Waste no more
Delray Beach, FL, December 2009
I'll come right out and admit it: I'm a bit of a car freak, so it was with more than a little interest that I watched the entire industry go through one of the most convulsive chapters in its history over the past couple of years. If we can say that the recession was a nasty kick in the teeth to the broader economy, it's similarly safe to conclude that it was that and worse in the car sector.
By the time the dust settled, entire brands like Pontiac, Saturn, Mercury and Hummer were no more. Saab's brush with near-death was staved off by a last-minute buyout that may or may not save the storied Swedish icon.
Which brings us to Hummer. I never understood why this brand existed. Well, maybe I did: To provide unreliable, i
I get that a capitalist-based market thrives on providing choice, but this particular choice always struck me as representative of the worst that humankind can offer. I know most of its drivers can afford to feed their 10 mpg pigs-on-wheels, but that doesn't mean I'm happy that we've arrived at a point in our history when thumbing our nose so obnoxiously at the planet - and each other - is so pervasive. With that in mind, I'm not sorry to see Hummers go.
Still, the photographer in me enjoyed capturing this somewhat dusty example on a sunny Florida day. You can still find aesthetic goodness in something that makes no sense.
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