It's been a busy writing week so far, and there's more goodness to come from my pen.
Wait, I lie. I'm not using a pen.

I'm using a laptop. The last time I wrote something from start to finish in pen was probably in high school. And I'm sure my English teacher went blind from trying to decipher my scrawl. Typing's definitely my thing now, so I'm not sure why I still cling to the notion of "picking up my pen," but I guess it's easier and more artful than "picking up my HP laptop."
Yahoo! Canada Finance has just published my latest piece. If you're Canadian and you're looking across the border for some Black Friday or Cyber Monday bargains, the article,
Black Friday is all green for Canadians, may be helpful.
I've also set up a page for everything I've written for Yahoo!
Click here to see more.