded up our bread machine and hit the on button, I waited patiently until she set the resulting loaf on the counter to cool. It seemed appropriate to remember the sight with a picture. Sadly, my Nikon wasn't able to capture the delicious scent.

Your turn: Do you make your own bread? Why is this simple domestic act so comforting?

Part 2 - The Chilean Mine Incident Sign

Continuing from Part 1...

Perhaps the most easily recognized religious symbol featured during the incident is the name of the capsule used to lift the trapped men out of the mine. It was a capsule named Fénix 2, or, Phoenix, in English. The capsule that had been designed for such a rescue was aptly named for the legendary bird that regenerates itself, burning then rising out of its ashes at the end of every cycle of life.

The phoenix is recognized by many saints as a symbol of the messianic Beast. Note how the Fénix capsule that alternately descended and ascended was 13 feet long, and was built at a Chilean navy workshop in Talcahuano, 1,300 miles south of the mine! The number 13, again, is a beast number that is also the day of the rescue, and further seen in the sum of the men's ages, 1313. Again, think about it. These numbers and relationships are meaningful.

Here's an interesting comparison between two Beast capsules. One capsule is to put a man inside. The other capsule is to put inside a man, an implantable RFID microchip.

On the day of the rescue, the first man emerged from the Fénix 2 rescue capsule at 00:10 CLDT and the last at 21:55 CLDT. One signification of the number 21 is that of time, the fulness of time. The time for their delivery had come. On that day, some have noted how they were delivered within 22 hours, signaling "revelation," This seems quite relevant, yet 22 also signifies the 2*11 or division of the flesh that is death. This is also relevant, because men are as seeds whose bodies must die before the new life can be brought forth. If you consider the delivery of these men as 33 full cycles of descending the phoenix and raising it again, the action required 23 hours!

The following is excerpted from Rescue – Operación San Lorenzo - Wikipedia on 10/23. "The first rescuer lowered to the miners was Manuel González, an experienced rescue expert and employee of mining company Codelco, at 23:18 CLDT, following a three-hour delay for final safety tests. During the 18 minute descent, the waiting families and surface rescue team members sang the Canción Nacional (Chile's national anthem). González arrived in the collapsed mine and made contact with the miners at 23:36."

The number 23 appears yet again as the hour the rescue process really began. Another number is introduced, the 18, another number associated with the Beast. Revelation 13:18 reveals why 666 is considered the number of the Beast and why it is associated with his mark. The number 18 is used as an esoteric signal of the Beast because it is the sum of 6+6+6. The descent into the pit took 18 minutes. It began at 18 minutes into the hour and thus the initial descent was twice marked with the number 18, in the 23rd hour.

Here's another excerpt from Rescue – Operación San Lorenzo - Wikipedia on 10/23. "Once the miner was secure inside the capsule, it then ascended at a rate of 1 metre per second (2.2 mph), with an estimated travel time of 9 to 18 minutes." There's a repeat of the 18 minute transit time, plus the number 9 is introduced, a very important number in this context.

The number 9 is the single digit reference to the triple helix mark of the beast transformation, as addressed frequently in this blog. The number 666 transforms first to 18 (6+6+6) and finally to 9 (1+8). The number 33 embedded redundantly in this sign resolves to 9 as 3*3.

"Alchemy is a threefold art, its mystery well symbolized by a triangle. Its symbol is 3 times 3 – three elements or processes in three worlds or spheres. The 3 times 3 is part of the mystery of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, for 33 is 3 times 3, which is 9, the number of esoteric man and the number of emanations from the root of the Divine Tree." (Manly P. Hall, "Secret Teachings of All Ages")

What Mr. Hall refers to as the esoteric man is ultimately the Beast and those who receive his mark, hinted at by his connecting it with the "emanations from the root of the Divine Tree." Do you understand what really happened in the garden of Eden? The serpent sired a son, the first emanation from the root of Hall's "Divine Tree"! To understand what alchemy is about you must see it beyond the "transformation of base metal into gold," a cover story. It's really about the transformation of base man into divine god. Now, when you consider the lyrics sung during the initial 18 minute descent that began 18 minutes into the 23rd hour (including, "And your flower-embroidered field Is the happy copy of Eden." - Chile National Anthem) you'll have more dots to connect! This conspiracy is supernatural and it goes way back in time!

I've blogged earlier about the Masonic ritual called "three times three," pictured here. These men are performing a magickal ritual that models the structure of the triple-helix DNA and works to bring forth that transformation. In another quote from Hall's "Secret Teachings of All Ages," "In the Mysteries it was customary to refer to initiates as phoenixes or men who had been born again, for just as physical birth gives man consciousness in the physical world, so the neophyte, after nine degrees in the womb of the Mysteries, was born into a consciousness of the Spiritual world." The Fénix capsule that has already been redundantly identified as a Beast symbol is once again so identified, with the number nine. Hall presented as it just as it was seen during the rescue, delivering men from the womb as born into a new life, from the physical to the spiritual! "Nine" is the number of months in the womb, the number of gestation, of the production of offspring with humans.

The only picture that appears in the Wikipedia page's "Rescue – Operación San Lorenzo" section, at 1 in 33 odds, celebrates the delivery of number 9! You see, signs have signal elements embedded even in the presentation layer, as exhibited in what I've documented regarding the recent Christchurch, NZ earthquake and in the Olympic Ceremony Signs series, as presented online through MSNBC. We can be assured that the Sovereign God is well able to direct both the content and the access we need to understand what's going on!

Even while the 33 men were together inside the mine, their activity was modeling the Beast Kingdom for us as a sign. It is reported that they were practicing a one-man, one-vote democracy. This seems innocent enough, unless you happen to recognize it as an esoteric flag. Manly P. Hall refers to what I recognize as the kingdom of the Beast as the universal democracy. The oft heralded democratic society is a huge deception. There's nothing remotely democratic about the reality that will be brought forth through that deception. This is not "me taking a pot shot at Democrats," although, well, "if the shoe fits, wear it." What is sold as democracy is majority rule, which is mob rule, which always leads rather quickly to something like martial law and dictatorship. The wicked far outnumber the righteous. Please, beyond the carnal machinery, see the supernatural. The dragon will give power to the Beast, and so will everyone else - excepting a very small number.

