Shine on
London, ON, August 2010
[Click photo to embiggen]
About this photo: Thematic Photographic explores "reflective" this week. My spidey sense senses you want to explore it, too. Go here to see what everyone's yammering about.There's something to be said for the carefully shaped sculptures of plastic and glass that adorn most modern vehicles. I know we don't give them much thought unless they're blindly accelerating toward a particularly sensitive body part or two, but a closer look at the average car today reveals an intricate little micro-world of light management that ensures the vehicle can both see and be seen. Observe an older car next to a newer one and the difference is even more obvious.
So if you see me scrunched down on the sidewalk with my camera mere inches from the corner of a car, you'll know why. My wife will be the one walking briskly in the opposite direction, hiding her face lest anyone realize we're together.
This particular scene is from our family's car, Chloe (see here for her introduction.) Her rear turn signal is particularly fetching, I think.
Your turn: Find a car. Look at the lights. Tell me what you see - or better yet, show me.