Jammed up, redux

Breakfast is (almost) served
London, ON, April 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]

About this photo: We continue to explore the color orange as part of this week's Thematic Photographic theme. The fun starts here.
I'm cheating a bit by using a slightly different perspective from a shoot I already touched on here back in May. I'm like that, I guess: I often end up with more than one keeper from any given shooting session, and if I like what I see, I have a hard time choosing a favorite. So they all become my favorites.

And the photos from this morning have been among my faves since I first captured them. I love breakfast time, the way the house begins to come to life, the way the kitchen smells, the way the light plays on the table. I've never been a morning person - sleeping in would be my preferred thing, if life allowed it - but wandering into our sun-filled kitchen for breakfast is often enough to turn my sleepy frown upside-down.

On this particular morning, a new jar of peach jam almost begged for some backlit photography. So I pulled out the camera and had some fun with it before I tucked in to my toast and juice.

Your turn: Why does breakfast matter?
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