Don't tread on me

Step to it
Montreal, QC, August 2010
[Click here for more Thematic sepia]

Sure, they're just stairs. But they're delightfully old and worn, and if they could talk they'd probably have such stories to tell of their countless summers and winters by the water at the far end of the island of Montreal.

After I took this picture, I closed my eyes and wondered what stories those might be.

Your turn: Care to share one?

A Collection of Items

A number of items have been accumulating on the list of "things I'd like to post."

My friend Kathi sent me a link I found really intriguing, knowing the power of visual representations and the likely goal of the CERN effort with the LHC that is to open a dimensional portal.
Artist from Austin TX paints on building at CERN's LHC facility
The image presents both black hole and Higgs Boson events. Thanks Kathi!

The Narnia image appears here not to promote the movie but to expose the occult symbolism present. Do you see how the letter "i" in "Narnia" is being called out to our attention, and how it's associated with the letter "R"? The R is the eye of Horus symbol, confirmed by that clever connection of the curling leg of the "R" dotting the "i," or, the intended homonym "eye."

Notice how both letters "A" have stylized cross members. This element presents in each a subtle Masonic square and compass, and of course, beyond that the overlay of opposing deltas signaling the union of the sons of god with the daughters of men!

If you find yourself around a theater where such a poster appears with nothing better to do, you might have some fun gently pointing out these features to interested passers-by.

C. S. Lewis fans, what you're looking at is not the making of something good into something bad. It's simple an evidence of the wicked deception embraced by Babylon. What Lewis has done in the Chronicles of Narnia fantasy literature is to present selected features of the gospel through symbols. [Correction added on 11/30 (Thanks Joseph!): The gospel has been represented in allegory and symbol as inspired by God and faithful to the Truth at times, in literature as in music and art. The allegorical works brought forth by Lewis have been the subject of plenty of controversy as many have set forth to expose the corruption of his message.] Even when it's dressed in morality tale clothing and sold as entertainment for children, it's still a perversion of the truth, a lie. The works of C. S. Lewis are bewitching, and it's my firm conviction that such has no part in the lives of the godly and can not be considered suitable entertainment for saints of any age.

8) Be of sober spirit, be on the alert Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
9) But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.

1 Peter 5:8-9

This next item comes as an update to the series exposing The Iron Giant animated feature as an antichrist vehicle. When I wrote the series I hadn't yet come to understand the signaling of the clock. What I more recently wrote here, Mecca Time vs. GMT - A Battle for World Domination, joins with a few others where an argument is presented for how the clock itself has been used by our enemies to detach us from the Creator's natural time keeping system and thereby distance us from His ways and from He Himself.

Clocks are commonly found in contexts alongside other elements signalling the Beast and his mark. In the Rexall Pharmacy, with its "Rx" eye of Horus as a featured graphic, one of the key pharmakeia scenes played out when, with musical accompaniment, Hogarth drugged the government agent in a successful bid to elude him. Seeing the drug store as a clock tower simply adds yet another layer to the symbolism, strengthening the network of dots being connected as we learn to see what we're really looking at in the world around us.

Notice the time on the clock. It looks like it's showing exactly 13:00 hours, but if not, it's surely 12:05, one small degree of obfuscation away! Thirteen hundred hours is when the ball drops to mark Greenwich Mean Time, advertising to us in a boastful flaunt this "alternate" or substitute time system under which rule which we become servants of Babylon. Thirteen is the number for the rebellion associated with the Beast and even very particularly with the times of the Beast. Connect the dots and the picture drawn becomes filled with detail.

My watchful friend Phil has continued looking into the recent incident involving the 29 miners trapped in New Zealand's South Island's Pike River mine who have now been written off as dead. It's sad to consider the painful loss of those personally involved in this unfortunate situation as surviving friends and families. Yet, for the sake of those of us who remain in this life with its incumbent struggles, even in the midst of such disasters we must continue to seek whatever the Lord would have us to learn. Thanks Phil, for bringing the logo of the mine company to my attention.

The logo seems innocent enough at a glance. It appears to be a nice lush green mountain with tunnelling inside for black coal. However, it also looks like an sinister face with eyes. It reminds me a little of the helmet of Darth Vader, of Star Wars.

Being familiar with occult signaling you will immediately recognize the ubiquitous pyramid, green like on the dollar bill. The eyes of the logo's green face suggests to me that their pyramid is the capstone eye. The pyramid represents the Beast Kingdom and the capstone, the Beast himself.

The product produced by this company is coal, so they're an energy company. I haven't checked their clientele, but they are probably a supplier for power utilities and therefore a source of the network supplying power and light, illuminating the population in a figure.

There appears to be three primary elements in the logo, signaling the triple helix of the DNA of the Beast and those who receive his mark.

There are spirits in chains bound in chains of darkness under the earth that are are going to be released onto the earth.

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
2 Peter 2:4

Since this release for judgment is associated with the Beast, I have to see this Pike River Coal logo as yet another evidence that this knowledge is well known in the kingdom of darkness. The day for their release approaches.

In another item, some of you are following the Time Wave prediction modeling with rapt attention. Are you aware of the elf connection? Machine Elves 101, or Why Terence McKenna Matters - by Daniel Moler

Finally, here's a few more links of interest.

China, Russia quit dollar

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun

Yesterday's database

Historical drawers
London, ON, February 2010
About this photo: Thematic Photographic, our weekly photo sharing activity, is exploring sepia-toned images through Thursday. If you've got one (or two, or...) that you'd like to share, click here and have at it.
I date myself when I say I remember going to the library and starting every research effort with a trip through the card catalog. You never quite knew where these endless drawers of time-worn, dog-eared cards would send you, and that, I think, was half the fun. The other half was simply drinking in the experience. I can still smell the wood and feel the drawers open and close. You took your time moving from one to the other as you tried to build up the best possible shortlist of finds.

It was never as ruthlessly efficient as a Google search, of course, and when you were back home well after midnight, you were pretty much up a creek if your original research was somewhat lacking (yes, I speak from hard-earned experience.) But no search engine could ever deliver the kind of visceral experience of rooting through the card catalog. It was deliberate, and it required you to show up ready to invest a little of yourself in the process. So whenever I come across an old library, I try to explore the drawers a bit to remind myself of what it once felt like.

I admit I miss it a little.

Your turn: What do we lose as we move from real to virtual?

WikiLeaks sucks

Deliberately hyperbolic headline aside, I'm evolving my feelings toward WikiLeaks. What was first launched as a somewhat altruistic endeavour designed to give political dissidents and whistleblowers a safe haven, a voice and a place to share their message without fear of reprisals from oppressive governments, regimes and organizations, has evolved into a somewhat different, more malevolent animal.

As the world watches the third major release of sensitive documents - this time it's U.S. diplomatic docs, while earlier this year it was the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts that had their inner workings shared with the world - I've been watching founder Julian Assange explain the rationale for his organization's actions. And I find what I'm hearing to be somewhat disturbing.

On the surface, there isn't anything in any of these documents that comes as a surprise. International sniping is a hallmark of the diplomatic process. Is this embarrassing? Sure. But shocking? Hardly.

