London, ON, February 2009
[Please click here for Thematic Photographic's "Turning Colder" theme]
Ever notice how a foggy morning seems to seep through however many layers you may be wearing? You can bundle up as much as you want to, but you'll always feel a certain chill as you step out into the near-silence that accompanies a pea-soup environment.
That's how I felt on this morning. According to the thermometer, it wasn't especially cold. It was actually above zero thanks to an unseasonable warm trend. Which is how the fog came to be, I guess, as the blanket of snow that had blanketed our burg for months sublimated in the suddenly warm air.
So I took a walk before we all had to head for the day that awaited. And as my bones chattered inside my warm coat, I buried my hands deeper in the pockets and wished for more mornings exactly like this one.
Your turn: How do you keep warm?