The T-Shirt

Now, let's consider what the t-shirt means. The evangelical Campus Crusade for Christ supplied the shirts, which say "Thank you Lord" on the front. Their JESUS film logo appears on a sleeve. All 33 of the men wore one as they emerged from the mine, even the Catholics. This promotion is considered by some to be good marketing, but I will just borrow from Forrest Gump, here, and say, Babylon is as Babylon does.

The design is easily recognized as resembling the national flag of Chile. Many also note the upside down five pointed star and associate it with the occult. Let's first note the symbolic meaning of the national flag that inspired the shirt's design.

All of the elements are in common with the flag of the United States, which I've already addressed in this blog. The star represents an angel, here, the divine fallen angel Lucifer. White signifies divinity. The blue field represents heaven. The red signifies Adamic earthly man. The red and white bands represent the hybrid divine man beast offspring and the Beast himself. Despite what some will say about it, the truth is that when the second commandment (Exodus 20) is violated, bad things result. Bad things, as in, demonic influence, curses.

The design on the shirt that is inspired by the flag certainly does nothing to fix or cancel the curse of disobedience that's implicit in the source. The star is upside down, and even though it's not the pentagram inscribed in a circle, this alignment is widely recognized as something ominous.

Notice how the border of the red and blue fields is aligned with the star. The star of the shirt is still white, divine, but it's no longer in heaven, in the blue field. The star is now in both, the blue and red together, a fusion combining heaven and earth.

If you consider the star as the form of a man, with a head, two arms and two legs, you see this star man tilted, with his head in the red and his body in the blue. The dynamic here is that we want to fix this, mentally. What we see is wrong because red should be under blue (cognitive dissonance). Earthly men should rightly appear under heaven, which is the correct arrangement seen in the familiar Chilean flag. There is a subliminal action that sets this design on the shirt in order, rotating it to correct the colors. The star man beast is then head down, falling, a fallen angel about to make his appearance.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Revelation 12:9

There is another perspective from which the color arrangement is correct, where the lower blue field is the sea.

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea...
Revelation 13:1

The tilting obfuscates the symbolism slightly, and allows for both of these perspectives.

There is more to the appearance of the miner than the t-shirt symbolism. Quoting from Part 1: "The 69 transformation is sold by the deceiver as being an ascension to godhood and the attainment of enlightenment. The men were each birthed out of the womb wearing a white star (a symbol of divine angel) and sunglasses (veiling their lamp-eyes like when Moses was veiled after coming down from the Mount)." So then, notice how the man is pictured as "an illumined one," with his lamp-eye / third eye / crown chakra / pineal gland! Under the short sleeve shirt of this man who had just come from the underworld you can see his arm, green, like the skin of Osiris. Some will insist I've gone way overboard with all this ("But dude, it's just a miner's helmet"), however, let me encourage you to simply see what you're looking at and connect the dots that appear.

Some have suggested that the shirt's design might be meant to signal that Chile is in distress, because an upside-down flag has this signification and the design does resemble the upside-down flag. It may be so, but I can't say. I believe the other interpretations I offered for the design came by revelation insight. That's my testimony.

There's yet another pair of elements I want to set before you in this post. The featured number 33 relates to Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, where the fallen angel gods first appeared on this planet, and even to the year 2012.

"As the navigator can use increments of the earth's latitude and longitude to determine location in space and time, these increments can be measured in the earth itself to reveal the appointed time of humanity's destiny. This is why the number 33 and the compass and square are such important symbols of the illumined elite. 33.33 degrees of the great circle of the earth represents 2012 nautical miles. Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man, lies precisely at 33.33 degrees north 33.33 degrees east ... 2,012 miles from the equator and 2,012 miles from the prime meridian. To be completely accurate, the number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the earth is 2012 ".9" This corresponds to the year and date that the ancient Mayans of middle America believed their calendar will end, December 21st, 2012." (p. 3 - An Occult Translation of the Roswell Event: Count down to 2012 by David Flynn)

The sign of the 33 directs our attention to 2012 as a pivotal year. Even ignoring all the noise surrounding the Mayan calendar and every other indicator, 2012 is the year I look to as being pivotal, based upon my personal studies. (See Beyond the Veil on The Open Scroll)

In conclusion, the incident will be recognized by a small number of folks who are awake and watching as yet one more sign of the coming Beast and his transforming mark. This will escape the notice of most, even most of the saints. Despite all the redundancy of the warnings, with confirmation after confirmation, when the time finally arrives when what we are warning about happens, most will be surprised, stunned.

Someone may look at you, saying, "How come nobody ever told me?" Those of us who do see and know do have some responsibility, or course, and accountability. Let's encourage each other to be mindful of what a rare privilege we have to see these things, and be generous with giving others the opportunity to consider the evidence for themselves. It's not going to be on CNN or Fox News.

Old enough to drive

A man-boy and his dog
Montreal, QC, December 2009

My wife and I have spent a good chunk of the day incredulously looking at each other and wondering both how and why time has to move as quickly as it does. See, 16 years ago today, we became parents after Zach spent the better part of a day trying to come into the world before surgeons decided to help him out a bit.

Our goal then was to ensure his path would be a little more smooth than his entry. And with a few exceptions - here, here and here - it's been a charmed life.

He's taller than I am now, a man-child with a wickedly sharp sense of humor and a refreshingly unique way of looking at the world. He's got mad chops with a lens, and despite playing the annoying big brother role to perfection, always seems to know when to cut the act and do the right thing. He's a good kid, a good brother, a good soul, and it frightens me beyond belief to know that he might be behind the wheel of my car before long.

Your turn: What advice do you have for our newly minted 16-year-old?

One more thing: My lovely wife wrote about Zach's big day here.

Bakerv or Bakery?

I see weird things all the time, like this descender-less sign at the local grocery store. And unlike the automatons around me who were mindlessly tossing apple crumb pie they seriously didn't need into their overstuffed megacarts, I looked up and pondered its significance for a moment before I, too, joined them in a quiet, shared celebration of all things apple crumb.

I don't know why the folks who designed and built this sign couldn't figure out a way to turn the bakerv into a bakery. But a small voice in my head - what, you don't hear voices? - said a silent thank you for this unexpected little surprise. And a silent thank you to the Research In Motion engineers just up the road who so kindly baked a camera into my BlackBerry. And a silent thank you to my wife who, even though she walked away as I composed and shot, didn't outright ban me from having this tiny moment of photographic joy.

