One of the photos I took while touring the area exposes something that should put an exclamation mark on what I've been sharing. Here's the city logo for Rochester (above left) and the city flag. Now take a look at the city flag that was flying in front of the High Falls Garage during my recent visit. Do you notice anything unsual? The flag is flying upside down!
Here's another observation. If you consider the letters pointed to by the star points, when inverted, the first three letters going clockwise from the top are F then F (apparently close enough) then F. Since the letter F is the sixth letter of the Alphabet, the FFF is equivalent to 666 and common occult code for the number of the Beast.
Given the context, could the flying of the flag upside down really be unintentional? Whether it is flown that way regularly, I can't say. Neither can I say whether the person who raised it was directed to do it that way by a city official. Really, though, it matters little. You have to know that flying the flag upside down would not have that signification if the flag itself weren't designed to provide for it. That obfuscated signal is inherent in the design as it's based on the logo imagery. The Satanic witchcraft signaling is entirely consistent.
So, what does the Rochester city logo signify? It's yet another sign of the procreative union of the sons of god with the daughters of men. Tell me you're not surprised! It's a stylized flower that is a five-pointed star, aligned with a point on top. A flower is the part of a plant where all the reproductive activity takes place. This is why it's frequently leveraged in occult imagery, for example, by the Rosecrucians with their foundational rose cross image. A star simply represents an angel ("The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches" - Revelation 1:20). Because of the second commandment's prohibition against making graven images of things in heaven, every star image made as a symbol is created in disobedience and therefore signifies a fallen angel. Always. No matter what anybody tells you or what you happen to think about it. The composite star flower signifies fallen angels reproducing, mating with the disobedient among mankind. This promotes the coming mark of the beast and is a recruiting mechanism for the Beast. The City of Rochester chose this for their banner, their identity.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."
Exodus 20:4
What I continue to preach about this second commandment and teach about the symbols should start to sink in at some point, if it hasn't already. This is serious business! How do you think you and I and nearly everyone else got to be so deceived about these things? We have been lied to about graven images. We have been deceived! They are forbidden for our sake, for protection against the certain demonic influence that puts men in bondage. The obedient are blessed, and the disobedient, cursed. Some of our environment is not under our control, and we just have to deal with it. What is in our control should be watched over and guarded with careful obedience.
3) And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4) He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
1 John 2:3-4
Do you have some housekeeping that needs to be done?
During my visit to Rochester I attended a free concert downtown featuring Duke Jupiter. It was a reunion event for the formerly very popular local band. The whole time they were on stage, the City of Rochester flag logo was projected on the backdrop. Pharmakeia was at work. As I looked around the Blue Cross Arena facility I could see many similar occult logos and similar rather obvious architectural images. When I review the statistics for my Web site and check the world map to see where visiters are located I can't help but note how rarely a visit from Upstate NY is logged. Small wonder. The population is significant, but there is little light in the land. Yet, not all is darkness.