What raises my antenna is the fact that we now have a process, a pipeline if you will, for disgruntled employees of any entity - government, military, private organization, whatever - to hoover huge amounts of data onto a flash drive, then upload it to this site. Got an axe to grind? The Web now has an answer for you. And Mr. Assange will happily accommodate you under the umbrella of "transparency".

Never mind that this is a pretty grotesque bastardization of proper journalistic process. Never mind that the checks and balances that have long governed the craft are nowhere to be seen. Never mind that no one seems to care whether the greater good is being served here. Make them public, says Mr. Assange. Let the world see what they're really like, he adds, and who really cares about the consequences, anyway?

I do. I spoke with CTV Parliamentary Correspondent Richard Madan yesterday, and he included a clip from the interview in a report he ran on CTV's national newscast at 11. Newscast link is here. Report link is here, and I've embedded the report below.

I also discussed it with Craig Needles from London's AM980, Gary Doyle of Kitchener's 570News, and Jessica Samuels from Kelowna's AM1150. Yahoo! Canada Finance published my article - Wikileaks leak a wakeup call for business - on October 29th. I suspect the discussion - and the leaks that spawned it - will continue for some time.

Your turn: Is WikiLeaks a force of good, a force of evil or something in between?

The Story of Christmas that Should be Told

Since we're in the season filled with activity that most folks believe revolves around Christianity's biggest holiday, there's a few things I'd like to share.

This season brings back so many fond memories of the past, even going back to when I was a young boy growing up in the snow country in Upstate NY. I think back upon how the Lord blessed me so richly, even with parents who loved me and provided for me and my sisters so we could know a peaceful and secure early childhood. Even though I can look back, I wouldn't turn back the clock for anything, not for a moment! I'm so grateful for what the Lord is doing today, I wouldn't want to miss a thing!

Here's an excerpt from something I wrote several years ago, The Story of Christmas that Should be Told.
"A few years ago, my wife (now, ex-) and I had hoped to have another child, but were very disappointed with a miscarriage that had quite an emotional impact on both of us. It was not long after that, while I was in a definite season of grieving, that I was led in my studies into the record of Matthew 2. I had read that chapter many, many times before, which gives an account of the decree made by Herod to put the young boys around Bethlehem to death in an attempt to eliminate the threat of competition for his position as King in Judea. On this particular day I began to consider how the execution of that decree must have impacted the community and in particular the mothers and fathers of the slain toddlers. Quite unexpectedly, the grieving I knew very personally for my own recent loss was replaced or displaced with something else. By a kind of transference, a deep and heavy grief with weeping came upon me as I identified with those parents. I was aware it was not a natural emotional kind of experience, but supernatural. The spirit of God was upon me. It was like an intercessory substitution because it was not for my loss but for theirs. In this state of having this open wound, I poured out my heart to the Lord about why these boys were allowed to be killed - about why He permitted such a tragedy. It was very intense and very personal. This experience continued for several minutes, and then, I was struck with a chilling conviction. The answer was given; I understood the reason why. I had never considered it before - but I immediately knew it to be true, and, that God was just. This is how the Lord led me to what I'm about to share with you; the story of Christmas that should be told."

Regarding the the celebration of Christmas, my friend Aaron found the following presentation, which pretty well answers the question for those who care to know, Should a Christian Celebrate Christmas? Thanks Aaron!

Supercharged wireless: One step closer

Canadians are endlessly fascinating people. We're fascinating for more reasons that I can probably count - and certainly more than you'd be interested in reading here. So I'll pick just one: We love to complain.

We don't just complain. We whine. We moan. We bitch. Bitterly. Passionately. Endlessly. Gloriously.

Yes, I said gloriously. Because we wouldn't be the same if we didn't get into it on a regular basis. Life wouldn't be as rich if we simply sat back and took it. Because of our long winters and sparse population density, our expertise in complaining is probably the one thing that keeps us warm. And sane.

One of our favorite - oops, favourite; I keep forgetting the u - complaint subject revolves around wireless service. Whether it's an old-style cell phone or a newfangled, all singing, all dancing smartphone, we love to complain about how much wireless service costs us and what we get in return.

So when our Industry Minister, a gentleman named Tony Clement, announced the long-term timeline for our country's next major wireless auction, I saw it as an opportunity to write an article that explained why this was significant. Long story short, the next bunch of spectrum that's being auctioned off to wireless carriers will be in the 700 MHz and 2,500 MHz ranges. The former is of particular interest, because it'll underpin the next generation of super-high-speed, all singing, all dancing wireless networks. The service is broadly known as 4G (for 4th generation wireless) and it'll be pretty damn cool when it gets here.

The Toronto Star published my article - The 4G revolution: Canadians face hurdles in search for faster wireless - in today's paper (yes, Joe Jackson fans, I know some folks read it in the Sunday paper) and I've included the little graphic here because it led the business section. Coolness.

Your turn: Three questions, actually. 1) What country do you live in? 2) Are you pleased with your wireless service? 3) Why/why not?

One more thing: I've added a page to the blog that summarizes my published Toronto Star articles. The link is at the top of the page, just below the Written Inc. logo. Or just click here.

Part 5: Jezebel vs Sarah - The Hair Braid Challenge

Continuing from the previous post...

The point I'm making about braids and Jezebel's claim on you and I has nothing to do with "legalism" but rather with simple obedience, the matter of being a doer and not a hearer only.

22) But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
23) For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
24) For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
25) But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

James 1:22-25

"This man shall be blessed in his deed." The converse in this is true, as it can be noted in other passages of scripture that disobedience brings a curse. What I'm presenting here is no radical new doctrine.

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
Deuteronomy 28:15

I don't want you to think I'm just obsessing about braids, here. I'm using this as one clear example, showing that if women are directed not to braid their hair, braiding the hair then becomes the basis for incurring either a blessing or a curse. Now, that's about as obvious as it gets. Cause and effect. Simple and just.

Some will want to rush right along and get to the good stuff, but its my contention that the "good stuff" is already right here. What applies to the braiding of a woman's hair will apply elsewhere and, due to the nature of the spirit of Jezebel that's being brought into the light, it's crucial to advance with unwavering focus on a straight path. Some will struggle here, thinking that, with all the troubling threats in the world, crazy Bob is stuck on hair braids. Remember what I wrote in the last post about the easy dismissal: "Let's not focus on the small issues when there's so many big important issues that need attention." Revoke your license to sin. Dare to look into the perfect law of liberty and be a doer of the work!

I want you to consider a challenge, an experiment, of sorts. If braiding the hair is of no consequence, mattering little to the Lord and with no bearing on blessings and curses, certainly Jezebel has no investment in such trivial matters either. If that's the way it is, you could take a stand on the matter of braids, forbidding such where it's in your authority and teaching and preaching others, as relevant.

Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,
1 Timothy 2:9

If you're a Dad or Mom, enforce it in your family. If your friend braids her hair, teach or remind her of the Lord's direction. If you've got authority in a local assembly, preach it and gently require it as obedience. Watch what happens. If we're not willing even to engage on this level, our own hypocrisy will be exposed, but better now than later.

