Richmond Hill, ON
February 2010
About this photo: We're sharing our favorite photos of the year for, oh, the next kajillion days. Actually, it's till January 6th, but who's counting? We call it Thematic Photographic, and you can play along, too, by pointing your mouse this way.I don't have a whole lot of advice to give new photographers beyond this: Always keep your eyes and your mind open.
That's because you never know where an idea will come from. And if you're not open to the possibilities, you'll miss 'em when they zing past. But where do you look? Not where you'd normally expect. I can reliably confirm that the biggest ideas always seem to come out of nowhere, from the shadowy corners of the day that no one else seems to recognize.
So as we start 2011 off with colors and light, I hope you'll keep in mind that the coming year will offer up its fair share of out-of-left-field moments. Are you ready for them?
Your turn: No, really. Are you?