Canada is fairly privileged to have a Privacy Commissioner who walks the walk. Her name's Jennifer Stoddard, and she's spearheaded a range of high-profile initiatives designed to protect our privacy and confidentiality in an age when data is so easily compromised.
If you're not already familiar with her work, she was the one who doggedly pursued Facebook and forced the social media giant to rein in its initially chaotic privacy policies and tools. Because of her, Facebook has improved how it handles confidential data not only in Canada, but around the world.
Stoddard has a global reputation, and she's not resting on her laurels: Her office just released a report that highlights how government agencies are dropping the ball on privacy. I spoke with CTV News Channel's Sandie Rinaldo this afternoon (interview video here, CTV's full story page here) about what it means for the rest of us, and how we can take steps to protect our data on computers and mobile devices.
Your turn: Ever had private information go where it shouldn't have?
One more thing: I also spoke with the Canadian Press about Rogers purchasing Atria Networks for $425 million. Story (this one's from the Lethbridge (AB) Herald) is here.