17) That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
18) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
Ephesians 1:17-18a18) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
Something of a high water mark has now been reached in this series. As the Lord grants favor, there may be more to be brought forth, but the essentials have been laid out and we have come to a season of accounting. What are you and I doing with what has been presented? If this work is merely of me, or Paul, dismiss it, but if you have perceived the Lord's voice and been convicted of a thing, pay it heed. I've been very forthright about judgment having come upon the church. Today is not like yesterday, make no mistake.
In this post, dear brother or sister, is a most sincere appeal for you to yield to the direction being given. The holy spirit has been bearing witness through this series of posts by mercy and much grace that a necessary work is at hand, a deliverance from the grip of Jezebel and her control for those who will be free.
The spirit of holiness is testifying that some of you are very close to breakthrough but are holding back, holding on to what you hold to be of value but is for you but a snare. Let it go. This is a love test, and you are failing. What you cling to has not been your salvation and will never be your salvation. It has been your idol and it is your choice, now seeing it, to let it go. You have been brought this close. How sad to come this far and no further. The Lord is whispering, "trust me."
There have been times in my life where someone has addressed me by the spirit of God and the resulting impact was akin to whacking me upside the head with a ball bat, or tossing me into an icy river. Where I had been asleep in the darkness I came to be dramatically awakened, instantly delivered from dark and oppressive spirits. I thank God for those times and the folks who loved me. I can't be where you are, personally, but let me tell you, who are hearing and are not doing, that this is your wake-up call. WAKE UP!
What next step there may be for you depends upon this step you now take. For some, perhaps you, there is no other path. WAKE UP! Act upon what you have received.
You may be thinking perhaps the Lord might snatch you away and what He has laid before you will therefore vanish without consequence. WAKE UP! If you were judged in this moment or the next, having neglected to heed the Lord's command, would you find undue favor?
If you have come to an awareness of how such as corporate logos and even the "Christian" cross and "Jewish" star are graven images and that a curse with blindness has come upon us according to disobedience, can you look me in the eye and tell me you can permit a woman to speak in church and not suffer some similar consequence?
Do you think obedience was required of the son of God but is not also required of you? Obedience was required for Paul, Peter and the other apostles, and so I ask right now if it's merely optional for you and I? You may say to me that obedience is required but you will turn away and deny it with your deeds. Will the Lord honor us when we dishonor Him? It is time for you and I to grow up. The time to allow what deceives us is past. What things that have been brought forth in this series such as the braiding of hair, head covering, a woman teaching a man or speaking in church, are such as these too much to be asked of you and I? I pray it is not so. Help us Lord.
Whether it is selfish ambition or some human relationship, help us, Lord, to let it go now, because you are worthy of our love.
As this challenging series of posts continues, I ask as I frequently have for your patience as this work is brought forth here and in your life. Yet, do not confuse patience in the Lord with procrastination, putting off for tomorrow what should and must be done today.