Some will be eager to comply, perhaps. Yet, in many cases you are not going to be met with a mere dismissal, with causal non-compliance. You are going to be met with fierce defiance. Here's the deal. Draw a line, set any limit, tell Jezebel, no. Be ready to stand firm, or duck and run for cover. Logic will tell you, Wow! Chill out. It's just a hairdo. But we're not dealing with logic. What you encounter may be "full blown Jezebel" or some lesser "infestation" of related demonic agencies of pride and control.

If you think the flaming fury of Jezebel is just a female thing, address the matter to the husbands and fathers and boyfriends of those who braid their hair and remind them of their accountability. Watch what happens. And this, over hair braids!

Dealing with something so basic as hair braids can expose the situation pretty readily. What could seem to matter less? When moving on from braids to other commands, the dynamic remains the same but the arguments encountered can become a little more complex. The proud arrogance and resistance to the exertion of any authority or control is a key characteristic of the spiritual dynamic of Jezebel. Bring forth an authoritative directive and you will raise the ire of the prideful and controlling spirits that define Jezebel.

Am I looking for trouble? No, trouble finds me easily enough. I'm just willing to go where the Lord is leading, and here I am.

More to follow, Lord willing!

Life, the Universe and Everything

Safe haven
Montreal, QC, August 2010
About this photo: We're sharing sepia-toned pictures as part of this week's Thematic. Go here to share yours, or here to learn how the whole thing works. Or just read on if you're in the mood to be amused.
You don't see public lockers too often these days. Security concerns - thanks, Osama - have prompted places like airports and shopping malls to pull them out. Which means we're rapidly running out of places to store the burgeoning piles of stuff we inevitably accumulate when we're out and about.

Bowling alleys are, somewhat interestingly, exempt from this trend. I'm thinking the average cave-dwelling terrorist doesn't curse the Brunswick name at least once every waking moment, and hasn't identified these temples of childhood and post-retiree recreation as worthwhile targets of misplaced, hatred-driven opportunity.

Which is just as well, because places like this are interesting throwbacks to a simpler time*, and I'd hate to think of a world without strikes, spares, gutter balls and really cheesy-looking shirts. It strangely brings me comfort to know bowling alleys continue to survive and thrive.

Your turn: It's easy to dismiss bowling as a ridiculously stupid pastime. Throw a ball down a lane; knock down some pins; repeat. But I suspect there's more to it than that. What's its appeal, then?

One more thing: Why 42? I didn't even realize its significance until I composed the shot. Once I did, I had a good laugh. Which made total strangers look up and furrow their brows in my general direction. I hope fans of the late Douglas Adams enjoy the numeric reference.


* Disclosure: My mother dragged my very young self to her bowling league at a place in Chomedey known, then as now, as the Recreatheque. To this day, walking into any bowling alley ignites memories of sitting on the creaky, two-toned plastic seats while the ladies clucked around me in between frames. I took this picture, as an adult, as my wife and kids watched my now-retired mother bowl with her league. It was a good day, and definitely a circle of life-type moment.

Part 4: Jezebel vs Sarah - Jezebel's Claim on You and I

This post picks up where I left off in Jezebel, Lawlessness and Legal Authority. [Updated 11/28: A paragraph that accidently got dropped in version one has been added back in, so if you got lost while reading version 1, that's probably why. Sorry.]

It was probably less than a week after I came to that huge emotional breakthrough in my life that I was on the phone with my friend Glenn. I had been very enthusiastically telling him about a book the Lord had hooked me up with when he made the stunning point; what was presented in Mr. Jackson's book (Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit) was incomplete. The reason why he identified headcovering as a point of proof could not have been more apparent to me! The matter was one of authority and obedience.

You probably think I'm just going to begin jumping up and down, preaching hellfire and brimstone about headcovering, but, no. You might practice headcovering faithfully and still be controlled by Jezebel. Headcovering is merely one amongst several in a class of commands typically overlooked, neglected and rejected. These particularly open the door for the spirit of Jezebel to have dominion. Due to the current state of affairs, every subject that will be addressed will be controversial and perhaps even seem quite radical.

Jezebel's claim on a person's life is based upon legal authority. This is no different in principle than with any other kind of demonic influence. Demons have legal authority where there is a curse involved, which may be due to a number of factors. The way to deal with Jezebel is to follow the Lord's direction as presented in a general way in James 4.

6b) ...Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
7) Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

James 4:6b-7

What I have to write here is not a manual for personal deliverance or exorcism, though such a result may come. What I'm writing is not a guide to spiritual warfare, though victory may be won through it. What I have to share addresses the fundamental basis for Jezebel's authority, sin. The focus here is going to be most particularly upon the sin that makes Jezebel epidemic in our culture and in the church. No, it's not just the obvious sexual promiscuity or pornography issues, we must look beyond these even to the overlooked, neglected and rejected commandments.

Jezebel has hardly fled from among us, and I'm not now, as from some remote soapbox, addressing those who don't read my blog with these confrontational words. If you, blog reader, have not yet but do dare to prove what I'm presenting in this blog in your own life, genuinely discipling yourself to the Lord who has commanded us thus, you're going to know the Truth that makes us free indeed!

While some will certainly perceive these words as "me being heavy-handed," it must be declared that, if we presume that we can neglect what is being presented without continued consequence we will be proven wrong. You may challenge these words, but I'm testifying with full confidence. If you and I intend to be found worthy of the Bridegroom at His coming, His commands are not optional. His washing of water by the pure Word may be difficult to endure, but it is necessary, absolutely required. The flesh and soul will struggle mightily against it unto death. Yet, this death must come. The struggle must be brought to an end. Few will come to this place. I have no personal assurance that I will come to such a place. I am assured, however, that my Lord is kind, generous and able to bring me to victory, and you, and that He WILL have a spotless Bride! Hallelujah!

You'll notice in all that I've written so far that there's nothing that hints at "how to whip all the "Jezebels" in your world into shape." If there's anything resembling such a work to be done, where those being controlled come to repentance, the only conceivable way it might come about is through your own humble submission to the Lord's commands as a disciple who is himself or herself free. Some claim that those who are controlled by Jezebel might be redeemed, but in my experience such has never been the case. There are degrees of controlling influence, and I've seen some fruit of deliverance, but so far in my experience the deliverance from such been very limited. This has to be dealt with at the root level.

Now, with all that said, I'd like to begin exposing the nature of the chink in our armor, our sin, "laying an axe to the root" of Jezebel. I'm going to begin with an example in 1 Timothy and I'm going to be very specific. I've got to start somewhere and I'm going to start with one that I can illustrate with a graphical example most of you can now appreciate.

Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,
1 Timothy 2:9

You may recognize the image presented as a braid. If you've following this blog for long you may recognize this three strand construction as modeling the DNA that will characterize the Beast and those who take the mark of the Beast. With this insight, it's pretty obvious why you wouldn't want to bear such a testimony. Of course, no such explanation is given in the text. No reason at all is given why women should not adorn themselves with braided hair.

I don't frequent churches anymore, but when I did, I noticed that hair styles there were no different from everywhere else. When braids are fashionable, women in the church wear braids.

Now, if you're like most folks, you're going be reading along here and see that I'm addressing women wearing braids and think this is really petty. A common response to bringing this up is something along the lines of, "Let's not focus on the small issues when there's so many big important issues that really need our attention." While that might seem like sound wisdom and a "common sense" perspective, it's really not an appropriate response. In contrast, there's an old adage you may have heard, "Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves." This is the better wisdom!

