This is progress
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, August 2010
[Please click here for more transportation goodness]
We see traffic lights every day, but do we really look at them? Probably not, as a detailed analysis might not be advisable when you're negotiating a six-lane intersection at speed, bracketed on one side by some kid balancing driving his dad's Volvo with texting his buddies on his BlackBerry and on the other an octagenarian on her way home from bingo who apparently has difficulty telling the difference between the accelerator and brake pedals.
(For what it's worth, I've encountered both of these folks in recent days. I love London drivers.)
So on an afternoon when I found a set of lights while out on a walk with my wife, I had all the time in the world to explore it with my camera in a way I just couldn't do while fending off Teen Berry King or Grandma Pedal Pusher. Either way, I need to walk more and drive less.
Your turn: What's your favorite traffic signal. Why?