Life's short. We've got to find joy wherever we can. I'm surrounded by it wherever I go, and whomever I'm with.

Your turn: Where do YOU find joy?

About this photo: We're savouring this week. What the heck am I talking about? Click here and all things heck - and Thematic - shall be explained.

Part 1 - The Chilean Mine Incident Sign

Internet monitors have stated that the recent rescue of 33 miners in Chile was among the most-watched video streams of all time. Some very perceptive people have attentively logged their observations about the recent Chilean mine incident. Some of the elements of this widely watched event do appear to be significant, which, like so many things I've been blogging about recently, actually points to the coming season of great tribulation, the antichrist beast and his mark.

For these reasons I don't refer to this as the "Chilean Miner Accident": 1. Not all 33 were Chilean 2. Not all 33 were miners 3. Insight into the symbolic meaning shifts focus from what appears otherwise accidental.

The basis for this kind of spiritual consideration being given to events is the biblical directive to watch:

What I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch!'
Mark 13:37

The Lord Y'shua plainly declared that signs would be given, signs in the heavens and signs in the earth. Those who practice watching with eyes that see and ears that hear are recognizing some really amazing signs.

The blogger Vigilant Citizen (The Odd Masonic Imagery of the 33 Chilean Miners’ Rescue) is one who has presented observations related to Masonic and occult symbolism, which is an important perspective. This has also been done by Mike Hoggard (Watchman Video Broadcast 10-17-10 - highly recommended - and you may note that this was also linked in the previous post), who takes it the rest of the way where a proper commentary needs to go. Mike has discerned it well. I discovered Mike's video after already having completed my personal study, arriving at the conclusions Mike had reached, and I must say how thrilled I am to see he really gets it! Not only that, the presentation in his video is excellent!

What you'll find in this study adds a few unique insights to the total, so it's not a superfluous work, but whatever redundancy there is should be taken as an independent witness. The mine incident was a supernatural sign of the coming antichrist beast and his mark.

To really understand this we must see it beyond this being an accident plus the deliberate action and direct involvement of men. See the supernatural orchestration, the divine influence. There are forces at work that may be attributed to the devil, and of the Sovereign God that Satan imitates, counterfeits and ultimately serves.

I've been so immersed in blogging and video making that I paid little attention to the Chilean mine incident until just a few days ago. As I was considering what the incident means, it struck me that I had just posted something with very interesting parallels. One of the subjects addressed was subterranean vaults as places of both imprisonment and refuge! The meaning of the names of the city of Rochester, NY's namesake, Nathaniel Rochester, is, "gift of God" and "stone camp or fortress." This relates to the Chilean mine incident most obviously because they were imprisoned in a subterranean refuge. Controversy surrounds the miner's organized religious activity while trapped in the stone camp and their expression of thanks to God upon their release. The many kinds of blessings so generously bestowed upon them as a result of their ordeal (possibly salvation, for some, plus money, celebrity and honor, vacation trips, etc.) can and should cause their season underground to be viewed as a gift of God.

In the last post, the focus was on the Rochester, NY area and the names of towns in the area. I highlighted Gates, Greece and Rochester, and now I'm introducing Chili, which, like Greece, borders both Gates and Rochester. It was established in 1822, in the same year as Greece, NY. Here's a connection to Chile. Locally, the town's name is pronounced, "CHYE-lye."

"There are two theories about the origin of the name "Chili". One theory is that it was named after the country of Chile which was striving for independence at the time. Some suggest that the town was named after the Chiliasts religion embraced by some of the early settlers of South Chili." (Chili, NY - Wikipedia)

Christian premillennialism used to be referred as "chiliasm" or "millenarianism". I personally think both of these proposed derivations for the name of the town of Chile are pertinent.

The derivation of the name of the country, Chile, is likewise unclear. Some claim "Chile" comes from the native Mapuche word "chilli," which may mean "where the land ends," and/or "the deepest point of the Earth." If you consider how the Mapuche word "chilli" compares to "Chili," (NY) and how the meanings of chilli compare to what I've recently presented about the region of Chili, NY's potential, it really makes this whole Chilean mine incident really interesting. Especially so when the timing is considered, because I was oblivious to any connections here when I wrote about the region's implied subterranean caverns.

The Sign

Now, even the most basic features of the Chilean mine incident speak to me that it is a sign. Men were trapped underground for 69 days until their rescue on October 13, 2010, a record length of time. The most remarkable features of this incident are how long they were trapped and that all were alive. The day of the year they were all delivered speaks very loudly to me! For several years, this day has been one of a very small number of watch days where I watch closely for events that match repeating patterns. The rescue fits the October 13 pattern.

The number 69 signals the mark of the beast by way of the genetic transformation of man to beast. This should be getting pretty familiar to those of you who follow this blog. The number of chromosomes suggested in triple helix DNA is the equivalent of 3 donors/strands times 23 chromosomes per donor/strand. The men were as in the womb of the earth, nourished and sustained through what has been referred to as an umbilical cord. When the number 69 was attained, they were delivered out of the womb and celebrated as though being born again. The 69 transformation is sold by the deceiver as being an ascension to godhood and the attainment of enlightenment. The men were each birthed out of the womb wearing a white star (a symbol of divine angel) and sunglasses (veiling their lamp-eyes like when Moses was veiled after coming down from the Mount).

The date of their delivery, October 13, 2010 is hugely significant. In a post titled Part 4 of Threshold - The CBS sci-fi series from 2005, I listed 15 significant events that occurred on this very date beginning with the ascension of Nero to the throne of Rome, a widely recognized type of the antichrist Beast. This event adds one more to that list! Although it's certainly worthy of repeated coverage, in the interest of saving space here I'll leave it to you to follow that link and investigate the phenomenon further.

It is the custom of those who practice the mystery traditions to sum the numbers in dates for associated meaning. 10/13/2010 is 1+0+1+3+2+0+10 = 8

Eight signifies a new beginning, and, as frequently brought up in this blog, relates to Noah the eighth and the devil's genetic counter-flood mark of the beast scheme.

Some have pointed out how a popular format of the date of their rescue sums to 33, which is the number of men buried in the mine. 10/13/10 is 10+13+10 = 33 I'll address the 33 features in more depth, shortly.