To give the old saying a little more clarity, it doesn't mean we can just focus on what we perceive as little things to the exclusion of anything else. It really means that we shouldn't judge the components of an issue as big or little and use that as the basis for dismissing any of them. This wisdom has been applied successfully in the practical contexts of law enforcement, dog training and the coaching of athletes and sports teams. When properly applied, this principle exposes the reasons for failure in many of our endeavors, proving that we generally underrate the value of fundamental details. You'll never have a winning basketball team if your players can't pass the ball, no matter how much they excel at everything else. Now, I don't really care if you ever win at basketball, but I do care if you succeed at the most important contest in life!

24) Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.
25) And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Note to self: If I'm serious about striving for the mastery to obtain an incorruptible crown, I must be temperate in ALL things. That's "all" as in "all", not "all" as in "some," or "most, except for those that are too unfashionable or difficult."

Are you grasping where I'm coming from here? Where's the "wiggle room" in that "temperate in all things" business? How am I going to bail out before I actually get nailed to the cross if there's no "wiggle room"? The point is, I'm not. If you can accept the likes of, "Let's not focus on the small issues when there's so many big important issues that need attention," you can wiggle out of anything and everything. That kind of reasoning is straight from the pit of hell, a putrid flow of the deceitful venom of rebellion. What arrogance to presume that we might be free to dismiss the Lord's commands without consequence!

"Oh, Bob, lighten up. They're just braids." If you're willing to take that approach you've already bought a license to sin, so where will you stop? If you are following me here, you're on to something big!

More to follow, Lord willing!

VIVA (May He Live) - Apollo/Horus - the Beast

Continuing from the previous post, let's consider how the stylish lighting out front fits the scheme.

If you're familiar with the famous California mission bells, you'll recognize the lamps as bells. There's one in Los Gatos, a couple miles away in "Old Town" at the east end of the Main Street bridge.

The guy currently responsible for the promotion and proliferation of these bells, John Kolstad, lives in an adjoining community. He's the guy I encountered at the barber shop back in September, 2010 in one of two notable signs that highlighted the importance and timeliness of the subject. (See California Bell Company - "Originators of the 1906 El Camino Real Mission Bell and other Mission Bells and Bell Street Lights")

These bells are associated with the early Spanish missions. These Roman Catholic outposts were and are a form of pagan "christian cathedral" / pagan temple, houses of idolatrous worship of the ancient gods. These Viva lamps as mission bells establish the link to the local tradition of worshiping Horus as the sun god in ceremonial mass and exalting Isis as the mother goddess through Marian worship.

As referencing bells, we must import into the context of these mission bell lamps everything that applies to the bell that has recently been presented in a study titled, Bells - Supernatural Enchantment and a Biblical Perspective. The bell instrument has a significant role in the pharmakeia/sorcery of Revelation 18:23!

The attributes of this local establishment present a lot of dots to connect, yeah?

Some might argue that I'm making something out of nothing, here. I will argue that critics make nothing out of something, and support that with plenty of evidence of such a kind that is being recognized by growing numbers of folks whose eyes are no longer dimmed by the dark light of the false god Lucifer. Praise the Lord for His work in this season that delivers us from darkness to light!

The bell enchantment is there by way of the imagery yet there's no actual bell ringing. However, a couple other agencies of pharmakeia are actively featured at Viva. They serve alcoholic beverages, which involves the "drug" facet, and they feature "live jazz" on Friday and Saturday nights, bracketing the weekly Shabbat with musical enchantments. This should seem very familiar to those of you who have been following along with The Open Scroll studies for a while.

(This is not to suggest that every instance of alcohol consumption and jazz playing is evil, and neither is that statement an endorsement of any kind. These things must be taken in context.)

For collateral study, see:

Part 12 - "The Iron Giant" signaling the Beast agenda
Stars On Top - Occult Starbucks - More Strange Brew
Pharmaceuticals -The Sorceries of Babylon

The Owl

Now, did you notice the owl perched over the entrance? If nothing else stands out about Viva, certainly the owl should flag our attention! I'll address the general meaning of the owl and the more specific meaning as it appears in the context at Viva.

Quoting from a recent post: "The deCODE logo graphic looks like a pair of lower case letters, "ii" - a pair of "eyes." This is a Watcher theme, since one watches with their eyes. I believe the popularity of owls in occult signaling and worship really points most essentially to the angel Watchers who fell and took wives for themselves among the daughters of men. These "ii" eyes aren't big goog-goog-googly eyes, but I do believe they are equivalent symbols."

You can't see this owl's eyes because they're turned towards the diners. Yet, notice how the owl is positioned near to the double "O" in the word "neighborhood." Consider the "OO" as the owl's Watcher eyes, like g-OO-gle eyes and the "ii" eyes in the deCODE logo.

Many are aware of the owl's association with the gods of mythology and it's popularity with secret societies. "The screech-owl was regarded as the animal familiar of the god Haides just as the little owl (another species) was Athena's bird." (ASKALAPHOS) Athena(Minerva) as the goddesses of Wisdom may well be associated with Viva, given the owl and female gender attention. Yet, I believe the gods referenced must be seen in the most fundamental context, beyond even the manifested personalities of Athena, Isis, and even Apollo and Horus.

The Bohemian Grove features a 40 foot tall owl. One appears in San Francisco's Bohemian Club, a replica of one found on the Acropolis in association with the chief temple dedicated to Athena. (See Owl of Wisdom: Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Schlaraffia, James Gordon Bennett Jr. While visiting the link, scroll down to see the Bell Ringers at Herald Square, with the owl on the bell!) There's the infamous owl that can be drawn around the US Capitol (upon which building's dome appears Liberty/Isis), and the one hidden in the one dollar bill. There's much more that could be noted here but the point has been made that the owl is an important symbol.

This unclean bird is a bird of prey. It hunts for its prey under cover of darkness. This is as a parable for what the Watchers do. The fallen angel offspring, the giants or Nephilim were cannibals, eating human flesh and that of their own kind. As presented in Who is Cain's Father? Part Three, the practice will continue until the curse pronounced upon the serpent in, "Dust you will eat," is fulfilled, and Adam is dust. (Genesis 3:14,19)

It's in this context that you can know why the Viva owl is facing in towards the "eatery." The customers as unsuspecting prey are "on the menu," ultimately. Steve Quayle would get a kick out of this one, who understands and promotes this truth. What is meant by "Neighborhood Eatery" is really that you and I are intended to become as human sacrifices to feed the gods. The "Neighborhood Eatery" is really about eating the neighborhood. Of course, I'm not suggesting that the restaurant is kidnapping and "serving customers" literally like as in "Soylent Green." I believe there is, however, the intentional meaning of actual consumption to be read into the symbolism, and also that there is a kind of sacrifice in view that involves death without literal consumption being required.

Now, as significant an insight as that appears to be, there's yet even more with regard to the restaurant aspect that's being leveraged in this scheme!

