Life begins. Life ends.

Circle of life?
Thornhill, ON, August 2010
About this photo: We're winding down our week-long look at flowers - thank you to everyone who made this theme (see here if you've got something to share) such a vibrant one. Thematic Photographic launches a new theme tomorrow morning. What will it be? Pop by after 7 a.m. ET to find out.
Flowers have a bit of a bittersweet aura about them. Their near-limitless loveliness exists within a somewhat sad context, because their beauty will soon shrivel into brown, crinkled dryness. They'll quickly go from being the center of attention to yesterday's news, forgotten as we look for the next pretty thing to capture our eye.

Such is the nature of ephemeral beauty.

Your turn: Treasured but temporary. Please discuss.
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