Verizon Wireless continues to advance Satan's triple helix DNA scheme through their marketing imagery. I'm going to present two of their more recent occult signaling images.
The first one above right declares, "The Technological Transformation Has Begun." You can almost hear it humming and sense it pulsating. What will become the mark of the Beast is being conceived and will be birthed in the earth before long.
The next one, on left, declares, "Get Ready to Rule the World." Are those clamoring for the Beast and the transforming mark receiving a false promise? Or, is Verizon just aiming higher with the message, giving direct notice to their partners? I'm thinking - both!
The next image is pretty current. I saw on my Yahoo! email screen, if I remember correctly. "RULE THE AIR" is the message. The concentric circles surrounding the girl's head suggest she's broadcasting a signal, as from a chip in her forehead. Since there's a retro looking radio broadcast tower in the upper right, it also suggests Verizon is broadcasting and she's the receiver. Hmmmm. What exactly do they broadcast?
The way she appears makes me think she's pregnant. Her look says, "I've got a secret, guess what it is?" My guess (educated through excessive redundancy of this very message) is that she is being transformed into a hybrid serpent offspring. The doubled spiraling bands are her double strand DNA.
The ubiquitous occult sex magick symbolism is in view. The broadcast tower is the male "obelisk of Osiris." What is emitting from the tower's head are three elements, I'm betting lightning bolts, though they're so tiny its hard to tell. This is the seed of Zeus, of Osiris, that is going to magickally impregnate Isis so that Horus (Apollo - the antichrist Beast) is brought forth. The three bolts as from the sons of god are going to bring forth triple helix offspring. The slogan "RULE THE AIR" is on a horizontal dividing band, the horizontal being a female element. It's surrounding the red globe, which represents the red earth "Adam" circle daughters of men. Familiar yet?
1) And you were dead in your trespasses and sins,
2) in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
Ephesians 2:1-2
This last image is one I scanned in from the latest Verizon promotion. There's no globe and tower, but check out those little devil horns! Oh, they're actually just reflections off the sunglasses on her head. Right.
The Hermetic Maxim is in view, "as above, so below. The red band on the bottom is earthly. The blue above is heavenly. The girl is pictured here spanning from earth to heaven. She's now less in the red than she is in the blue which suggests that her transformation from earthly to heavenly being is well advanced!
A validating testimony is presented by her clothing. Her arms are bare exposing her human flesh, against the red background. Her blouse picks up the theme of the heavenly. Has she picked up a blue strand of DNA? The swirling spiraling DNA strand signal behind her head (where some will receive the mark) is very neatly double banded when close to her head, but "as time goes on," a change in the pattern of her DNA is occurring.
Notice her crossed arms. The crossed arms form the X signaling the X chromosome and the X for "trans" in transgenic transformation. The right hand (where some will receive the mark) signals "thumbs up," echoing the "ok" being signaled on the right by the large checkmark in the branding. This magickal marketing mind control device very closely compares to the "PositiveID" undercurrent. --- affirm the mark --- say yes to the mark --- take the mark. It's ok --- Uh - no. NOT OK!
The marketing blurb presents us with the inner/outer duality of this creature, or, shall we say, beast. "Unleash your inner genius. Express your outer socialite." You get their point, right?
I pray you are being attentive to the Lord's direction today. Night cometh, when no man can work.