A restaurant is where people go to "break bread," which is an idiom that means, to eat. Breaking bread, as an idiom used in the Bible, means, the opening of the understanding. (See The Feeding of the Five Thousand)

They began to relate their experiences on the road and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread.
Luke 24:35

Connect more Viva owl dots. The owl as the secret society's wisdom emblem relates to the watchers eyes and also to the third eye, the enlightened eye of illumination. The illumined ones see themselves as the owls, the enlightened ones who watch and prey. They break bread together, with their eyes being illumined.

That this is an establishment that would be recognized by Freemasons and other "illuminated" societies as one of their temples should be pretty obvious. Masons do represent the guild of builders and are the inheritors of the mysteries behind the buildings made to honor and worship the gods. There are a number of Masonic lodges in the vicinity. The Bohemian Club in San Francisco isn't far away. The Rosicrucians have a remarkable Egyptian museum and extensive library in nearby San Jose, maybe 15 minutes away. If you were in the brotherhood, wouldn't you want to be eating there, soaking up the atmosphere created by the stars, owl and other elements shared with the Egyptian pyramid, Greek and Roman temples, Spanish missions, and "Christian" cathedrals?

There's a link on the Viva home page asking, "what's with all the stars?" When you click through, the landing page simply states, "Why the Shooting Star? Our Viva 'Shooting Star' Symbolizes the Celebration of Great Food, Wine, Spirits & Attitude, and the True Stars [note:image of the Star of Isis appears here] Our Neighborhood Clientele. Thank you for dining with us! The Viva Staff"

On their Web site's About page, you may read, "Viva is more than just a restaurant, we are a Celebration of Great Food, Fine Wines & Spirits, & our Neighborhood Clientele. The 'Shooting Star', visual throughout the restaurant, symbolizes 'Celebration'!"

What's up with the "Neighborhood Clientele" bit? When I read in their blurbs about "Our Neighborhood Clientele," it reads to me like a veiled reference to the local illumined brotherhood, who would be the "True Stars." Note the caps. Note the well placed star image. I really have to agree that it's more than a restaurant. I have to agree that they're celebrating Spirits and Attitude. The ancient spirits. Gloating and prideful Attitudes. Viva - "May he live" Hiram Abiff certainly comes to mind. Seeing the entrance to the restaurant as a version of the familiar Royal Arch of so many tracing boards isn't difficult at all.

There's one last observation I'd like to make about this restaurant and about every public dining area surrounded by such occult signaling as discovered here at Viva. For a while now, I've been wondering just why it is that dining is involved in some of these locations the Lord has had me blogging about. The Clock of Nations in Rochester, NY was featured in the Atrium at Midtown Plaza. You may recall how there was a cafe style restaurant nearby, which was acclaimed as being somewhat of novelty back in its day. When the Clock of Nations was relocated to the ROC airport it was placed right in the midst of the food court, featuring open dining. I've personally eaten in both locations, right next to the clock. It has finally occurred to me that the dynamic here is a reproductive metaphor! Thank you Lord! Let me explain.

In John 6, the Lord is teaching about eternal life. He presented it in such a way that some took great offense, interpreting it as some wierd cannibal doctrine. About this matter, I have written the following.

"The very profound truth hidden here is that food is to the eater like a father is to a son. Something of food is imparted to the eater, which becomes part of them. Something of a father is imparted to the son, which becomes part of them. Get it? Genetic material is transferred from father to son as nutrients are transferred from food to eater. Read the context again with this understanding. Natural food relates to physical life. The genetic material "food" relates here to eternal life! The natural eating involves putting things in your mouth and chewing them up. The other kind of eating is procreative." (Who is Cain's Father?)

Realizing that the devil is not entirely ignorant, and, given his history, going all the way back to the Garden of Eden, I have to acknowledge that he's quite well informed about the eating as reproduction metaphor. This appears to be the reason why these dining facilities are set in such magickal contexts. Wow! It's one more level of powerful sex magick akin to the obelisk and dome.

The serpent dragon wants kids. He's out to get you and I converted, no joke. He is sly and very, very subtle. But he's got nothing on my God! There are many battles to be waged before this war is over, my friend. I pray you and I will be well equipped, with offensive and defensive appointments fit for victory. Hallelujah!

In closing, news of interest with a deadly Masonic connection: Michael Brea, bit-part 'Ugly Betty' actor, says, 'I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her'

The towers that connect us

Palm Beach, FL
December 2008
[Click here for more sepia]

I often write about mobile devices and the wireless networks that make them come alive. So when I'm wandering the hinterlands of this crazy continent of ours, I seem to notice every last iota of technological infrastructure.

Some would call these cell towers ugly. I'm no authority on what defines beauty (except for anything that applies to my wife, of course) but I'll admit I wouldn't want one of these things in my back yard. Or my neighborhood. Or anywhere remotely near any place where I spend any appreciable amount of time.

But like most nimby-esque cell phone tower haters, I willingly consume the bandwidth they pump out. I use my BlackBerry to make work happen, to connect with my family and to keep a window open on the world around me. I realize that the magical wizardry of any technology often comes with a bit of a dark side, and the answer (i.e. towers bad, not here) is never as simple as we wish it could be.

So I like to linger a little whenever I find myself near one of these towers. They're the perfect example of built-to-a-purpose engineering. Nothing is wasted, especially the effort to make any of it look good. Aesthetics? Not so much.

But then I circle back to that whole I'm-no-authority-on-beauty thing. Who says this isn't beautiful in its own way? Who says anything - or anyone - is or is not lovely in its own way? Who elected us final arbiters, anyway?

Your turn: How do you define beauty?

VIVA (May He Live) But who?

It's Thanksgiving Day, and I'm giving thanks for much, and for the Lord granting me eyes that see and ears that hear!

VIVA is a stylish local establishment I see regularly when I shop for groceries. Most probably see it as a lively and fun place. Every time I see it I just shake my head because I recognize it for what it is, a temple to Apollo/Horus that celebrates his return while recruiting worshipers.

The branding imagery practically screams, "Hey, I'm signalling here!" I've been looking forward to the opportunity to address the symbolism, and that time has arrived. So many elements addressed in this blog are in view that I hardly know where to begin pointing them out! Since their Web site puts such emphasis upon the shooting star, let's start there.

Stars represent angels. When you see an image of an angel or star it's a graven image, according to the second commandment. The angels thus represented are fallen angels. When stars are pictured with trails as shooting or falling stars, further emphasis is placed upon the symbol as a fallen angel. Viva's "cover story" for this featured imagery is noteworthy, so I intend to revisit this.

The VIVA sign adorning their gable is rich with symbolism. The word "VIVA" is stylized and offset to position a letter "V" in the center. This is the largest letter, which is even more highly emphasized by placing it as the top layer in the graphic, superimposed over the trail of the shooting star that appears superimposed over the adjoining letters. This "V" suggests the square of the Masonic square and compass, with the gabled roof edge forming the compass. This is the main set of upward and downward pointing deltas signaling the sons of god with the daughters of men. The red "V" is the downward "daughters of men" delta and the gable itself is the upward pointing delta.

Because the "i" is styled as an upward pointing delta, the word "VIVA" presents two pairs of alternating deltas. As you consider them from left to right, they point down, up, then down and up again. This redundancy adds to the subliminal and supernatural influence to the symbol. The balance of the elements in this occult signalling collection do nothing to confuse or dilute the message, serving only to amplify the effect and clarify the meaning.

