You say tomato...
London, ON, August 2010
[Please click photo to embiggen]
They say nothing tastes better than vegetables grown in your own garden. Well, these didn't come from my own garden because I do not have a garden. Which is a good thing, because if I had a garden it would be filled with, well, nothing. I kill plants, especially when they're outside, baking in a southwestern Ontario sun. I believe my photo has been posted at the entrance to the local garden centre, and I am quite certain I am banned from purchasing anything that even remotely resembles plants, flowers or even seeds.
My gardenish ineptitude isn't all for naught, however. My inability to grow things from the earth has taught me to appreciate this gift in others. So when our gifted friend gave us these tomatoes from her garden, they were more than mere vegetables. A kitchen table photo shoot was called for, and the result makes me happy.
Your turn: This photo launches our newest Thematic Photographic theme, "still life". What's still life? Simple: If you put it on a table and carefully arrange it so you can take an artsy picture of it, it's still life. What's going on on your table? Shoot it, post it, then let us know where to find it by posting a comment here. Rules, such as they are, for our weekly photo insanity can be found here.