It's my observation that the annual watch day of 10/13 sums in that same way to 23 (10+13), the number of chromosomes in a sex cell. Sexual reproduction is at the core of the devil's genetic Beast agenda. When the date the mine incident began, August, 5, 2010, is summed in the same way the rescue date adds to 33, the number 23 is produced. 8/5/10 = 8+5+10 = 23

The day number of the rescue date, 13, is a key signal for the Beast and his mark. I've written extensively of this number even most particularly with regard to the marking of the very day of the Beast's revelation, signified in repeating historical and biblical patterns! (See The Number Thirteen (The Sign for the Bride - Part 3) - this is highly recommended and relevant!) "Thirteen" has the basic meanings of "rebellion" and "Lord."

It has been observed that the ages of the 33 men trapped in the mine sums to 1313, exactly. ("Miners II" - forum post by Tony Ellsworth) The corporate body of men represent the body of which the Beast himself is the head, a kingdom composed of those who bear his mark. I believe this number further signifies the entire anti-messianic pyramid kingdom, completed,inclusive of the "lord Beast" himself as its head.

Among those 33 men, there was only one 23 year old. His name is Carlos, which means "man." Think about it. There was likewise only one 46 year old, Jose, whose name is the equivalent of Joseph, meaning "Let Him add," or, "God will increase." Biblically, the context of Jacob's son Joseph's naming was the hopeful expectation of the addition of yet another son to Rachel and Jacob, who would be brought forth in due time and named Benjamin. So, if you add another "man" number, the age of 23 year old Carlos, to the 46 of Jose, you get 69. There was no 69 year old man trapped in the mine, but when the full 69 days of their "gestation" was fulfilled they were each birthed out of the symbolic womb, ascending into the light.

There was only one 33 year old, Victor, meaning "Victorious." This appears to be a prophetic declaration. The Beast strategy presented will achieve a great victory, of sorts.

The number 33 is embedded in the incident as the number of men and as the number of days it took to drill the rescue hole that was 33 * 2 centimeters in diameter. A popular format of the date of their rescue sums to 33 (October 13, 2010, or 10/13/10: 10 + 13 + 10 ) While buried in the mine, José Henríquez served as the pastor and organized daily prayers. He's a preacher who has worked in mining for 33 years. This number in particular has received a lot of attention because Y'shua was 33 when he came to be buried underground and subsequently raised to life, and because the number is popularly associated with Freemasonry.

I didn't watch video of the rescue, but language was apparently being used that made reference to the resurrection of Y'shua. That one feature speaks to the meaning of the sign, testifying of the appearance of a messiah in newness of life. A related element of note is the reference to the delivery of supplies to the men in blue plastic capsules nicknamed palomas, "doves." When, Y'shua was baptized, the spirit as a dove from heaven (heaven is often signaled by the color blue) was seen descending upon him. Baptism is a symbol of death and resurrection.

There are some interesting "dots to connect" from the book of Matthew.

39) But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
40) For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Matthew 12:39-40

The name Jonah means, "dove." The sign of Jonah can be interpreted as the sign of dove. The sign of the Chilean mine incident is a sign of Jonah, when the 33 men were 3*23 days in the heart of the earth. What really makes it a sign, of course, is being raised alive at the conclusion of the period. After the third trimester of gestation there is a birth! The delivery of the 33 from the mine was according to this model to declare with esoteric imagery the bringing forth of "The Antichrist," the coming counterfeit.

The men had been trapped at approximately 2,300 ft deep and about 3 mi. from the mine entrance. These men of 46 chromosome biology were 23*100 units short of the life for which they hoped to attain. After 69 (46+23) days, each 46 chromosome man was ascended 23*100 to see their hope fulfilled! Here, in the 2,300 ft and 3 mi. distances referenced, is another linking of 23 and 3! (69 = 23*3)

To be continued, Lord willing!

Savour the vino

Oenophile's delight
London, ON, October 2010
About this photo: It's Thematic Photographic's savour week, so we're asking folks (including you) to share similarly-themed photos. How do you get started? Just go here.
Despite the fact that my name literally means "my vineyard" (it's a long story; click here for more on the name thing) I don't have much knowledge of wines. Part of it is my natural ability to get seriously looped on a shockingly small amount of alcohol. So when I'm out and about, I just don't drink because I never want to be caught on the wrong end of the driving/blood alcohol level/cop's-flashlight-in-your-face curve. I've seen first-hand what happens when folks think "they're OK" to drive, and it's horrific.

So I don't drink much. Which usually means I'm the designated driver. Bummer, I know. On the upside, while everyone else is busy getting hammered - or, given our era of apparent restraint, pleasantly pickled - I can wander the room with my camera, confident that I won't accidentally drop the thing in the punch bowl as I stumble for anything resembling porcelain.

And sometimes, I happen upon a little micro-scene like this. Which on this evening, reminded me of moments savoured with family and friends. There's something about the shape of a wine glass that speaks of warmth and community.

Your turn: The appeal of a glass of wine. Please discuss.

Fellowship in Toronto or Boston

I've had a couple requests from folks who would really appreciate meeting any local saints who are awake and watching. If you live in Toronto or Boston and feel led to make the acquaintance of these folks, please let me know using the address on The Open Scroll contact page.

Here's some links of interest.



Watchman Video Broadcast 10-17-10 - Mike Hoggard's video presentation related to the Chilean mine incident

William Henry - Nashville and Hermes

One man's influence

It's a common truth that educators can hugely influence the trajectory of their students' lives. It's a similarly common truth that many of those students may not fully appreciate that influence until years later.

One of my mentors was a man named Arthur. Interestingly, he wasn't my teacher. He didn't even work at my school. See, I attended the St. Laurent campus of Herzliah High School, while Arthur worked as headmaster at the Snowdon branch. I knew of him long before I actually knew him. But as graduation approached and life decisions began to be made, I somehow found myself meandering through the halls of the "other" campus, talking to the guy who knew more about navigating post-secondary life than anyone I've met since.

His raison d'etre, it seemed, was to take every student under his wing and make sure we had everything we needed to kick it in our post-secondary career. He didn't just answer questions and provide pithy advice. He knew people at every school no matter where it was. Knew what they liked and didn't like. Knew how to talk to them. Knew how to write the perfect application letter to convince them to say yes. Knew when to suggest an alternative course of action if he felt you needed a nudge.