As I mentioned in recent posts featuring imagery with "stars on top," the common three star collection represents the Egyptian trinity, with the central Horus flanked by Osiris and Isis. The VIVA sign follows this pattern. The way the letter "i" is shaped suggests a pyramid. The star on top is as the luminous "all-seeing lamp-eye of Horus" capstone pictured on the Great Seal of the U.S. That central yellow star represents Horus. The flanking green and orange stars compare to the flanking green and orange of the deCODEme "compare our genetic tests" image, the green being Osiris and the orange, Isis.

Here's an enlarged image of the sign's shooting star so you can tell it's orange. The images below it are blowups of two of the stars inside as seen through the windows. These are both hanging upside down in the manner of signaling "spirit into matter." This, as you should know from previous posts, represents the indwelling of the hosts with devils. It's part of the supernaturalism advancing this primary scheme of the fallen star Lucifer, his Beast and "mark of the beast" regeneration and reproductive scheme.

The gender being emphasized in the gable's symbolic elements is female. The letters are all red, as the Adamic earthly daughters of men. The featured shooting star with the trail is the orange Isis star. If memory serves me correctly, the upside-down bowl shape below the sign is a hieroglyph that can translate as "woman." I believe the reason for this focus on the gender is because it is a "neighborhood eatery," which I'll elaborate upon shortly.

The graphic sex magick that's frequently embedded in esoteric symbols here also involves the star trail. If you consider the five points of the Isis star as a head, arms and legs, with the head pointing towards 2 o'clock the star trail connects as to the birth canal of Isis. From the perspective of a conception, the trail links to the male symbols, the upward pointing deltas. From the perspective of a birth, follow the trail from Isis to the Horus symbol.

"VIVA" translates to life, "long live" or (Italian) "may (he) live." (Collins English Dictionary) Since it's categorized as an Italian/American restaurant, "May he live" is the applicable interpretation. Taking our cues from the imagery, the returning god worshipped by the Romans as Apollo, aka Horus of Egypt is clearly implicated as the "he."

Taking a step back to see this in the larger context, the building's architecture resembles that of a classic temple with columns, a porch and the gable or pediment. Beyond that, elements of classic cathedrals can be identified. Although it may seem strange, this compares to the Amish Star Barn, described in a post that I highly recommend as a collateral study. Ditto, the post describing Rochester, NY's High Falls Garage.

The purpose of a temple building is declared by the imagery featured on the tympanum, where the VIVA sign appears.

"In Classic Greek and Roman architecture, the analogous feature [to the gable] is called the tympanum. Strictly speaking, the tympanum is the infill area, often triangular, of the pediment, which also consists of the raking cornice or ends of the sloped roofs (which may appear to bear, but do not actually bear on the tympanum - the fact that many tympana bear intricate and expensive carvings declaring the building's purpose is evidence of its non-structural role), ..." (Gable - Wikipedia)

What's the purpose of this temple? With the pronouncement of VIVA, "May he live," it gives honor to and celebrates Apollo/Horus!

In accordance with cathedral design, a pyramid (roof of the white room with three windows) is elevated as above the vault, establishing a virtual worship zone below. The typical spire doubles as a pole from which the state flag is flown.

It's interesting to observe that the flag pole spire functions as a lightning rod, lightning being recognized by pagans as the weapon of Zeus, the father of Apollo. This and any lightning rod associated with pagan architectures can be considered as a symbolic witness to the established domain of Zeus. I suspect this was not lost on Ben Franklin, the famous Freemason to whom this invention is attributed.

More to come, Lord willing!

Thematic Photographic 125 - Sepia

Montreal, QC, August 2010
Sepia: A brown pigment obtained from the inklike secretion of various cuttlefish and used with brush or pen in drawing. Photography: A print or photograph made in this color. Source:

Sepia: The theme for this week's Thematic Photographic. To participate, please post a similarly themed pic on your blog, then leave a comment here. Click here for the details on how TP works. Or just dive in and see what develops. Source: Me.
I'm fascinated by sepia for the same reasons that I'm fascinated by monochrome photography in general, because it strips away the patina of color and leaves you with composition and light to tell the story. It's a little simpler, a little more spare. Sepia adds an additional dimension to basic monochrome that seems to pull the entire scene back in time. Just a little. Just enough to let the viewer wonder what it must have been like before...

Before what is up to you. The point is that we take the time to imagine. Which is why we shoot, why we look at and appreciate the results, and why we never stop looking forward to our next stint behind the lens.

Your turn: I've got a hunch that you've got lots of sepia-toned scenes to share over the next week. So I'll step back and get out of your way. If you're still wondering how this all works, just click here.

Part 3: Jezebel vs Sarah - Lawlessness and Legal Authority

Following up from the previous post, my listing of resources does not suggest a blanket endorsement of everything in or related to any of them. Even I were to give such an endorsement, it's no less incumbent upon you to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. Eat the fish and spit out the bones, if you will. This caveat should be in mind when you read what I write here on this blog or in any email, and even when you read the Bible. No version exists that "gives understanding," per se. It's required of us to prove what is encountered by personal interaction with the Truth on the most engaging levels.

There are many instances to be found where you'll encounter some version of what I just wrote, then, relaxing your guard, you're set-up for the immediate subtle deployment of the doctrines of demons. Beware. Don't let your guard down. These are perilous times.

With that said, there are some valuable examples and suggestions contained in those works, and I praise the Lord for those who have had the courage to bring them forward. I could set out to generate another version, one more personal, but what I really have to give is what might be considered adjunct material, particularly intended for the small number of people who will actually receive it.

I don't want to give the impression that I've already mastered what's in the other works referenced. Unfortunately, as some of you know quite well, that's not the case, yet with the Lord's exceeding great mercy and appointment of grace I intend to persist and move forward. I'm still getting an education, and what I'm learning at the present is, frankly, grievous.

If any of this is mock humility or just a show, I'm toast, and I'd like to expand on that a little.

We recently crossed over a threshold into the season of judgment appointed for the church. Signs are confirming what some have received through word of knowledge. The earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand was a notable sign that was marked by the miraculous sparing of life, which followed large earthquakes in Haiti and Chile that were marked by loss of life. The 33 men who were all delivered alive out of the mine in Chile was a dramatic sign. On the 24th of November, as I write, 29 miners trapped in New Zealand's South Island's Pike River mine are all believed to be dead, following a second explosion. While it's too soon to say what the outcome will be, and I don't have insight into detail about this as a sign, this does speak to me in foreboding tones, echoing what I have felt since Yom Kippur. Judgment has arrived. Some will survive the shaking. Others will fall into the pit of destruction. The difference is most basically with regard to humility. Will we accept the Lord's commands and obey, or, will we resist, struggling and striving in rebellion? Mock humility and make-believe is being exposed. The work of the cross of Christ in crucifying the flesh simply is not optional.

