McNuggets, anyone?
London, ON, July 2010
About this photo: I'm seeing orange this week, so I'm hoping you will, too. Click here to share your own orange-themed vision. We call it Thematic Photographic, and we promise it won't hurt a bit.There's a chicken processing plant in my town. The second-hand reports of what it's like inside aren't pretty: 100,000 chickens a day, and sights and sounds that would turn us all into instant vegetarians and freak out our children for the rest of their lives.
The trucks that carry the chickens
Aside from the stench, I was struck by the absolute silence of the thing. No clucking, no movement, nothing. Either the poor birds had been drugged beyond consciousness for their final trip, or they were already dead. Either way, I'm eating far less chicken these days.
Your turn: Is the humble McNugget's dietary reign destined to end someday?