He was always there, too, never too busy to answer the phone or sit down with you if you dropped in unannounced. Never too preoccupied with the typical priorities of a senior administrative and academic leader to set everything aside and do whatever he felt you needed him to do. In Yiddish parlance, a mensch.

Largely because of him, I gained the confidence to ask questions, push myself into new academic and professional directions, and challenge myself to roll the dice even if others questioned my logic. I learned from him that the final choice is always yours.

Arthur Candib passed away this week after a long illness. When I opened up the e-mail from the alumni office, my heart sank. The simple dynamics of ages and generations teach us that we'll ultimately lose those who have guided us, but that doesn't make it any easier to swallow. The world lost a great man this week, a man who laid down roots within countless generations of students, all of whom have gone on to influence, improve and repair the world in their own unique way.

As the husband of a teacher, I appreciate deeply the influence that teaching souls like Mr. Candib (also known as "The Ace" to many who so often watched him hit it out of the park on their behalf) have on those lucky enough to cross their path. It's among the most precious of all legacies, because it continues to bear fruit long after the master has left us.

May his family derive comfort from all that he accomplished in his life. May his memory always be a blessing.

Your turn: Who influenced you? How/why?

Related links:

What do apples, berries and bubbles have in common?

I've had a productively intense week at the keyboard. The Toronto Star published my latest piece, RIM vs. Apple: Now it's personal, in today's (Saturday's) paper, while Yahoo! Canada Finance ran A business branding lesson from 'Officer Bubbles' yesterday and Macs, PCs not disappearing so quickly on Wednesday.

Please don't be turned off by the scary-looking headshot that now appears alongside my Yahoo! articles. PhotoShop can't work miracles in every case, apparently.

The neat thing about these articles is how much fun I have coming up with the ideas - often while walking the dog in the morning - then pitching them, refining them with my editors, researching the heck out of them, getting experts to weigh in and then, finally, writing and submitting them. Every article follows a journey that is at once similar to that followed by other pieces, yet in another respect completely unique. They're kind of like kids: they all seem to follow their own trajectory, they all seem to have their own story. They just don't talk back as much.

It's a privilege to be in the middle of an industry that's still figuring itself out, still deciding how all this technological wizardry fits into the lives of everyday people and companies, and how we're all being changed in the process. I get to tell their stories. It doesn't get any neater than this.

Your turn: What makes a good storyteller?

Thematic Photographic 120 - Savour

Far from Montreal
Delray Beach, FL, December 2008

Montreal is known for many things, especially foods that became famous in the shadows of the mountain from which the city takes its name. Like so many local favorites, these foods rarely translate well in other places. A Montreal bagel, for example, is just a roll with a hole in it when you buy one in Toronto (I'll duck now...those GTA folks don't much like ex-Montrealers slagging their bagels. But still...)

Smoked meat follows a similar trajectory. Only in Montreal is it as good and memorable as a Mordecai Richler novel. It's not so much a taste thing as it is an experience one. So if you have a Montreal-style smoked meat sandwich in the middle of, say, the suburbs of London, it isn't quite as rich an experience even if the taste and texture are identical.

Which explains why, when I return to my hometown to visit family, a smoked meat sandwich is always on the agenda. I know these things are terribly unhealthy, but sometimes, you've just got to live a little.

Your turn: This entry launches our Thematic Photographic theme, "savour", for the coming week. (Many thanks to Kalei's Best Friend for suggesting it.) To participate, just pick a photo that supports the theme, post it you your blog or web site, then leave a comment here so folks know where to find it. Repeat as often as you wish. Please click here if you're new to the Thematic Photographic weekly-photo-sharing-nuttiness thing.

About this theme: "Savour" could be food-related. Or something else. Whatever you wish, actually. We savor life, after all, so don't be afraid to push the limits a little as you decide how to interpret this one. And as always, enjoy the process.

Driving in a frozen wonderland

Bowling Green, OH, December 2008
About this photo: We're winding down our "turning colder" theme, but it's not too late to share your own. Just go here and dive in. Looking ahead, the new theme will launch later today - at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. Our new theme, "savor", comes to us courtesy of Kalei's Best Friend.
We were on the first night of a long drive toward a warmer, sunnier place. We were originally supposed to leave the next morning, but an approaching ice storm prompted us to quickly finish loading the car and hit the road at midnight, four hours earlier than planned.

For the first couple of hours of the drive, we counted our lucky stars. In fact, the kids could actually see the stars because the sky was so clear. We relaxed as we crossed the border, pleased that we had seemingly skirted the storm. Everyone (well, except for me) fell asleep as we cruised past Detroit in the early, early morning darkness.

The moment we crossed the border into Ohio, the first snowflake hit the windshield. Now, I'm Canadian, so winter driving doesn't normally scare me. I'm used to it, and over the years I've learned how to adjust my driving style to the changing weather. Respect the environment around you and you'll be fine.

Well, that one snowflake soon turned into a raging ice storm. The road disappeared into a slushy, icy, snowy mass. The wipers barely kept up. I wasn't worried about my own driving, but the ignorance of those around me soon had me gripping the steering wheel a little too tightly for comfort. By the time we hit Bowling Green, Ohio - skater Scott Hamilton's hometown and a strangely traditional road trip stop for us - I was ready to call it a night. We pulled into a motel and tucked the munchkins safely into bed.

The world had turned to ice by morning. So while the kids stared out the window with wonder in their eyes, I headed to the parking lot to calculate how long it would take to hack back into our now-ice-encrusted wondervan. Luckily it wasn't that bad, so I had a few extra minutes to record the moment with my camera before heading back in for breakfast in the middle of a frozen wonderland. Our kids still speak of this day, and still see Bowling Green as a friendly oasis far from home.

Your turn: Do you have a special place far from home? What makes it special?

Apple hates RIM. Doesn't bother me a bit.

Apple had a big day today. It announced some neat new machines (which I now want), demonstrated some cool new software (which I also want), and gave us a sneak peek at its upcoming operating system, OS X v10.7, better known as "Lion" (do I have to state the obvious?)

