Laval, QC
July 2009
About this photo: Thematic Photographic celebrates all things kid-like this week. If you've got a kid-themed pic kicking around - and you know you do - click here to join in.Being a dad means different things to different people. Or different things to the same people at different times. However we define the term, there's one aspect of fatherhood that gives me more pleasure than most, namely the opportunity to create memorable moments for our kids.
Since I'm much better at shooting pictures than drawing them - seriously, the stick figure is a stretch for me - the camera's become one of my central tools of being a dad. It's my excuse for getting them to try something new, my let's-pause-and-think-for-a-bit prop, my signal that we can't afford to take life too seriously. So when I pull the Nikon out, they may very well roll their eyes at me, but they still know that we're about to go on a bit of a ride.
On this day, it was Noah's turn to explore the interior of Zayda's car. While his grandfather ran an errand, little man played in the back seat - and I recorded the experience. Like so many of these informal moments in our kids' lives, it wasn't an occasion to get dressed up and pose. It wasn't a marquee event and it didn't merit an invitation and a reply card. It was just a little boy spending the afternoon with his grandfather. And I was lucky enough to be able to record it in some limited way through my lens.
Your turn: An informal moment that's worth remembering. Please discuss.