Natural sculpture
Thornhill, ON, August 2010
[Click photo to enlarge]
I've been shooting flowers for almost as long as I've been shooting at all. They stay in one place, they don't talk back, and they let you linger for as long as you need to get the shot. I've accumulated enough pictures of these delightfully ornate examples of Mother Nature's artistry that I thought it might be neat to share 'em for a week. Hence, this week's Thematic Photographic theme, flowers (I know, such a surprise.)
Your turn: Thematic Photographic is our weekly photo sharing extravaganza. It's actually quite simple. Just post a flower-themed pic over at your place. Come on back here and leave the link in a comment. Click over to other participants to share the wealth. Rules are here. All Thematic-themed entries are here. Wagering is strongly frowned on, but simple enjoyment is majorly encouraged.