London, ON, August 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]
About this photo: We're wrapping up our "savour" week and getting ready for the new Thematic Photographic theme. It bows tomorrow (Thursday) at 7 p.m. Eastern. If you haven't done the savour thing yet - or even if you have and are still addicted to the insanity - click here to get in under the wire.Bread may be the carb-laden enemy of new-millenium good health zealots everywhere, but there's nothing like hanging around the house as the bread machine works its magic. I grew up in a part of the world where bakeries were integral anchors of virtually every neighborhood, and to close your eyes and smell fresh-baked bread throughout the house is about as close to olfactory heaven as you'll get in this Age of Wonderbread.
So when my wife loaded up our bread machine and hit the on button, I waited patiently until she set the resulting loaf on the counter to cool. It seemed appropriate to remember the sight with a picture. Sadly, my Nikon wasn't able to capture the delicious scent.
Your turn: Do you make your own bread? Why is this simple domestic act so comforting?