Wavy vision
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2010
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About this photo: Thematic Photographic explores water this week. Click here if you're in the mood to get a little wet.#1 rule of photography: There are no rules.
#2 rule of photography: See #1 rule.
Despite this, I've developed a few, um, quirks over the years that have resulted in some surprisingly different deposits on film and, more recently, memory cards. The one that stands out is this:
Return often to the same scene. Shoot the same thing over and over until you get something you like.This isn't so much a rule as it is as truth. The world around us changes constantly. So the way a particular scene or subject looks today may very well change radically when you return tomorrow.
Of course, you can come back tomorrow and it'll still be exactly the same. But what about the next day? Or the next? You'll never know if you aren't there. And if you've been using "been there, done that" as an excuse to not return to a specific place or topic, I humbly suggest reconsidering. Because there's no such thing as a done deal in photography.
This is my lame-oid way of explaining how I ended up standing on the edge of the same swimming pool, pointing my camera down at the overflow gutters. I assumed this stance at least once per day, hoping to capture some neat reflections as the shallow surface waves washed over the brightly painted concrete. Every day I'd return, wait for the moment of brightest sun, then shoot downward as total strangers whispered among themselves.
My kids pretended they didn't know me. Come to think of it, so did my wife. But I hung around and kept at it.
And then this duck showed up. Sometimes, patience is a good thing, even if your kids think you're insane.
Your turn: What does persistence mean to you?