Now, what I shared in the last post that had happened to me above eight years ago led very quickly to a number of validations. Each of these was pretty dramatic, but one in particular is more relevant. I was on the phone with a friend, telling him about my recent experience. With enthusiastic reference to the "Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit" book I had just finished reading, I remember exclaiming to Glenn how John Paul Jackson really nailed it! Glenn's response kind of floored me. He said, "Did he really nail it?" Huh? When I asked him what he meant, Glenn asked me if John had addressed headcovering. When I told him that Mr. Jackson didn't, he simply replied, "Well, I guess he didn't really nail it then, did he?" It hit me. WOW! I got it. That was a huge revelation insight!

If you're scratching your head about that, the point of connection is the matter of authority.

To be continued, Lord willing.

Blinded by the light

The Green Lantern
London, ON
October 2010
[Click here for more candid Thematic]

I'm going to bet that this guy had no idea his picture was being taken. I'm also going to bet that he was probably rendered temporarily blind by an apparent explosion of Jello-green brilliance.

I've never been much of a party animal, so I haven't spent huge amounts of time being bathed by laser light filtered through fog machines while dance music assaults my eardrums with the subtlety of a Hummer H1 churning through the dunes on a protected stretch of seashore. Yet I found myself entranced by the scene and wondered if it was even remotely possible to somehow paint it on a memory card.

Short answer: Yes, it is possible.

Long answer: I need to party a little more. Although I've never felt I needed to eat, drink and be merry to, you know, actually be merry, there's a certain coolness associated with tossing yourself onto the dance floor and just enjoying the moment. I won't be making a nightly habit of it, of course, but as an occasional escape, I suspect it'll be good for the old soul.

Your turn: Why we party. Please discuss.

One more thing: I know you've all been having so much fun with this week's candid theme, but all good things must eventually come to an end. New theme, sepia, goes live Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Eastern. If you've got any residual candidness left, click now or not-quite-forever hold your peace.

Black Friday approaches...

It's been a busy writing week so far, and there's more goodness to come from my pen.

Wait, I lie. I'm not using a pen. I'm using a laptop. The last time I wrote something from start to finish in pen was probably in high school. And I'm sure my English teacher went blind from trying to decipher my scrawl. Typing's definitely my thing now, so I'm not sure why I still cling to the notion of "picking up my pen," but I guess it's easier and more artful than "picking up my HP laptop."

Yahoo! Canada Finance has just published my latest piece. If you're Canadian and you're looking across the border for some Black Friday or Cyber Monday bargains, the article, Black Friday is all green for Canadians, may be helpful.

I've also set up a page for everything I've written for Yahoo! Click here to see more.


Is this bird truly candid?

Are you looking at me?
Deerfield Beach, FL, December 2009
[Click photo to embiggen]
[Click here for more candid photo silliness]

I may be stretching things here. I initially selected this photo for this entry because I figured shooting fast-moving birds is about as candid as you can get. Birds don't smile - at least as far as I can tell - and they don't pose. At least not in the way your sequin-gowned Aunt Wilhemina does when she grabs anyone within arm's reach and crinkles her face into a megawatt fake-smile in the general direction of the camera.

Yet the more I looked at this photo, the more I realized the gull was Looking Straight At Me. If he (she?) were a mangy dog, it would be a Cujo moment and I would suddenly hear ominous music play in my head as the blood nervously rushed out of the rest of my body. But Stephen King was nowhere to be found. So we'll have to go with heavily modified Edgar Allen Poe instead.

Oops, literary tangent there. Sorry. So, the bird's not exactly unaware of my presence. Which makes this photo not-quite-candid. But I'll share it here anyway. Because rules were made to be broken. And I like this photo. More importantly, I like that it reminds me of a day when everything in my world was zooming along pretty nicely. Days at the beach will do that to ya.

Your turn: He (she?) is thinking something. I just can't quite put my finger on it. Can you?

He shoots, he scores

London, ON, September 2010
Quick note: This photo supports Thematic Photographic's candid theme. Please click here to participate. It won't hurt.
We never really know how our kids will turn out. We do our best as parents, of course, by learning from our mistakes and from the mistakes of others. Sometimes, it seems like a never-ending, open-ended lab experiment, one that leaves you wondering if all you've done is enough.

The upshot of it all is that there really is no way to know. There isn't a teacher sitting at the front of the class, waving an exam with a letter grade on it. There's no end-of-semester, no finish line, no established metrics for knowing if you've passed or failed. But that's the way it is, so we deal with it.

A small token of validation sometimes comes from watching these little versions of us follow somewhat tentatively in our footsteps. Don't get me wrong, the last thing I'd ever want is for our kids to be carbon copies of us. They're their own people, and nothing brings us greater pride than to watch them follow, without fear, their own path through life. But I admit I get a little jolt of happiness when I see them cross my path, however fleetingly.

For example, all of our kids have become very comfortable around and motivated by cameras and photography. I've never pushed it on them, but I guess a lifetime of having lenses stuck in their faces has rubbed off. Our daughter just got her first Nikon, and she carries it with her wherever she goes. We review her work together and then she heads out and shoots some more. Listening to her talk about the joy she gets from recording the world around her is, frankly, a joy for me, too.

Here, our son explores the nearly-deserted restaurant around us (see here for a scene from the same night.) He was so careful and deliberate with his composition that I couldn't not pick up my wife's camera and record him, too. It made me happy knowing he was happily exploring this place through the lens. My lens. Maybe this parenting thing is going to work out, after all.

Your turn: Are your kids like you? Are you like your parents?

Part 2: Jezebel vs Sarah - My Testimony About Presumptions and the Revelation of Jezebel

Above eight years ago now, I came to a place in my life where I was really stuck. Having reached a point of extreme frustration, I tearfully prayed on my knees beside my bed, crying out to the Lord for relief. That was a pivotal moment, one I hope you will be able to benefit from as I have.

I had been struggling for many months with two looming monsters in my life. 1. Divorce. 2. Bankruptcy. It was so firmly in my mind that if I held out and did my honest best to hang in there that somehow the Lord would see me through to what I envisioned as success. I really wanted my relationship with my wife to be restored and better than before. Also, I wanted very badly to have the opportunity to manage my financial responsibilities without having to declare bankruptcy. I viewed both of these potential outcomes, divorce and bankruptcy, as personal failure and scenarios that would bring shame upon the Lord I claimed to serve. It was my firm conviction that divorce and bankruptcy were contrary to the Lord's will.

Something very profound occurred to me as I cried out in anguish that morning. I had never considered that He might actually consent to my divorce and bankruptcy. I had never thought to ask Him about His will. I was immediately prompted by the Lord, so I proceeded to ask very deliberately the following simple questions. Lord is it your will for me to give my consent for and accept this divorce? Lord, is it your will for me to accept this bankruptcy? I knew even as I asked these questions what the answers were, feeling immediate relief from the many months of stress that had built up inside me. The peace I had lost began to return. When I was finally willing to seek His will sincerely, without concern for what the answers might be, I had the answers I needed. Contrary to what I had long presumed, it was clearly His will for me to accept both the divorce and bankruptcy.

That observation may shock some of you but other's will find my testimony consistent with personal experience.

In language familiar to those of you who know the way of intercessors, I had come to a death in these matters. Nothing of my own was retained, nothing more in which to be proud remained.

