Nature's parallelism
Richmond Hill, ON, November 2009
I thought I'd round out this week's parallel-themed adventure* with a shot of how nature views the concept. I tend to use photography as the adult equivalent of a child's security blanket: It brings me comfort to hang out behind the camera, then slowly flip through the results of my work later on.
Moments like this one, where the world as I've captured it in two dimensions is as perfectly balanced as it's ever going to get, are especially Zen-like. You wonder what it took for nature to paint this place just as is it now. And when even that becomes too mind-boggling a process, you settle for a simple, under-your-breath word. "Cool".
The folks at Discovery Channel put it best: The world is just awesome.
Your turn: An assignment. Go outside or look out the window. Right now, if at all possible. What do you see?
* Parallel theme is here if you'd still like to share. New theme goes live tonight at 7:00 Eastern. What will it be? The hint lies in the photo above.