The announcement, and the escalating war of words between Apple CEO Steve Jobs and Research In Motion co-CEO Jim Balsillie, and this week's release of Apple's most blockbuster quarterly financial results ever, made for an interesting day in my world. I did two television interviews (CTV News Channel's Jacqueline Milczarek and BNN's Michael Hainsworth - video here - and a radio hit as well, with Sue Smith of CBC Radio Montreal's Home Run - audio here.) I also wrote an article, which I'll link to once it goes live.
Update, Thursday, 12:29 a.m.: The article, Macs, PCs not disappearing so quickly, is now live on Yahoo! Canada Finance.
I also confirmed my writing docket for the next couple of days, so tomorrow will dawn just as full of promise as today did. May I continue to have the wherewithal to turn that promise into something neat.

Your turn: How do you define a good day?

Part 25 - Rochester, NY - From out of Gates, Greece Came Forth

At the conclusion of the previous post I made an observation that seems to validate the esoteric interpretation of Plutarch's description of voyages, that the Great Lakes area had been visited by the ancient Greeks who somehow set it apart for a future people and purpose. The modern Greek state was first recognized in 1828 and established in 1830, following the successful uprising against Ottoman rule that had begun in 1821. At that very time, towns and villages in Upstate New York had been springing forth bearing the names of the cities, city/states and islands of ancient Greece. This phenomenon might easily be dismissed as a meaningless trend, as most are prone to do, but taken in the context of the supernaturalism featured in this blog series it appears to be further evidence of the influence of the ancient gods that is attested to perhaps most evidently by the statue of Hermes exalted over the city of Rochester, NY.

(Click the image to see a larger version)

To understand what Y'shua, the revealer of secrets, is opening to us about these matters it's necessary to find the right "dots" and rightly connect them, so we get the picture. If what is drawn looks like the work of Picasso, we don't yet have it right. When the drawing becomes more and more plain and details are filling in according to the exact patterns revealed elsewhere, we know we're getting it right, and that the Lord is fulfilling His word to us, who need this confidence in discerning His plan in this critical season.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Luke 8:17

Consider some regional history, all of which is easily documented. What is perhaps most telling is the fact that Rochester actually borders a town named Greece, and they are of a common meaningful derivation!

"The Town of Gates was organized in 1797 as Northampton in Ontario County. In 1808 the town was subdivided and the part still called Northampton was renamed the Town of Gates and incorporated on April 1, 1813 in honor of General Horatio Gates. Parts of the town were later detached to form the City of Rochester and the Town of Greece, both of which now border the town." (Gates, New York - Wikipedia)

Geographically, Greece, Rochester and Gates are connected. You can get from Rochester to Greece through Gates, and from Greece to Rochester through Gates, and directly too, of course.

The namesake of the town of Gates offers a remarkable witness.

"General Horatio Gates defeated British forces in the 1777 Battle of Saratoga, widely regarded as a turning point in the Revolutionary War. He went on to serve in the New York State Assembly around the turn of the century. The town of Gates was named after him when it was incorporated on April 1, 1813." (Horatio Gates - RocWiki)

The meaning of the name "Horatio" is "hour, time". "Horatio Gates" = "time gates" Think about it. This is a parable. Did the ancient Greeks come to Rochester long ago to establish "Horatio Gates," time gates or dimensional portals? Consider the further relevance of how the man played a key role in a revolution, a rebellion against divinely appointed governing authority, and that he, himself, was later assigned as a regional governing authority. Doesn't this speak to you about the purpose and function of the gates connecting the ancient time and gods of Greece with Rochester, NY in these last days?

The Town of Greece that is now a contiguous suburb of Rochester was established in 1822. Rochester was established with the name of Rochester a year later, in 1823, the most significant year in the development of the Erie canal, a waterway that is so tightly bound to Rochester's identity, growth and influence. Both Greece and Rochester were brought forth from out of Gates. Give some thought to what that suggests. Consider it as a parable.

That both Greece and Rochester emerged from Gates speaks to me of how "The area was anciently set apart for coming generations in the great human experiment of the democratic commonwealth." (The Secret Destiny of America) Whatever gates or inter-dimensional portals exist in the area must have been established by the ancient Greeks of record, quite possibly demi-gods or the gods themselves who were declared to dwell upon the heights of Mount Olympus. By way of these supernatural gates, the region is bound to the ancient gods and so dedicated to their worship and service! Doesn't this offer a fit explanation for the landmarks, objects and events addressed in this series?

The namesake of the city of Rochester reveals yet another parable. Here's one account of the city's origins, from History of Rochester, New York - Wikipedia.

"On November 8, 1803, a 100 acre tract in Western New York along the Genesee River was purchased by Col. Nathaniel Rochester, Maj. Charles Carroll, and Col. William Fitzhugh, Jr. (1761–1839), all of Hagerstown, Maryland. The site was chosen because of three cataracts on the Genesee, offering great potential for water power. Beginning in 1811, and with a population of 15, the three founders surveyed the land and laid out streets and tracts. In 1817, the Brown brothers and other landowners joined their lands with the Hundred Acre Tract to form the village of Rochesterville. By 1821, Rochesterville was the seat of Monroe County. In 1823, Rochesterville consisted of 1,012 acres (4 km2) and 2,500 residents, and the Village of Rochesterville became known as Rochester. Also in 1823, the Erie Canal aqueduct over the Genesee River was completed, and the Erie Canal east to the Hudson River was opened."

The name "Rochester" means "stone camp or fortress." A city by this name exists in Kent, England, whose name comes from "Roche" (French), "a rock," and from "chester," from the Latin "castrum", "a city or castle." The meaning of the name Nathaniel is "God has given," or, "gift of god." If the supernatural reality behind the town of Gates is as "Horatio Gates," is the supernatural reality behind the city of Rochester as "Nathaniel Rochester"? If the region generally associated with this name is a stone camp or fortress given by god/God, what I've referred to in the context of the "blood sealed vault of Cthulhu" (Part 17) must be given serious consideration! A coming execution of judgment upon the world, including Rochester, is prophesied to be attended by the release of ancient brings who are presently bound under the surface of the earth.

