A spring in his step
London, ON, August 2010
There must be an unwritten rule that dictates that children can get away with a lot more than adults when it comes to what they wear. As an example, I present our son's flip flops. Only the most self-confident adult - especially a guy - would wear something like this in public. Yet for our son, it's a perfect extension of his sunny personality. When he puts them on, he practically skips through the rest of his day. I don't know about you, but it's been a while since I saw an adult do anything remotely skippy-like.
I'm beginning to think these rules need a bit of a rewrite. Maybe we'd all be happier if we wore stuff like this. Maybe we'd skip a bit more.
Your turn: Would you wear these? Do tell!
One more thing: Thematic Photographic continues to explore this week's theme, kids. Head this way to share your own.