Where this breakthrough experience led me to was divorce and bankruptcy, of course, but beyond that there came some unexpected blessing. There was the obvious benefit of having my eyes opened to how I had been deceived by the professing church instead of actually seeking the Truth for my guidance. That was an important lesson in my life about not blindly following the model of the professing church, and another, too, was about the importance of asking without having a leaning or predisposition towards one answer or another. What was really unexpected and MOST WELCOME was how a very troubling and bewildering array of things I had observed as though in shadow was about to be brought into the light!

Later that day or possibly the next day I received a book in the mail, one I had ordered a few days earlier. At the time I ordered it, I had no idea the book might be related to my breakthrough but, when I started to read, it quite obviously was. Funny how the Lord works, sometimes. The book was titled "Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit" by John Paul Jackson. This was my first exposure to such a work, and I was, fair to say, stunned by what I read. Much of what he documented I recognized, having seen it played out very particularly. There was plenty of overlap in our experience. I had no idea the collection of things I'd observed was actually a common set. This was quite a revelation to me, which the Lord validated over the next few days and weeks fairly dramatically through independent means.

I have much more to share about what I've learned since then, and what circumstances led up to that pivotal crisis in my life. What I expect to be focused on, though, is the humility and obedience that is the foundation for our defense and offense against this destructive and deceitful scheme of control spirits, including Jezebel.


Here's a few resources I'm familiar with enough to generally recommend. If you know of others and can attest to their value, please suggest them in comments to this post, for everyone's benefit.

Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit - John Paul Jackson
Jezebel - Seducing Goddess of War - by Jonas Clark
Confronting Jezebel - Discerning and Defeating the Spirit of Control - Steve Sampson
Tim Mather - Out of Bondage
The Three Battlegrounds - Francis Frangipane

The Jezebel Spirits Helpers, Messengers, Slaves and Eunuchs by Jonas Clark

[PDF] The Spirit of Jezebel

[video] Discerning The Jezebel Spirit - All four parts of this video were presented in a post a few days ago.

[video] How the Jezebel Spirit Makes Eunuchs - by Jonas Clark
There are many more by Jonas Clark on YouTube, and I thought each one I watched was valuable.

Jezebel, in our society [added on 12/2/10]

The biggest mistake you can make, when dealing with evil, is to confuse it with sin (Part-2 of 2) - Bob's note: The author shares good observations about the potential for a person's recovery from such a state. Some claim there are instances of recovery. I can only suspect that the potential depends somewhat upon how far down that Jezebel road they've gone - and whether they are wheat or a tare. The Lord knows. I only know what I know, and, quite honestly, that's not much.

In the "How to break" section here, Identify and remove the Jezebel spirit (heaven awaits (by marianne)) you'll find a worthwhile collection of tips on reaching someone who might be salvaged from the control of this wicked demon.

The "Drama Triangle" or "Karpman Drama Triangle" - Persecutor/Victim/Rescuer Role-shifting model

Karpman drama triangle

The Rescue Triangle "or the art of being in charge of yourself and not controlling other people

The Drama Triangle by Steve Karpman with Comments by Patty E. Fleener M.S.W.

Off to the penalty box

Disciplinary action
London, ON, September 2010
[Click here for more Thematic candidness]

You may be surprised to learn that London has a hockey team, the Knights. They play in the Ontario Hockey League - not exactly the big leagues, but it's something we see more as an advantage than anything else.

See, we're a small-ish town, so we'll never have our own major league team. We get that. But it's that smallness that seems to play to our advantage. Games here are still affordable for the average family (vs. a four-figure night for the average Toronto Maple Losers fan) and sitting in the stands still feels like you're part of a community instead of a slick, marketing-driven, moneymaking machine. It filters down to the ice, too, as the players, still working their way up through the hockey hierarchy, haven't become megabuck, megawatt stars.

To wit, Daniel Erlich, #92, who plays centre. He visited our kids' school last year as part of the team's community outreach efforts, and they've been avidly following his progress ever since. He's being billeted by a family we know in the community, and he's been a regular guest on a radio morning show. He isn't a superstar - yet - but he's already the kind of person, a good soul with a tremendous work ethic, that my kids want to emulate.

So when we attended a recent game, I followed him with my camera for a bit because I knew the kids would love to have a picture or two of their favorite player. I've long been critical of how sports has tainted our definition of hero, but a hometown team like the Knights, with good kids like Erlich on the roster, is enough to soften my formerly curmudgeonly attitude.

Maybe he can teach the Maple Losers a thing or two about good sportsmanship, too.

Your turn: Can major/minor league sport ever return to its simpler roots?

More Branding Signaling the Mark of the Beast, plus News and Such

Like how the name and branding imagery of 23andMe is a powerful symbol of the mark of the Beast, a competitor has a logo that, not too surprisingly, appears to be in lockstep.

In the logo of deCODE Genetics I see two figures, red and black, stitched together by a white strand of DNA. This stitching of the two is the union of the sons of god (black) with the daughters of men (red). I believe there is an implicit triple helix DNA signal in this (knowing the CODE, so we can deCODE the meaning), one strand from the red, one strand, black, and one binding strand, white.

In the deCODEme sub-brand the red color from the graphic is picked up by the word "me," validating the symbolic identity of that figure as you and I (the daughters of men). The word "deCODE" picks up the color of the other figure, black (sons of god). I believe this signals that their intent behind all the genetic DECODING is to identify the serpent tree, the non-Adamic seed, in an effort to distill the residual genes and reverse engineer the fallen Nephilim body. Mengele-esque, to be sure.

Because the scheme has been declared redundantly in such a variety of ways, its hard not to see how the deCODE Genetics and deCODEme effort ultimately intends to transform us, creating fit extensions, or, hosts for fallen angels.

Here's a really sly bit of craft! In the letter string "deCODEme" the letters "de" are shorter than the others, so if you read just the emphasized "CODEme" you'll recognize the request, "code me." This compares to the subliminal request from the recently featured Verizon ad: DROIDDOES = "DROID US." This also compares to the subliminal action behind the PositiveID branding, which silently but effectively prompts us to accept (positive - affirm, accept) the mark (ID tag), the implantable microchip that will be the key point of connection and transformation.

Notice how the Hermetic maxim is emphasized in the "deCODEme" images by means of reflections that model to us, "As Above, So Below." The one upper right shows the three overlapped circles, signaling the triple helix DNA and, I believe the Osiris (green), Isis (orange) and Horus (composite triple helix offspring) identities. The reflections are given a lot of emphasis in that graphic, being quite unnatural in that there are three distinct planes of reflection in view. The central and primary Horus image has its own reflection inside the sphere, and the sphere itself has another. I believe the multiple planes reference the different seasons in which these things are manifested in the earth. Horus appeared before and he will again.

The circling green arrows are equivalent to the serpent/dragon ouroboros. Notice how the crossed elements lower left closely resemble the 23andMe chromosome-ish logo.

The deCODE logo graphic looks like a pair of lower case letters, "ii" - a pair of "eyes." This is a Watcher theme, since one watches with their eyes. I believe the popularity of owls in occult signaling and worship really points most essentially to the angel Watchers who fell and took wives for themselves among the daughters of men. These "ii" eyes aren't big goog-goog-googly eyes, but I do believe they are equivalent symbols.

Decode me? Uh uh. No thanks. No please!


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