"The spirits of the giants ...shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; until they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction."
Enoch 15:9-10

"Other places in the Bible such as Job 26:5 may agree with the idea of a Luciferian power that can, under some circumstances, return Rephaim from the underworld to physical bodies known as Nephilim. "Dead things are formed from under the waters…" Job says. The dead in this text are Rapha (Rephaim) and the phrase "are formed" is from "Chuwl," meaning to twist or whirl as in a double helix coil or genetic manufacturing. The startling implication of this and similar texts is that beneath the surface of earth, agents of darkness wait the moment of their return." (READ IT BEFORE IT'S BANNED BY THE US GOVERNMENT - PART 21 by Tom Horn)

Rochester is not known for any particular stone castles or fortresses. To consider Rochester as a stone fortress we have to consider what's unseen, underground. It's not uncommon to use caves and caverns as natural fortresses. The nature of the battlefield in Afghanistan provides a current example. Because a fortress or castle is constructed with secure containment in mind, the more successful designs have come to feature multiple concentric barriers that establish layered zones of protection. Many include subterranean compartments, tunnels and access to caverns. Is there a secure underground compartment hidden away out of sight in the Rochester area where the giants of Noah's day might be bound? It seems possible, and more and more probable to me. If there is a supernaturalism binding Greece and Rochester by some "Horatio Gates" construct, I have to consider how the evidence suggesting the opening of a time-release gateway (from what I've already presented in this series) in the not so distant past suggests the potential for yet another time-release opening, of some seal on a subterranean vault, releasing Rephaim/Nephilim at the prophesied end of their season of binding.

The Jinni

There is a class of beings associated with caves, the jinn. The jinn, or, djinn, are also known as genies, and one singular jinn is a jinni. Rochester is widely known for its Genny (Genesee Brewing Company beers and ales) and its Jenny, an early biplane designed and built by Glenn Curtiss in nearby Hammondsport! Although most will see no connection between the jinni, Genny and Jenny beyond merely sounding alike, there may well be a supernatural reason for Rochester's linguistic identification with jinni.

The legendary jinni is a supernatural creature that occupies a parallel world to that of mankind. According to the Occultopedia "Jinn" page, the fallen Watcher Azazel was a Jinn. The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qur’an. The people of Oman believe jinn live in their caves. The winged genie is a motif in the Iron Age art of Assyria. Some popular literary works involving these creatures are One Thousand and One Nights and The Fisherman and the Jinni, plus there are spin-off productions like Disney's Aladdin.

"The mythical world of the Basques is peopled by genies or divinities that take on the shape of animals or of half human beings who live inside caves."
(The Basque People)

The word "jinn" is derived from the Arabic root j-n-n meaning "to hide" or "be hidden." The Curtiss Jenny received its moniker due to the JN of its JN-4 designation. Genny beers and ales are made by the Genesee Brewing Company, immediately downstream from High Falls.

"The Genesee Brewing Company was founded in 1878 from the Rau and Reiskey brewery. The early brewery was successful because of its high falls location and the use of caves dug in the rocks, to help keep the beer cool without refrigeration." (Genesee Brewing Company - RocWiki)

The brewery's name was recently changed to High Falls Brewing Company (2000-2009) but is now back under the Genesee name. You may recall from other posts how "High Falls" references the fallen angels and there's an easily recognized occult gateway on nearby State Street. Did you note how "Genny" was kept in caves? The name "Genesee" is derived from the Seneca language and originally meant "good valley" or "pleasant valley." Jinnistan is where jinn live, according to Persian legend, the chief province of which is the Country of Delight. At some point, any reasonable consideration of this collection of facts has got to rule out random coincidence.

Interpreting the parable of "Nathaniel Rochester" suggests the stone fortress is somehow a gift of God or a god, or both. Given how Rochester has in times past been renowned for great good and great evil, it seems to me that this region may become a refuge for a protected people in days to come, servants of the Most High God. I can't say with authority at the present time that Rochester truly is a stone camp or fortress of one kind or the other, or, for that matter, of both kinds or neither. The circumstantial evidence and what insight I believe I have received thus far suggests that Rochester is involved as a significant Mystery Babylon location and that it's a gateway used by the ancient gods, and that it's somehow related to the binding and loosing of Nephilim by way of the supernaturalism of magickal ritual from ancient times past. Are fallen angels akin to Azazel dwelling in some kind of subterranean stone fortress in Upstate New York? If so, it will soon enough be manifest.

New York resembles Greece

(Click the image to see a larger version)

At this point, I'm going to offer a survey of some of the local communities that bear the names of ancient Greece. Before I conclude, I'm going to show how Hermes is further revealed in this as the god or prince of Rochester. Notice how these (excepting Corfu and Arcade) were established just prior to 1830, when the modern state of Greece was recognized.

Corfu, NY (50 miles WSW of Rochester) is a village named after the Island of Corfu that was incorporated in 1868.

Arcade, NY (74 miles SW of Rochester) was established in 1807 as the "Town of China." The name changed to Arcade in 1866.

I was raised in Macedon, NY (20 miles ESE of Rochester), named after the ancient kingdom of Macedon (also known as Macedonia) in northern Greece. This was the birthplace of Alexander the Great. The namesake for the region was Makedon(Macedon), a mortal demi-god who, according to Hesiod the poet, was a son of Zeus and Thyia. The first officially recognized settlers arrived in 1789, and it was established as Macedon in the same year Rochester was officially established, 1823. Macedon, NY is a canal town, formed out of the nearby canal town of Palmyra.

Palmyra, NY (24 miles ESE of Rochester, established under this name in 1796) was named after an ancient city in Syria. Although that city isn't generally associated with the Greek Empire, it does bear features that distinctly point to the worship of the Greek gods. "The most striking building in Palmyra is the huge temple of Ba'al, considered "the most important religious building of the first century AD in the Middle East". It originated as a Hellenistic temple, of which only fragments of stones survive. The central shrine (cella) was added in the early 1st century AD, followed by a large double colonnaded portico in Corynthian style." (Palmyra - Wikipedia) Just south of Palmyra, NY, the Joseph Smith farm and the Hill Cumorah are found. A statue of the "Angel Moroni" is on top of that hill, as an exalted subregent.

The city of Syracuse, NY (87 miles E) is the largest city in Central New York. Another canal town, its namesake is the Greek city and province on the island of Sicily in southern Italy. Ancient Syracuse was founded by Corinthians, and allied with Sparta and Corinth. In ancient Corinth, honor was particularly given to Aphrodite, Apollo, Poseidon and Zeus, and, in ancient Syracuse, to Apollo and Zeus. Syracuse, NY had been known by several names before being officially incorporated in 1825. It was Corinth in 1817, but the name was changed when the US Postal Service rejected their application for a post office. A Corinth, NY Post Office had already been established in 1818 in Saratoga County.

