April 2010
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I've been trying to learn how to stop time. Despite my stunning lack of success to-date, I'm slowly realizing that this may not be the point after all. We may, now and forever, lack the technology to stop time in its tracks, but there's nothing stopping us from learning how to squeeze a little more out of its passage.
In other words, the vehicle may always move at the same speed. But with the right attitude, we can teach ourselves to enjoy the trip a lot more.
In that light, I present this moment with our daughter. She's growing fast, so she won't always want to swing on the swing. But on this spring day, she did. So I positioned myself as closely as I dared to capture what it looked - and maybe even felt - like to try to touch the sky.
I can't stop time any better than she can defy gravity. And before long, she'll be so busy with life's other challenges that the thought of heading over to the playground will seem laughably juvenile. But on this day, none of that mattered as we opened our eyes just long enough to enjoy this fleeting moment of her fast forward life.
Your turn: Can you stop time?