Earthquake strikes stops

Looks like a quake measuring around 5.0 on the Richter scale with an epicentre just north of Ottawa has given Canadians a whole lot of nothing to talk about.

The earth shook 1:41 p.m. and was felt in and around Montreal, Toronto, Vermont and even here in London. No injuries and no appreciable damage beyond some bags of lentils in an Ottawa convenience store and the pride of an NDP wonk whose press conference was scuttled by the tremor.

I was on my way home from work when it hit - I thought my car was being blown around by the wind at a red light. I'm nursing a worsening cold, and also thought I was simply feeling loopy.

Moment of perspective: unlike Haiti, Chile, Indonesia etc., we all lived to tell the tale. Life goes on...won't be long before the real news of the world - the stuff that matters - returns to its usual rightful place in our individual and collective lives.

Back to my tea and juice regimen. Begone, nasty cold.

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