Ithaca, NY (90 miles SE) is named for the Greek island. The village was incorporated in 1821, distinguished from its parent town of Ulysses, the Latinized form of the Greek Odysseus from Homer's Odyssey. According to legend, the ancient Ithaca was home to Odysseus and his wife Penelope. Penelope, according to some accounts, later bore a son with Hermes in Arcadia.

Ithaca is notably different in character politically (left-wing) and culturally from surrounding communities. The following are mostly as extracted from Wikipedia. Ithaca is host to the Namgyal Monastery, the North American seat of Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama. Ithaca is commonly listed among the most culturally liberal of American small cities. The Utne Reader named Ithaca "America's most enlightened town" in 1997. According to ePodunk's Gay Index, Ithaca has a score of 231, versus a national average score of 100. In its earliest years during frontier days, what is now Ithaca was briefly known by the names "The Flats" and "Sodom," the name of the Biblical city of sin, due to its reputation as a town of "notorious immorality". Nearby Robert H. Treman State Park features Lucifer Falls. The Ivy League Cornell University's early nickname was "the godless university," due at least in part to their lack of affiliation with organized religion.

Troy, NY (230 miles E) is on the Hudson River, a natural part of what became the great canal system. Troy was named in 1789 for the famous home of the Trojans of Greece, where lived the legendary beauty, Helen.

Athens, NY (255 miles ESE) as a village was incorporated in 1805, and as a town formed in 1815. Like Troy, it's on the Hudson River. A now defunct ferry was portrayed in the 2005 film "War of the Worlds," when alien Martian tripods attack the town and ferry with its refugees from New York City attempting to flee across the Hudson.

Sparta, NY (45 miles S) was established in 1789. It's not on the canal system.

Attica, NY (47 miles SW) as a town was established in 1811, and as a village was incorporated in 1837. It was named for the region in Greece that contains its capitol city, Athens. Like Corfu and Sparta, it's not on the canal system. The Attica Correctional Facility is famous for the deadly prison riot of September 13, 1971.

Arcadia, NY (34 miles ESE) is perhaps the most interesting of the Greek named cities, towns and villages listed here. The Zurich Bog is the lowest point in the town and a registered national landmark. It was known to the natives as the "Bottomless Pit." It has been recorded that Hermes was born at Mount Kyllene (Cyllene) in Arkadia (Arcadia). It is also recorded that Hermes learned from the Thriae the arts of fortune-telling and divination. In 1848, in the town of Arcadia, NY on Hydesville Road, the Fox sisters introduced in America what is known as Spiritualism. Note that it was from a place known as Hydesville, like "hides"-ville, that unseen forces were declared to be brought forth from the hidden realm, and this was actually a deception, hiding the true nature of the activity. Hermes is also known as a trickster, and many years later the Fox sisters confessed to the fraudulent nature of their activity. (Our day: a record and review of current reform, Volume 2 edited by Joseph Cook, Hazlitt Alva Cuppy) Margaret Fox (Kane) and her sister Kate admitted fraud, yet there really are authentic mediums (including the biblical witch of Endor plus Jane Roberts (who channeled "Seth") and Chip Coffee, both of Elmira, NY).

The area was first settled around 1791. The Town of Arcadia was formed from the Town of Lyons in 1825. More weirdness came forth in 1986 from Lyons and other locations around the county when a horror movie was filmed popularizing a local legend, the Lady in White. I remember hearing tales of the lady in white when I was in High School.

"Lady in White is a 1988 American horror film of the ghost/mystery genre. Much of the film was made in Wayne County, New York, taking advantage of appropriate local color. The movie is based on the story of The Lady in White who supposedly searches for her daughter in Durand-Eastman Park in Rochester, New York while protecting young women who are on dates with their boyfriends." (Lady in White - Wikipedia)

Back to the big city, in the heart of downtown Rochester there was a Corinthian Street. Midtown Plaza with its Clock of Nations was built on that very location, eliminating the street. (ROCHESTER'S HISTORY ~ AN ILLUSTRATED TIMELINE) As I mentioned earlier, in ancient Corinth, honor was particularly given to Aphrodite (who bore four children with Hermes), Apollo, Poseidon and Zeus. Had there been some supernatural connection established on that spot? Here's an image of a Hermes coin from Corinth, which seems appropriate given how Midtown Plaza was all about commerce and the sex magick of the god of commerce.

The compilation of facts, no matter how extensive or relevant will never convince the blind of anything, but those who recognize the artifacts of supernaturalism may perceive the influence of the ancient gods in the region. What Rochester was, is and will be seems quite significant.

More coming, Lord willing!

Google's stealing your data!

Okay, so the headline's a little hyperbolic. The truth of the matter is a programming glitch by a Google engineer in 2006 went unnoticed when the company later sent camera-laden cars driving up and down Canadian (and presumably American, European and other) streets for its Google Street View service.

The glitch resulted in the cars collecting far more than 360-degree pictures of their surroundings. They also captured Wi-Fi signals from folks like you and me (story here). And when those routers were not properly secured, said Google cars recorded personal information like names, e-mail addresses, proper addresses, phone numbers, and in at least one case the names of folks participating in a medical trial. Can we say oops?

Google has apologized for the oversight (months ago, actually) and has committed to righting this wrong by destroying the data, promising never to do it again and assigning a team of Googlers to wash and wax Canadian Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart's car.

So I'm stretching that last part. But Stoddart was ticked. And she called Google on it after thoroughly investigating the incident (press release here.) Media folks got wind of it, and before I knew it I was speaking with the good folks at the CBC. First I chatted with Sue Smith on CBC Radio Montreal's Home Run show this afternoon, then I ducked into the studio to chat with the national television news team for tonight's The National. If you're around a TV, the fun begins at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on CBC NN, and at 10:00 p.m. on the main CBC television network. I'll post links to the video here as they become available.

Your turn: Is an apology enough? Why is privacy such a touchy issue in the Internet Age?

This just in: Coverage of the Russell Williams court case (he's the monster making international headlines because he commanded Canada's largest air force base and flew heads of state around the globe while leading a double life of sadistic rapes and murders) forced CBC to cut the piece short. So my clips ended up on the proverbial cutting room floor. Which in the age of digital doesn't really exist, but you get the picture. Life in the media biggie. The phone will ring again soon.
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